The bet Canada x Chubby Reader

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Readers POV

You looked at what he gave you and face palmed. He gave you a red finger skating top and black slacks.

“Poland I’m not going ice skating.”

“Well actually I told Canada that you wanted to learn how to skate.”


“Yep he will be over at your house in one hour.”

“I am going to kill you.”

“No think of it as a favor since I know you love him~.”

“I should of never told you.”

“Hey but we wouldn’t be having this fun now would we.”

You put on the clothes. ‘I look terrible. You thought.’ You visibly winced at your disgusting body in the mirror. 

“Come on (Name) I want to see,” he wined like a toddler.

You grabbed your thighs and belly and made a dirty look.

“Do I have to?”

“Yes and I’m going to do your hair” he chimed from outside.

You walked out seeing Poland smirking at you.

“Good now wear it for the day and the bet is done.” He took a picture of you.

“I swear if you show that to anyone and I mean anyone I will paint your whole house blue with permanent non-washable paint.” He gasped.

“Fine. Now sweetie let me do your hair.”

Time Skip (he put your hair in a French braid) now you are at home…

Your doorbell rang so you answer the door and saw Matthew blushing up a storm. “Hey Matt sorry about the getup Poland made me wear it.”

“N-No its fine l-lets go.” This was weird he was stuttering more than usually but you decided to drop it. When you got there no one was inside.

“Is it closed?”

“Y-yes to the public but since I’m apart of the hockey team I can come here whenever I want.”

“Really that is so cool. You should have told me that you played hockey I love the sport and I would love to watch you play!”


“Oh coarse.”

Time skip to on the rink…

“You are doing great (Name)!”

“Thanks hey watch this.” You took a quick run around the rink then ran for the middle and did a jump spin.

“Wow that was amazing (Name).

“Thanks Matt hey I’m going to take a break ok.”

“Sure (Name).” You went to the side of the rink where the hockey players would sit and sat on the bench when you saw Matthew skating over and sitting by you.

“Oh Matt you don’t have to take a break for me.”

“Well I want to spend time with you and I could use a break too.”

“Alright!” For the next ten minutes you guys sat not talking to each other just resting.

“Hey Matt are you ready to go back on the ice?”

“Sure (Name).” Then Matt picked you up and started skating towards the middle of the rink.

“YIPE. Matt put me down I’m heavy.”

“No you are light (Name) to me. I was thinking we should some more advanced moves.”


“Well you skate to the corner of the rink then you skate towards me and I will pick you up and spin you around.”

“Um I think that is to advanced for me.”

“Nonsense lets give it a go.”

“But Matt I’ll crush you.”

“NO you won’t (Name) you are beautiful, light as a feather, most wonderful girl I’ve ever met and I love you so much ever since we met!”

“M-Matt I love you too.”

“Good now do you trust me?”

“Yes.” So you did the move but something un-expectant happened after he put you down he kissed you on the lips slowly and passionate at the same time. When you broke away he put his forehead on yours and whispered “Je t'aime.”

“I love you too Matt. I really do.”

Hetalia x Chubby Reader The bet intro.Where stories live. Discover now