The bet 2p Japan x Chubby reader

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Readers POV

You sighed again he gave you a well look at the picture. You put on the clothes. ‘I look terrible. You thought.’ You visibly winced at your disgusting body in the mirror. You grabbed your thighs and arms and made a dirty look.

“Come on (Name) I want to see,” he wined like a toddler.

 “Do I have to?”

“Yes” he chimed from outside.

You walked out seeing Poland smirking at you.

“Good now wear it for the day and the bet is done.” He took a picture of you.

“I swear if you show that to anyone and I mean anyone I will paint your whole house blue with permanent non-washable paint.” He gasped.

“Fine just go home.”

Time skip… 9:33am

You heard a motorcycle outside so you went outside even though you felt embarrassed but ticked that someone had interrupted your quiet neighborhood. “Who is making that racket!?”

“Hey (Name)~. You look super sexy in that.”

“Oh its you Kuro. … I DO NOT LOOK SEXY.”

“Oh come on (Name) just hurry up and get on my bike so we can go race~.”

“What are you talking about!?”

“Calm your tits. Poland said you warmed up to the idea of racing.”

“Well he is a big liar. I am NOT going with you.”

“Suit your self you had the option.” He suddenly walked over and through you over his shoulder.

“KURO put my fat ass down.”

“Suit your self.” He sat down on his bike and put you behind him. Then he revved up his motorcycle.

“You wouldn’t dare.”

“Oh wouldn’t I~.” Then he made his way to the club you holding on to him for dear life.

Time Skip at the club... 

“Stay close.”

“Or else?”

“Some one might want to kill you.”

“Hey Kuro,” said a voice.


“Whose the chic?”

“My girl and if anyone even thinks of touching her I will kill you.” You were thinking his girl?

“What are you talking MPH-” Then he kissed you with a rough passion making you slightly moan.

“See she is my girl!”

“Yes I am!” 

Hetalia x Chubby Reader The bet intro.Where stories live. Discover now