The bet Norway x Chubby Reader

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Readers POV

You sighed again he gave you a Norwegian flag colored corset and a pair of white skinny jeans.

“Did you do this because of my crush on Lukas.”


You put on the clothes. ‘I look terrible. You thought.’ You visibly winced at your disgusting body in the mirror. 

“Come on (Name) I want to see,” he wined like a toddler.

You grabbed your thighs and belly and made a dirty look.

“Do I have to?”

“Yes” he chimed from outside.

You walked out seeing Poland smirking at you.

“Good now wear it for the day and the bet is done.” He took a picture of you.

“I swear if you show that to anyone and I mean anyone I will paint your whole house blue with permanent non-washable paint.” He gasped.

“Fine just go home.”

Time Skip…

You decided to go for a walk when you were stopped outside by your crush Lukas. “Hi Lukas.”

“Hello (Name) are you ready for the boat ride?”

“What are you talking about?”

“Well Poland said you wanted to hang out so I thought we should go on a boat ride.”

“Oh right well about that…(you explained the bet). Well I would still love to go on a boat ride.”

“Are you sure I don’t want to make you go if you don’t want to.”

“I’m sure its fine. I love the water remember!”

“Oh yes that right. Well than lets go.”

Time skip to on the boat in the sea…

“Hey (Name) thanks for hanging out with me.”

“Well I happy too!”

“Does what your wearing mean what I think it does?”

“Hm oh this what does it mean?”

“Well it shows a country the upmost affection of love by wearing their colors.”

“I didn’t know that but I would say yes that I love you.”

“I love you too (Name).”

“What now?”

“Well would you be my girlfriend?” He grabbed your hand and looked you in the eyes.

“Yes Lukas I would love to be your girlfriend.” Then he kissed you and you kissed back with the same amount of love in it. You were truly happy sitting next to your boyfriend who made you feel beautiful. 

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