Chapter 16

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Deans POV
I open my eyes groggily, my head pounding with pain. Slowly I sit up in my bed, groaning as the light hits my eyes. I scrunch my eyebrows in confusion when I find myself naked beneath the sheets, a sleeping figure beside me. This afternoon rushes back to me and I remember the event that took place. Castiel shifts in his sleep beside me and my stomach growls. I'd only had the alcohol running through my system all day with no food. As I climb out of the bed my hidden bottle of liquor falls to the floor. I thank god Cas hadn't found it when he was cleaning up the beer bottles. Slipping into some pajama bottoms and stashing the liquor in my closet I head downstairs. The only source of light I have streams in from window, the street lamp and moon casting a dim glow throughout the house. I search Bobby's fridge and rummage around in his cabinets, finding two granola bars and an apple to snack on. I tear into one of the granola bars, sitting quietly at the counter in the still house. Creaks and groans emit from all around and I remember how I used those to my advantage against my father. How I'd shoot awake the instant I heard a floorboard creak, using them as a self security system. I've lost my appetite for food thinking about my father. Thinking about the words he said to me, the words he threatened me with.
Oh god, I think horrified, what if he finds out Cas came here today? That he spent the night?
My breathing increasing I silently panic, my eyes darting around the room and out the window. Another creak sounds in the house and I jump in my chair, clambering up the stairs back to my room. Opening the door and finding Cas calmly sleeping helps to bring my nerves down, putting me to rest. I eye my closet and bite my lip.
Maybe just one sip would be ok? To calm me down. Keeping my eyes on Castiels sleeping form I walk to my closet, sliding open the doors and reaching for the bottle. I feel the cool glass on my fingertips, crouching to the floor I screw off the lid, my back now to Cas as I raise the bottle to my lips. I must admit, I'm afraid I'll become just like my father, an abusive drunk who can't take care of his kids, but the alcohol gives me a thrill, stirs something inside me.
"Dean?" I hear Cas' sleep laced voice.
Ripping the bottle from my lips I spin towards him, it slips from my hand, the liquid spilling on the floor.
"Shit," I say scooping the bottle in my hand and setting it down. I lose my balance and fall on my ass, causing a loud thump to sound in the room. The lamp light flicks on flooding the room and Cas rubs his sleepy eyes.
"It's ok go back to bed," I say quickly stuffing the bottle in the closet.
"Dean," Castiel says a disappointed look gracing his soft features, "what are you doing?"
I stand to my feet walking quietly over to the bed and sit beside him.
"Nothing, it's ok," I say reaching for the lamps light.
He grabs my chin with his hand, forcing me to look into his sparkling blue eyes.
"You've been drinking," he states.
"Cas I-" I begin to say. He releases my chin, falling back onto the bed, letting out an exasperated sigh.
"Save it," he snaps and turns his back on me.
I place my arms on either side if him, resting my head on his shoulder.
"I'm sorry Cas, I just can't forget what my father said. It helps me stay calm," I apologize.
"It's stupid Dean, you shouldn't need the alcohol to help you. Doesn't your father drink? You see how it makes him act, I don't want that to happen to you," Castiel says his tone harsh.
"I'm sorry,"I mumble, pressing a light kiss to his skin. He moves under my touch, staring into my eyes.
"I know you are, but Dean you should stop drinking," he says caressing my cheek and I lean into his touch.
"Maybe I should use you as a calming tool instead," I say my eyes closing.
"Ill do anything to help," Cas whispers, his arms slinking behind my neck pulling me closer. I kiss him slowly, ignoring his pleas for more, I want to show him how much I care for him. Kissing a trail down his neck I suck, bite, and lick my way down to his stomach. Leaving several dark marks across his soft skin as I go. I nip playfully along his hip bones as small mewls escape his mouth. His hands snake into my hair, tugging and pulling, my hands caressing his thighs with gentle touches. I slowly move the sheets off of him, exposing him fully before my eyes. His eyes are clenched shut, but fly open when I take him in my mouth. He gasps, his hands fisting the sheets as he squirms, his eyes dilating till only a ring of blue remains. I bob my head up and down his length, my tongue teasingly licking along his shaft, I swirl the tip of him in my mouth and he groans his hips bucking out of his control. My own hands grip his hips, holding him down onto the mattress to still his movements.
"D-dean," Cas grinds out, his legs beginning to shake, "Dean, I'm c-close." I move around him faster and soon he comes in my mouth, I swallow all that he releases and return to his side. He pants and a content smile frames his lips, I kiss him one last time before turning out the light and falling asleep again. Castiels fingers playing in my hair as I rest my head against his chest, his heart beating loud and strong.

Castiels POV
My alarm blares out a hideous sound, echoing around the tiny room. I slip out from under Deans sleepy hold and reach over to find the alarm, shutting it off with a loud sigh. Running a hand up my face I shake my hand through my hair, sticking it up in a crazy mess.
"Dean," I whisper shaking him lightly.
"Mmm," he groans his face scrunching.
"Dean we have to get up," I say.
"Whhhyyy?" He whines, his eyes still stubbornly closed.
"It's Monday, we have school. Come on get up," I say, retreating out of the warm bed and tugging on some boxers.
"Caass," Dean groans as he stretches. I throw a pair of boxers at him and he lazily pulls them on, smirking as he finds me watching.
"See something you like?" Dean says.
"Something like that," I grin, opening the door and walking to the bathroom. He trails after me, pressing his front to my back and kissing my neck. We hop in the shower and are soon ready to leave by 7:00. Dean still yawns now and again and I can't help but smile at him in his half awake half asleep state. Once we are finished eating we head out to the Impala, Sam sitting in the back seat.
"We have to stop by the hotel," I tell Dean as he drives quietly down the road, Led Zeppelin filling the silence. Dean just nods his head, eyes fixed on the road. Slowing the car Dean parks by the curb, I quickly climb out and approach the hotels door, knocking lightly. The door opens and Anna pulls me into a tight hug.
"Castiel! Are you ok?" She asks.
"Anna I'm fine, I stayed at Deans last night...he needed me," I explain, squirming out of her hold and retrieving my backpack.
"I figured you stayed there but I was worried. Next time call me Castiel," Anna scolds me, giving me her best glare.
"Sorry Anna I will. I have to go to school, I'll be home after," I say, giving her a kiss on the cheek.
"Take Gabe would you," she says ushering Gabriel out the door with me. Returning to the car I resume my seat up front and Gabe slides in the back, him and Sam chatter away and I scoot towards Dean, grasping his hand in mine.
"Is everything ok?" I whisper. He glances at me, giving my fingers a squeeze and a small smile.
"Yea," Dean nods.
I'm concerned about him, he seems distant today and what he was saying last night has me nervous. His father had said something, something to cause Dean to worry. I let it go for now, planning to ask him about it in history.

Entering my first class I'm immediately assaulted by Crowley. I should have remembered when I returned to school he'd be here, just waiting to continue to torture me.
"Hey Cassie, long time no see," Crowley purrs when I take my seat. I don't bother replying, instead taking out a notebook and scratching down the notes from the board. The teachers voice drones on throughout the class period, Crowley inserting ideas of where I'd been all last week. I'm harassed the rest of my periods, Crowley's friends taking his place in my other classes, until I find relief in fourth period. Or so I thought until I realize Dean is doing his best to ignore me.

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