Chapter 20: The End

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Castiels POV (several years later)

After the funeral I never got over Dean. Everywhere I looked I'd see his face or a flash of his old leather jacket, his music playing continuously in my ears, his laugh sounding deep from the recesses of my mind. Anna had requested I get help from someone but I didn't, I could manage fine on my own. I took on Deans attitude, adopting his ways of not caring and always looking out for myself, no longer willing to let people push me around. I did manage to get along in my life, I managed to survive.
I still remember Dean to this day, his memory always haunting mine, keeping my mind alive with his presence. I think of all the things I learned from Dean and I treasure everything about them, not letting his unknown teachings go to waste. I made sure to keep in touch with Sam, he went to law school, became a lawyer, even got engaged to a pretty girl, Jessica. I told him how proud Dean would be, he had smiles sadly, wrapping me in a brotherly hug, nodding his head. I like to think that Dean is still around, still here in the things we do or think. That we are keeping his memory alive today by repeating his actions. I'll never forget Dean Winchester, I'll never stop loving him until I join him. Although I know he would want me to move on with my life, to be happy, I'll never love someone as much as I did Dean Winchester. I did manage to find someone who loves me, I did manage to love them back, and I did manage to make a family. However Dean will still live on within me, he will always be apart of my life.
I love you too.


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