The bet Spain x Chubby Reader

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Readers POV

You sighed again he gave you a red salsa dancing dress and some heels to match. You put on the clothes. ‘I look terrible. You thought.’ You visibly winced at your disgusting body in the mirror. You grabbed your thighs and belly and made a dirty look.

“I look like I’m going salsa dancing.”

“Maybe you are.”

“What was that?”

“Nothing! Now come on (Name) I want to see,” he wined like a toddler.

 “Do I have to?”

“Yes” he chimed from outside.

You walked out seeing Poland smirking at you.

“Good now wear it for the day and the bet is done.” He took a picture of you.

“I swear if you show that to anyone and I mean anyone I will paint your whole house blue with permanent non-washable paint.” He gasped.

“Fine just go home.”

Time skip…

When you got home Antonio was standing at my door. “Hey Toni what are you doing.”

“Hey chica it looks like you are ready for dancing yes?”

“Um what are you talking about.”

“Well your clothes and Poland said that jou wanted to go salsa dancing.”

“Well Poland’s a liar but I would love to go dancing with you!”

Time skip to his house…

“Jou know (Name) jou look very hermoso (beautiful) in that dress.”

“Thanks I’m glad you think so but I don’t think so.”

“Why don’t jou think so.”

“Well I’m ugly, fat, MPH!” He pulled you into a passionate kiss.

“Chica jou are so beautiful in so many ways. You have the most gorgeous eyes, nice hair and a great personality. I personally love that beautiful fluff you have it make my heart soar looking at you. Te amo (Name).

“I love you too Toni!”

“Good now my princesa would jou like to dance.

“Si!” So the music started and you danced a few passionate dances when you got tired and sat on his couch.

“Jou tired?”


“Well there is still one dance we haven’t danced yet that I think jou would like.”

“What is is?” He sat down and pulled you into his lap. Then he got his mouth next to your ear.

“The one passionate dance that we haven’t danced yet is the dance of love~.”

Time skip…

The next morning you woke up in your boyfriend’s arms while he started petting your hair. You were finally happy you founded some one that loves you for you.

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