No matter what.

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???'s P.O.V

I was waiting in my chair then he came in and dropped a body on the floor. "Is that her? The one I wanted? Her brothers name is Jason Parks and her friends names are, Adam, Ty, Mitch, Jerome, Quentin, Seto, Ian, and Karla? Right?" I asked wanting to make sure she was the right one.

"Yes this is the one. We followed them into the mall and we had a bit of trouble but when we got the Sorcerer to attack we got her." he said.

"Ok. Go put her in the cage like the rest then we will do the test on her for pay back." I said and looked at her limp body and wondered what test we should do on her. And if it will work.

Marisol's P.O.V

I was surrounded by darkness then I saw a light and ran to it. When I entered the light I woke up in a... Cage? "What the hell happened... Where am I?!"

I started to freak out then I remembered what I saw before I blacked out... The ones who loved me tried to get me but could not...

They would all be safer and happier without me. I just caused them trouble and worry. But why am I here in this cage for. Its so small! And not enough room! Ugh...

"Oh good your awake. Let the test begin..." What test?! Are they going to treat me like a lab rat?! Sure as hell no there not! "Who are you and what do you want with me! Just tell me!"

"Lets just say you won't be the same after..."

Jason... please hurry... I need my big brother and I need him now... Im scared...

Jason's P.O.V

They got away with her... They took MY little sister! "Jason. Im sorry its my fault that they took her... beat the crap out of me if you want..." Karla said. It wasn't her fault. It was mine.

"No Karla. This is none of your fault. You did not know they where after us. Don't blame this on you. It's all my fault." Then I walked up to my room and shut the door.

Then I saw the picture she gave me. The picture of us holding hands and walking through a door together. I got the picture and hugged it.

I started to cry to myself then I stopped. "No Jason. You can't cry at a time like this when Marisol needs you." I said to myself. Then Walked back outside of my room.

"We are going to get Marisol back. No matter what happens. We will save her and we will NOT give up. Do I make myself clear." I said with a demanding voice. Wow that was the first for me.

"I said, Do I make myself CLEAR!" ops. that must of scared them a little too much. "Yes." they all said a little sacred at what I had just did.

I had to for Marisol. We need to get her back at all cost.

Wow. Look at Jason being all tough. That's a first for him.

Jason- I felt so grown up! I had the power for once!

Adam- You scared the crap out of us!

Others- Yes you did Jason.

Jason- Ops. Sorry. Blame the Writer! She wrote it not me!

Me- All of you get the fuck out... NOW! you all know I hate when you do this so... GET OUT!!!!

*Everyone runs out*

Better now...

Anyways thank you for reading my so called book. If you know anyone who would like this book please share it too them. Thanks for all the reads too! Words cannot explain how surprised I am about that! See you Wolfs later.


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