Chapter 2

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Deans POV
Entering history I quickly slide into my seat while the teacher is taking role. She doesn't look up from the chart as she calls names so I know she won't notice I'm late. When my name is called and marked down I notice someone looking at me. I look back towards them and notice it's the guy who rammed into me this morning. He quickly averts his gaze when I look at him and I take this as a chance to really look at him. He's wearing a tan trench coat that looks a size too big for him, his hair is dark and unruly like he's just gotten out of bed, and I remember his eyes from the hallway. A shocking blue color that had me doing a double take to make sure they were really that blue. I wish he would look at me again just so I could see those blue eyes again.
Wait. No. What the hell am I thinking? I don't want to see those blue eyes again. I don't want some guy in a trench coat staring at me period.
I shake my head and focus on the history teacher, trying instead to think of something else. Like maybe Lisa, I've liked her for a while but I never asked her out, afraid I'd ruin our friendship. But I can't seem to even think about Lisa very long so maybe it wouldn't be so bad to think about that strange kid in the trench coat?
"No, I can't," I think to myself shoving those thoughts away. I don't like guys that way, I don't want them looking at me, I don't want to think about looking at them, especially since I got shoved in the hallway by him. Besides, my father is against it, if he found out I was even thinking about it he'd kill me. Probably disown me as his son and then I wouldn't be able to protect Sammy from him when he's drunk. Sammy, I've got to get ahold of these stupid thoughts for Sammy.

Castiels POV
When I get to history class Dean isn't there. I'm slightly disappointed, but I shouldn't be. I'm over my crush on him, aren't I? I sure hope I am, though now I begin to doubt I am, I feel like my crush on him consumes my thoughts. However, when Deans name is called for roll and I hear his voice I can't help but look towards him, a small smile makes its way onto my face. Until I see his stunning green eyes on mine, I turn quickly towards the front and focus on the lesson. Soon I forget a bit about Dean and I'm pulled into the world of history. I can tell I'm leaning forwards on my desk, there is a burn in my elbows, but I don't care. I want to be further sucked into the history world. It seems like a better time than where I am. At least it would've been a bit easier to hide that I like guys. Then I begin to think about what it would be like to have Dean Winchester as a boyfriend. Not that it would happen, but if it did would I be protected by him? Or would he end up becoming like me? Bullied and hated at school with only one person to turn to when things become too hard? I don't think it would ever happen but I wish there was a possibility that it would, that Dean could like me and we could be happy together. I try and clear these thoughts out of my head but an image of Dean and I holding hands pops into my head instead and I smile. Once the teacher is done with her lesson she begins to give us all an assignment. Our big end of the semester assignment.
"On this assignment you are to work with a partner. That means that I expect you all to get it done and no one should be working alone or not have anything to turn in. Now stop giving your friends looks because I've assigned partners for you, I want this done without people goofing off. I will give you the remainder of this class time to begin working on it and you may have to work on this assignment at home. Divide up the work evenly between the both if you so that way both of you can get full credit for working on this. Now here is the paper explaining the assignment in detail of what I expect to see, the partners are Jim and Ronny, Clara and Chandler, Zachariah and Uriel, Ruby and Meg, Dean and get with your partners and work," the teacher announces. I'm stunned, I can't move from my seat. I slowly turn towards Dean and begin to rise from my seat. People are already talking about how they want to do the project and I am contemplating on how I'm even going to speak to Dean. As I approach him he gives me a weird look and I grimace as I explain why I'm standing there.
"Hi, I'm Castiel," I say my voice rushing the words.
"My partner Castiel?" Dean says his eyebrow raised, arms folded in front of his chest.
"Y-yes," I stutter out the words.
"The boy from this morning in the hallway?" Dean asks again.
My eyes go wide and I panic, thinking that he may be mad at me for what happened.
"I did explain that it was an accident," I say quickly sitting in the seat beside him.
"That's true, well Cas what are you thinking for the project?" Dean casually says making my heart flutter when I hear him call me Cas.

Deans POV
When I see the boy in the trench coat stand and begin to walk towards me I think the worst.
Oh god please no, not him, why does it have to be this guy with the amazing blue eyes I can't seem to stop thinking about?
He stops by my side and I look up at him waiting for him to speak.
"Hi, I'm Castiel," he says his voice slurring the words together.
Even his voice is great, deep and musical to hear on my ears.
"My partner Castiel?" I ask him, crossing my arms over my chest and raising my eyebrow at him. I want to come off a bit intimidating so he knows he won't be able to boss me around with this project.
"Y-yes," he says stuttering, practically tripping on his words. I try not to laugh at him.
"The boy from this morning in the hallway?" I ask, I want to make sure it really is him so I know that I'm not mistaking him for the wrong blue eyed boy.
"I did explain that it was an accident," he says falling into the open seat by me.
"That's true," I say remembering him apologizing, "well Cas, what are you thinking for the project?"
Why did I just call him Cas? I barely know him! I think but play it off as nothing while waiting for him to answer.
"Well um, it says here in the paper we have the options of doing several things, we could do a PowerPoint, a poster board, some kind of art project, or a big long research paper," Castiel says looking back up at me.
"No research paper those are boring and take too much time, PowerPoint is a no I'm not good with techy computer programs, and poster board really? Boring and stupid," I say giving him my honest opinion, feet slung up onto my desk.
"Well that leaves doing an art project, like painting, drawing, sewing. Something that we have to make ourselves."
"That shouldn't be too bad," I say, " we could do a painting, since we've been learning more details of famous artists."
"That would also show that we have actually learned something from class, what would you want to paint?" Cas asks wetting his lips with his tongue.
"Good question, time to brainstorm I guess," I say tilting my head back, my lips slightly pursed.
I notice Castiel staring and give him a smirk.
"Like what you see?" I ask knowing he's gay from Crowley and his friends.
He blushes and looks at the paper, sitting up straighter in the desk and clearing his throat. I feel bad for saying that, like I'm making fun of him because I know what Crowley does to humiliate him everyday.
"Sorry, I didn't really think about it," I say putting my feet, my hand grasping his shoulder.
"It's fine, I'm used to it," he says his words clipped and emotionless, "anyway back to the project. How did you want to work on this? We can figure out what to paint later but how did you want to divide up the work?"
"Well, that didn't really occur to me how we were gonna make that work. Lets see," I say biting my bottom lip, "we could just work on it at each others houses? I mean if we were to bring it to school, it would probably get ruined and there's not a lot of time to work on it here."
"You're sure you want to do that?" Cas asks disbeliefed, "At our houses? Knowing that I'm-you know and you would be fine with that?"
"Well yea, we've gotta get this project done. Why make it hard on ourselves? Just as long as you don't pull any moves we should be alright," I say smiling.
"You don't need to worry about that," he says blushing, "Are we going to work on it today? Or when?"
"Yea today could work. Your house alright?" I ask wanting to get this project over and done with as quickly as possible but not at my house. My father would possibly be home today, drunk and waiting for a fight.
"That should be fine," Cas says dropping his gaze once more.
I think about Sammy and know I can't leave him alone with my dad, taking a big shot I ask Castiel a risky question.
"Hey, uh you think it'd be alright if I brought my little brother along?"
"Yea that's fine by me," Cas says smiling in relief.

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