I dont have a chapter name...

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Jason's P.O.V

I looked at the girls... They had cuts on their faces bruises as well... Karla had mostly bruises on her face and not a lot of cuts. Marisol had a cut going over her cheek and one close to her right eye. And Karla had a bruise on her cheek and cuts on her arms.

"Ok. Marisol Karla everyone. Time to go to sleep." I said and turned off the tv. "Noooooo....." Adam said and rolled off the chair he was siting in. "I'll get him." Mitch said and Jerome helped to. They just dragged him to his room while everyone else walked.

I walked into my room and looked in the mirror. "I have to try and be a better big brother..." Then I walked to my bed and laid down and fell asleep.

>Next Morning<

I woke up and changed and went downstairs. It was around 6:30 a.m. in the morning. I went outside and felt the fresh wind blowing. I was just standing there for about another 30 minutes then herd someone open the door.

I turned around and saw Marisol with her backpack in her hands and she just looked at me. "Can you drive me to school? I don't want to go on the bus." She asked and I looked at her and said, "Your not going to school today." I told her and she just looked at me.

"Why?" and she set her backpack down. "Because of the cuts and bruises on you." and she looked at her arms and touched her face. "Oh. But I am going tomorrow right?" "Yeah. But for now go back to sleep ok?" she just nodes and went back inside. so did I.

Then I saw Marisol at the table drawing. She can never get away from that sketch book. I went over and looked and she was drawing our group.

Olivia's P.O.V (what?! Yes you read it right.)

I was on the bus and I did not see Marisol. I fixed my hood so my ears would not show. Did- Did she leave me? I think it was to good to be true to have one real friend. ( Don't take it in the wrong way Livtub382!! I will always be your friend!! You are meh sister!!)

The bus came to a stop and I got off the bus. I'll go see her after school. Then I just went to 1st period which was Math. I just took out a paper and started to write again.

"Olivia! I asked you a question." The math teacher said. "Repeat again please?" I asked. "I said what is the formula for the area of a triangle?" I started to think. "Is it... A= B•H?" I asked.

"No... That is for the area of the square. See me after class ok?" I sighed and nodded. About 45 minutes later the bell rung and I stayed in my seat while everyone left.

Then the Math teacher came up to me and I could feel my ears go down. Good thing he could not see them. "Olivia what's wrong? You would never get that question wrong." He said and sat down across from me.

"I'm just not feeling good today... That's all..." and then he asked, "Do you want me to call someone?" he asked and I looked down. You see... I live by myself in a tree house. Then I remembered I got Jason's and Marisol's number yesterday.

I reached into my pocket and pulled out Jason's number. "He is my best friends brother. Can you call him. My parents are... On vacation and I'm staying with them." he nodded and dialed the number into his phone.

Marisol's P.O.V

I was using Jason's phone and then someone called him. So I answered it. "Hello?" "Hello I am Olivia's math teacher and I was wondering if you can come and pick her up. She is not feeling good." And I answered back saying yes an that Jason would be there in about 10 minutes.

"Jaaaasssssooooonnnn!!!!" I yelled and he came down the stairs. "Whhhhhaaaaaaattttt." he mimicked me. I laughed and so did he. "My friend Olivia needs to be picked up. She is not feeling good." I told Jason and he nodded and picked me up and threw me over his shoulder.

He put me in the car and he got in and started to drive to the school. I looked out the window and in no time we where at the school and I saw Olivia. She saw us and walked to us waving to the teacher. She got in and thanked us for picking her up.

I turned around to face her. "What's wrong. I know your not sick." She looked at me. "I'll tell you when we get to your house." and I nodded and faced forward. Then we arrived at the house.

We all got out and I told Jason that Olivia and I would be upstairs talking. He let us go upstairs and I took my hood off and she noticed my cuts an bruises on my face.

"Yeah... both of us have some explaining to do..." I said and looked at her and made a nervous smile. Amd we both took a seat on the floor and we where about to talk then Karla waked in.

"What happened to both if you?!" Olivia said and looked at both of us. Karla and I laughs nervously and I rub the back of my neck. Karla and my ears go down. "Ok. I guess I will go first then." I said and took a deep breath.


And I shall stop here. Hey Wolfs.

Anyways thank you for reading my so called book thank you Wolfs for all the reads on this. It's really amazing how many people read this book! I'm not even good at writing books! See you Wolfs later. IM OUT!!!


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