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Jason's P.O.V

I looked at Karla and noticed she had a look in her eye that said 'I think someone is following and watching us'. Sure enough there was a group of guys about 10 or 12 of them with black hoods on.

If they did attack us we would have a chance because we still have our other sides, but we can control them. Its only Karla, Adam, Ty, Seto, Marisol, and me.

>At the mall walking around<

As we walked around I would notice one of those mystery people at each store we went too. "Lets go sit down we have been walking for a while." I said and walked to a table.

Then I started to text Adam even tho he was across from me. I would not risk letting those people hear if they are near us.

(A-Adam, J-Jason)

J- I think some people are following us. No ARE following and watching us.

A- You saw them too? I noticed a guy in all black each time we walked into a store.

J- Yeah. We have to keep an eye on the girls. I don't want anything happening to them. Especially since some one wants to ruin our life's.

A- Ok. You know we can easily bring 'them' out right?

J- You have one of those sides too?! Can you even control it?!

A- That is what my amulet is for. That is why I never said because I did not need any help controlling Skybrine.

J- Oh. Well ether way just keep an eye on the girls.

A- Got it.

>End of text messaging<

'Ok Jason.' Seto said. 'Did you read my mine while I was texting Adam?' 'Yeah. I also told Ty about it too. If we tell the girls they might freak out.' Seto said as he looked at them. 'Good idea just don't tell them. Ok I have a plan.'

>After explaining the plan to everyone through mind reading<

Marisol's P.O.V

Something just seemed very off about walking around everywhere and the boys not letting us go anywhere with out them. They would not even let me throw away my own trash without them following me! What's going on?

We walked into a store and then I noticed that some group of guys have been following u all day! This can't turn out good...

'Marisol, Karla, Can you hear me?' Seto said in our minds. 'Yeah we can hear you.'

'Ok well there is a group of guys following us. But you might of noticed that already. Ether way they are going to show our other sides while I try and take you both home. Got it?' Seto said. All we could do was nod our heads.

"Ty are you ready?" Jason said, and we saw his head phones go purple and when he smiled he showed us his sharp teeth and eyes that where purple too. "Adam. What about you?" He smiled and took off his sun glasses and showed his... Glowing eyes?! When did this happen?!

"What about you Jason?" Adam said. He pulled up his jacket sleeve and showed that his hands where turning black and his eyes where glowing too.

"Ready Seto?" Ty said and then Seto did a little energy ball in his hands and they where red, so where his eyes.

"3, 2, 1... NOW SETO!!!" Jason yelled and then there was a blast! All Karla and I could do was stick together until Seto got our hands and ran.

"What about the others?!" Karla and I yelled at the same time. "It's ok! They are coming!" Seto said and was still running. Then there was about 6 guys blocking our way out.

"Where do you think your going? All we want is her." Then he pointed to... me...

"Why do you want her?! What did she do to you! Huh?! Leave us alone!" Seto yelled and blocked them from getting to Karla and I. "It's not what she did... Its what her brother did to my boss... So we came to do a little pay back you could say."

Man this dude was creepy... They all charged at Seto and he told us to run and that he will come back. So Karla and I ran to our little hid out in the woods.

Then it all seemed to happen to fast...

There was another guy that blocked our path... HOW MANY OF THESE GUYS IN BLACK ARE THERE!!! Karla tried to stop him but he was too fast.

"Leave her alone!" I was sudden by the out burst that Karla had. He went up to me and I tried to run but he had tied me up by then.

Then all he did was go up to Karla and started to punch and kick her. "No! Please stop! She has nothing to do with this! Please stop hurting the people that I care about!" I yelled trying to get him to stop.

Then he ran to me and picked me up and ran. "No! Karla! Adam! Seto! Ty! Jason! Let me go you son of a bitch! What do you want with me! And if I give it to you stop hurting the people that I love and care about!"

All he did was knock me out and the last thing I saw was Karla and the others trying to get me... I did not want any of this to happen... They should of never taken me home with them.

They would be safer without me... Why me... then it went dark...


Hello! Im going to try and update everyday since its summer.

I don't think this chapter was very good. What did you think?

Anyways thank you for reading my so called book and thanks for all the reads on this book! Wow that's a lot of reads! See you Wolfs later.



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