The bet Lithuania x Chubby Reader

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Readers POV

You sighed again he gave you a black dress with black Convers. You put on the clothes. ‘I look terrible. You thought.’ You visibly winced at your disgusting body in the mirror. You grabbed your thighs and belly and made a dirty look.

“Come on (Name) I want to see,” he wined like a toddler.

“Do I have to?”

“Yes” he chimed from outside.

You walked out seeing Poland smirking at you.

“Good now wear it for the day and the bet is done.” He took a picture of you.

“I swear if you show that to anyone and I mean anyone I will paint your whole house blue with permanent non-washable paint.” He gasped.

Time Skip you didn’t leave Poland’s house you stayed to gossip…

The doorbell rang. “Like (Name) go get it.”

“Fine twinkle toes.” You stood up and went to the door.

“Hello,” you said answering the door.

“H-hi (Name)”

“Hi Toris.”

“U-um (Name) would you like to go to this new theme park that just opened?”

“Sure I would love to!”

“Poland I’m ditching you.”

“Like whatever I didn’t want your company anyway but you still have to wear that dress~!” You giggled you could just see the pout on his face.

“Ok fine lets go Toris.”


Time Skip to the park…

“So why do you have to wear that dress?”

“Well (explains bet).”

“Oh ok well you look very nice in it.”

“Thanks but I don’t think so because I’m just a fat ass.”

“Don’t you DARE say that again (Name) I think you look wonderful.” Crap his dark side is coming out that he learned from Ivan.

“Ok fine calm down.”


Time skip to the end of the day…

“Hey (Name) we still have to ride one more ride.”

“Which one?”

“Close your eyes I will take you over there.”

“Ok.” You guys walk for about two minutes.

“We are here.” He removes his hands from your eyes and sees him blushing to where he pulled you. It was in front of the tunnel of love.

“O-ok we the last ride right T-Toris.”

“Y-yea (N-Name). You both get on the ride and on it he kisses you very passionate until the end of the ride.

“I had a great time (Name),” he said walking to the front with you holding your hand.

“Me too.”

“I love you (Name).”

“I love you too Toris.” Then you guys shared a sweet kiss before he walked you home.

“(Name),” he said on your doorstep.


“You are m-my new girlfriend right?”

“Yes.” Then you gave him a kiss on the nose while you walked inside.  

Hetalia x Chubby Reader The bet intro.Where stories live. Discover now