Chapter 18

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Castiels POV
The truck continues to speed after us, showing no signs of retreat. Dean has muttered and shouted every curse word imaginable as I sit in quiet panic, my hand grasping the door and leather seats. My mind clearing as oxygen flows through it again.
"Dean! We have to stop! We're going to crash!" I yell as we narrowly miss a passing car. Horns blare as we pass by, people yelling, but Dean only increases the speed.
"I can't stop! I need to lose him!" Dean shouts at me. We run several stop signs until the truck disappears behind us and Dean begins to slow, safe for the time being.
"Are you okay?" Dean asks looking at me.
"I'm fine," I say.
"I'm sorry Cas I didn't want any of this to happen. I didn't mean for you to get dragged into the middle of all of this," Dean sighs.
"I'm okay Dean, really. And at least it's over now...right?" I ask.
"Right," he confirms. He leans over, pecking me lightly on the cheek, then he turns his attention back to the road.

The truck appears out of no where, the black metal glinting in the sun as it races towards us. Dean has no time to react, the car screeching to a halt as Dean tries to shift in reverse. I hear the crunch of metal before ringing settles in my ears, the world spins around me, glass flying by my eyes, until everything comes to a stop, until everything fades into blackness.

Sirens pierce past the ringing in my ears, tires screeching against the asphalt. I open my eyes, my mind foggy and unclear, pain erupts in my body as I reach for my seatbelt. Unclasping it, I groan as it slides along my body, I hear ragged breathing next to me.
"Dean," I say, my throat constricting in pain, "Dean!"
"Cas..." He mumbles beside me. I feel his fingers twitch beside mine and I face him as much as I can. Blood runs down his face, cuts and gashes all along his cheeks and forehead, his hair is matted down with blood, red staining his shirt. I assess his body with my eyes as he smiles past he pain at me. A shard of glass is wedged between his ribs, blood pouring from the injury.
"Dean," I whimper.
"It's..okay," Dean says, blood dripping from his mouth, his breathing almost sounding as if he has hiccups, "it's..over. You'," Dean says, his green eyes dimming with every word.
"Dean! No please dean! Stay with me!" I yell at him, his eyes beginning to flutter closed. Shouting sounds from outside, people approaching the car, tearing the molded together metal apart, trying to reach us.
"Cas...Cas," Dean struggles to speak, his words coming out in whispers. I move across the seat, clasping his hand in mine, his head now resting on my shoulder as I press my cheek against his bloodied hair.
"Its okay Dean, everything's going to be fine. They're going to get us help, just hang on, please just hang on," I say kissing his forehead fiercely. Another shaky breath escapes him, his form shaking with it.
"Cas...I-I love you," Dean says, his body going slack against mine.
"I love you too. Just a little longer okay? Then we can go back to see Sam, you can live with Bobby, and everything will be okay," I say, squeezing his rough hand.
"I love you," Dean repeats, all breath leaving his body as he stills against me. His wounds still oozing blood, even though he breaths no more. A sob escapes my throat, tears running down my eyes as policemen rip open the door.
"I love you too," I whisper before they pull his body from mine. Checking hastily for a pulse only to find nothing. I'm pulled out next, placed carefully onto a gurney and rushed to an ambulance, shouting occurring all around me. But I process none of it, I can't focus on anything except for Deans last words.
I love you.

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