Faint Before the King ~ Part Two

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With their voices dry and cracked from screaming both of them began to breath in mouthfuls of desperate breath, their lungs and ribs aching from the lack of air as they huffed and puffed. With sharp in takes of breath and her voice cracked and dry Mary-Gold managed to usher with each intake of breath. “What, in, jumping, jelly beans, is wrong?”

“Mary-Gold” ushered Juliana in a low dry cracked voice, “you gave me a fright.”

“I gave, you, a fright? You’re the one, who bumped into me, and started screaming at me, with no reason. I’ve never been, so frightened, in all my life” she replied with her hand over her over pounding heart.

“I’m sorry. I thought you were someone else” rasped Juliana trying to moisture her dry lips.

“Who did you think I was?”

Exhausted as they continued to catch their breath Mary- Gold could see hesitant fearful look in her blue eyes, as she looked away and back again continuously unable to answer. She could see it was something she didn’t want to discuss or even speak a word about, and decided it would be better not to repeat her question and not push it any further. At that moment she realised how parched and dry her mouth felt, that it would possibly be the best to relax, unwind and sit down for a drink to refresh themselves to help calm their jutted nerves.

“I think I’ll make some tea,” said Mary-Gold still holding on to the jar in her hand oblivious to its emptiness and its scattered contents on the floor, when she began to open the lidless jar did she realise it was already open and empty as she look down at it. After seeing the tiny thin flowers scattered all over the floor around their feet, “oh, dear” she sighed as she bent down picking the flowers one by one placing them back into the jar as Juliana also bent down to join her.

Picking up the flowers one by one as they worked together, there was an awkward silence between them, as both of them were just as tired as one another and their nerves tense and uptight from the breathless fright which left them exhausted. Holding one of the flowers up before placing it back in the jar, she looked at the flower closely she couldn’t help but as ask, “so, what kind of flowers are these? I’ve never seen this flower before.”

“Honeysuckles” Mary-Gold replied after placing the last flower into the jar, “there not easy to find in crowded places. But I must admit, they are my favourite and I can’t go without them.”

Standing up and slumping her shoulder down as she tried to relax herself as she gave out aloud sigh, with Juliana following her in tow, Mary-Gold sighed as she looked at the sofa and chairs in the sitting room and found it inappropriate to unwind completely. She then looked at the dark tall cupboard that stood against the middle of the wall, it was darker than the rest of the furniture in the cottage and it served no real purpose as it stood alone out of place on the far wall. The cupboard didn’t process anything or value or of needful purpose there was only one real use for it and that is what she was about to do.

Knowing full well that her guest watched her as she went to the cupboard, standing before the dark dull lonesome thing she placed her palms flat on the dark ebony oakish doors of the cupboard, as her fingers crept into its centre edge of its opening. Juliana frowned in confusion her eyes cluelessly scrunched up as she watched Mary-Gold use her fingers to dig into the dark wood when the handles were in tacked and inch away from her hands.  

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