Chapter 17

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Deans POV
Guilt washes through me as I see Cas take his seat. He sits quietly glancing over at me every ten minutes or so, his eyes filled with worry. I try my best to keep my eyes directed on the front of the room, the class showing their projects. So far everyone has either done a PowerPoint, something to do with religions, the war, or many other things. Our project sits in front of me, staring me right in the face, practically telling me to look at Cas, to talk to him, but I ignore it. When it's our turn to present we stand and make our way to the front of the room, awkwardly standing side by side.
"You may begin," the teacher says.
I clear my throat before speaking.
"We did our project as a drawing to show the artistic side of history that we've learned about in class. Throughout history artists have put their beliefs or thoughts into their paintings and we wanted to show that we understood what message the artists were trying to show by putting our own beliefs into a drawing."
"We combined our beliefs to make one drawing that showed how we viewed the world. I believe that God has angels looking after us, while my partner Dean believes that only we can fight off the evil plaguing the world. So, in our project we show a man, with weapons in his hands ready to fight anything that comes at him, with wings spread behind him, showing that he is a protector and fighting for the good of the world," Castiel finishes.
The class applauds and the teacher writes down our score as we quietly return to our seats.
I should be like this drawing, I think to myself, I should be willing to fight for Cas, not let my father get to my head, not let him take another good thing away from me...but what if something were to happen to Cas? What if he were to get hurt because of me? I can't let that happen, I won't.
As the rest of the class talks about their projects I listen to my thoughts, running through everything that I could do to keep Castiel away from my father, make sure he doesn't get hurt. If I could just stand up to my father, let him know that I will not put up with his threats any longer, then maybe just maybe that would keep Castiel safe. I nod to myself as I decide my plan of action.I'll go to the house after school today, I'll let my father know that I won't deal with him any longer, that I'm going to do what I want from now on. When the bell rings I jump to my feet, eager to leave the school and get the confrontation over with so I no longer have to worry.
I think briefly of telling Castiel my plan and decide that I should, I've been avoiding him all day without giving him an explanation. He darts past me and into the hallway, making his way through the students and outside.
"Cas!" I call after him. He rushes out the schools doors and I'm hot on his heels, reaching out a hand I grasp his shoulder and turn him around. His eyes shine with unshed tears and guilt washes through me.
"Finally noticing me huh?" Castiel says sharply, hurt evident in his voice.
"Cas, I'm sorry. I just couldn't stop thinking about what my father said to me, I didn't want you to get hurt because of me but don't worry okay? I'm going to put an end to it, I'm going to make sure he can't hurt you Cas," I say reaching for his hand.
"Dean, I've been harassed all day long but you ignoring me hurt the worst. I thought that maybe you didn't like me anymore, that you were through with me. For all I know this could be a stupid trick you're pulling on me," Castiel says pulling back.
"Cas...I-I can't see you get hurt okay? I care about you, so don't ever think otherwise. Ill take care of everything I promise," I say, pulling Castiel into a tight hug, he clings to me desperately letting out a breath of relief. I pull back slightly and graze his lips with mine.
A throat clears behind us and I turn to find Sam with his arms crossed and Gabriel looking sheepishly at the ground.
"Are you two love birds done?" Sam asks impatiently. I pull him under my arm and ruffle his hair, him squirming in protest. We head to the Impala and drive out of the schools parking lot, driving down the road to the hotel.
"Dean can I hang with Gabe for a while?" Sam asks once the car is stopped.
"Yea sure go ahead Sammy," I say over my shoulder, facing Castiel as they clamber out.
"It's Sam!" He yells before slamming the door shit.
"I'll stop by later okay? Then everything will be fine and you'll be safe," I say.
"I'm coming with you," Cas says.
"Cas, you can't. You have to stay here," I deny.
"No, Dean I'm coming with you," Castiel says stubbornly, crossing his arms daring me to defy him. I let out a long breath, knowing I'll get no where arguing with him.
"Fine," I huff out.
"Wait here and I swear to god if you drive off," he says exiting the car with a shake of his head, his threat hanging unfinished in the air. When Cas returns he straps on his seatbelt and I pull out, taking the long way to my fathers house.
"What's your plan?" Castiel asks.
"I'm going to tell him that I'm going to do what I want. That he can't control me anymore. I'm going to make sure to get out of that house, both Sammy and I need to be away from him, I see that now," I whisper.
"Where will you go?" Cas asks.
"Bobby's. He'll take us in, look out for us like he always has," I say. He nods his head in understanding and I stop on the curb. My fathers house looming before me. Taking a shaky breath I kill the engine and walk up to the door, I don't protest when I hear Castiels quiet footsteps following after me.

Castiels POV
As we walk up to the peeling wooden door I see Deans hand shake as he lifts it to the knob. I know this is taking a great amount of courage from him, he's listened to his father his whole life, and now he's willing to go against him for me. Once the door is open light floods into the dark room, the smell of alcohol drowning my senses. A dark figure lies on the couch, the Tv flickering bright light among his form.
"Who is it?" The form grumbles as it gets to its feet.
"Dad," Dean says walking further into the room as I trail behind him.
"Dean? Is that your little fag friend behind you? What did I tell you boy?" Deans father wobbles on his feet, obviously still drunk.
"I don't care what you said. I'm going to be with Castiel whether you want me to or not," Dean says calmly.
"What did you just say?" Deans father says angrily, staggering forward.
"I'm not going to take orders from you any longer, Sammy and I are leaving. You're a poor excuse for a father and we are better else where!" Dean says, pushing me back to the wall.
"Did your boyfriend tell you this? Has he gotten to you? I'm the only family you've got left! No one else will want you!" Deans father screams.
"You are not my family!" Dean replies, yelling just as loudly.
"Dean we should go now," I whisper quietly, tugging on the back of his shirt. He nods his head, maneuvering his way towards the door. His father watches our every move, until suddenly he leaps forward, Dean flies into the wall, his head making a sickening crack against it. My eyes widen in fear as I look from Dean to his father, frozen where I stand.
"Cas! Go!" Dean yells at me, pulling me from my trance. I move too late, his father grasping my shirt in his hands and shoving me against the wall. Before I can react his hands are clasped around my throat, air cut off as my throat is being crushed. I claw at his hands, sucking in air, my feet come off the ground as he lifts me, black dots beginning to fill my vision.
"No!" I hear Dean shout. I'm dropped, the hands releasing my throat and I collapse to the ground, deans father staggering backwards. Dean lifts me to my feet, dragging us out the door and shoving us in the car while his father is stunned. Soon I hear his angered road as he steps outside, Dean pulling quickly away from the curb, peeling down the street.
"Cas! Cas! Can you hear me? Are you okay?" Dean yells at me frantically, his hand waving in front of my face. My eyes come into focus and I nod almost lazily, my lungs are on fire but I ignore the discomfort they cause me.
"Shit!" Dean curses under his breath, increasing the cars speed. Glancing back out the window I see a black truck speeding after us, swerving down the road.
"Is that...?" I say.
"Fuck! Yes it is! He's gone crazy!" Dean yells, white knuckles grasping the wheel. He makes a sharp turn and I'm thrown against the door, my head swimming.
"Put your seatbelt on goddammit!" Dean yells at me, I use my hands and search for it, pulling it across my body. Dean makes another turn, cursing loudly as the truck gains on us.

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