The Bet MaleUkraine x Reader

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Readers POV

You sighed again he gave you a white dress shirt and a black skirt. You like it but it made your stomach and thighs stick out.

“I actually like it.”


“Yes but I don’t like how it looks on my stomach and thighs.”

“Let me see (Name) hurry up,” he wined like a toddler.

“Do I have to?”

“Yes” he chimed from outside.

You walked out seeing Poland smirking at you.

“Good now wear it for the day and the bet is done.” He took a picture of you.

“I swear if you show that to anyone and I mean anyone I will ask Dimitri for his pitchfork and tear your favorite clothes to shreds.” He gasped.

“Fine just go home.”

Time skip… 9:45am

Someone knocked at your door. “Hello?” After you opened your door you gasped. Dimitri (MaleUkraine) your crush was holding (fav. flowers) and gave them to you.

“Thanks Dimitri.”

“You are welcome (Name). Might I say you look very lovely in that outfit you are wearing~.”

“T-thanks.” No,no,no,no I’m stuttering.

“Well I see that you are ready to go on our date yes?”


“Well my beautiful princess lets go.” He hooked your arm in his and started walking. Oh my gosh you are being swept off to a date by your crush. Whatever Poland did I don’t think I’m mad at him anymore. While you were in thought Dimitri stopped walking at the café which pulled you out of your thoughts.

“Sorry I was lost in thought.”

“It’s ok we are here.”

Time skip to after you eat and walk home…

“Thanks Dimitri I had a good time.”

“No thank you for gracing me with your wonderful presence my lady.” Then you had a full on blush attack.

“Hey (Name) are you ok? Here let me check your temperature.” Then he kissed you once on the forehead, cheek and then the most wonderful kiss on your lush lips.

“By the way I heard from Poland that you don’t think you are beautiful. But you shouldn’t think that because I think you are the most beautiful person in the world with your chubbiness. It makes you look so adorable. So would you be my girlfriend and let me show you how beautiful you really are?” You started crying.

“Yes and thank you.” He wiped your tears away and embraced you in a hug.

“I love you.”

“I love you too.”

Hetalia x Chubby Reader The bet intro.Where stories live. Discover now