Hetalia The Bet: Russia x Chubby Reader

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ou sighed again he gave you a zip up the front sunflower short dress. The dress goes to your knees.

“Did you do this because of my crush on Russia.”


You put on the clothes. ‘I look terrible. You thought.’ You visibly winced at your disgusting body in the mirror. 

“Come on (Name) I want to see,” he wined like a toddler.

You grabbed your thighs and belly and made a dirty look.

“Do I have to?”

“Yes” he chimed from outside.

You walked out seeing Poland smirking at you.

“Good now wear it for the day and the bet is done.” He took a picture of you. You were about protest when he interrupted you.

“Oh and I arranged for you and Russia to spend the day together.” You screamed.


“Yep so go.” He pushed you out of his house. You sighed.

“No avoiding this now.”

Time skip to your house…

“Hello (Name),” you looked up from sitting on the porch.

“Hello Ivan how are you,” you sighed.

“I’m good and you look wonderful.”

“Thanks ready to go?”


Time Skip…

He took you out for a picnic out in the sunflower field. “This is nice Ivan.”

“Thanks now lets eat.”

Time Skip…

“Thanks for lunch Ivan I really appreciate it.” You laid back on the picnic blanket and closed your eyes.

“Your welcome sunflower.” He ‘checked’ you out while your eyes were closed. You popped an eye open.

“Hey Ivan.”

“Da sunflower?”

“Why do you call me sunflower?”

“Well you are special to me and you are beautiful like a sunflower.” You opened your other eye and saw that Ivan was blushing lightly. You sat up and looked at him.

“I’m not beautiful. I hate how I look with this fluff.” You frowned.

“Sunflower don’t say such things about yourself. You are beautiful, special to me and I like girls with meat on their bones so you fit the package.” He gave a warming smile at you and pulled you into an embrace. “But Iva-,” he cut you off by giving a rough kiss.

“Beautiful,” he said and you were blushing like crazy. “Well you know sunflower I think I know how you could look more beautiful.” You were wondering where this was going. He whispered, “I think you would look even more beautiful if we took that dress off.” Now your face looked like a fire truck so instead of answering him you kissed him. He smirked at your answer and well lets just say that you ended up in his bed the next morning with no clothes and the dress ripped to shreds on the floor.

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