Chapter 12

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Castiels POV
When Dean confessed that he had feelings for me I was speechless. Happiness consumes me and I thought I would explode with the joy I felt. I had loved Dean since the moment I laid my eyes on him in grade school, now that I'm here it feels like a dream. I'm kissed senseless by Dean, his whole being consuming me and I lose myself inside him. When he breaks away with a small chuckle I silently pout, but smile again when he wraps his arm around my waist, bringing us back inside.
"Hey boys," Bobby says, a knowing smile on his lips. He doesn't mention Deans arm draped around my waist but I feel self conscious, nervous even.
Sam gives Dean a small smile, confusion evident in his eyes.
"Maybe you should talk to Sam about us," I whisper to Dean. He nods his head in agreement.
"Sammy come here," Dean says, slipping his arm over Sam's shoulder and taking him outside. I'm left standing awkwardly in the middle of the room, Bobby staring at me.
"You know Castiel, Dean likes you very much. He's not one to show his feelings to just anyone, especially someone who's not family. So I'm going to assume you're very special to him and I don't want him to get hurt," Bobby says to me.
"Sir, I've liked Dean for a long time. I can promise you I will love him as much as he will me and I won't hurt him," I promise.
"Well then, welcome to the family," Bobby says embracing me.
"Bobby, speaking of family, you seem to know Dean like he's your son. So, I was wondering...what happened to him? How'd he get hurt?" I ask, knowing Dean isn't going to tell me, at least not for a long while.
"How much has he told you?" Bobby asks.
"He just said it was an accident with some boys, but I know he's lying so I called him out on it. But...he wouldn't explain, Bobby it worries me," I say glancing towards the door.
"I think it would be best that he tell you in his own time. When he's ready," Bobby says. I nod my head, I want to know more but Bobby's right. I have to wait for Dean to tell me himself.
"I knew he was more than just your partner!" I hear Sam shout from outside, accusation in his voice.
"Sure you did," I hear Dean reply. Looking out the window I see Dean has Sam in a head lock, playfully knuckling his head giving him a noogie.
He's mine, I think to myself, and I won't hurt him, I will do everything I can to make sure he isn't harmed.
When Dean returns back to the house his grin is big, Sam smiling along side him. I smile back at them and Dean places my hand is his, giving my cheek a small peck. My cheeks heat up and I look to the floor embarrassed. I love that Dean is showing his affection towards me but it's still new, to the both of us. Bobby and Sam leave us alone after a while and we are left sitting on the couch.
"I'll have to go back there soon," I sigh, remembering all my things are there and Michael will surely make me return, whether I want to or not.
"Why don't you just stay here? With me? You obviously hate it there and I don't want you being around those people," Dean says pleadingly.
"I can't, if my brothers find out about us-" I try to explain.
"So what? Let them find out, if they have a problem with it they can talk to me," Dean says and I feel him getting tense beside me. I place a soothing hand on his knee and he winces.
"Sorry," I say pulling my hand back quickly, "you forgot to take your meds with breakfast, didn't you?"
"Well I got distracted," Dean says giving me a playful smile. Standing I go in the kitchen where he has left the pills sitting on the counter. Filling a glass with water I return to the couch. Dean swallows the medication, making a disgusted face at the taste, and I laugh at him. Pulling me back down beside him I lay my head on his shoulder.
"I should get back there," I say closing my eyes.
"In a while," Dean murmurs the medicine already taking affect.
Maybe it's too high of a dosage? I think, it works rather fast but then again he is in pain.
"Will you tell me what happened?" I ask, not wanting to pester him but wanting to fill my curiosity.
"Not for a while," Dean says his voice growing softer. His arm becomes heavier on my shoulder, his body more relaxed, and his head droops. Quietly I slip from his arms, laying him more properly on the couch. I place a small kiss to his forehead.
"Goodbye for now Dean," I whisper.

Deans POV
I'm cowering in the corner, fear locking me place. Dad walks around the house smashing anything in his way. He's shouting loud enough that I'm sure the neighbors will call the cops. I silently pray they do. Either he hasn't noticed me yet or he's decided to ignore me for now. My knees are pulled to my chest, hands clenched in white knuckled fists, my whole body shaking uncontrollably. Dads back to yelling, glass shatters, and he curses. Sammy's upstairs, hiding safely in his closet where I put him. I came back down, trying to calm my father but nothing had worked. His eyes glazed he had hit me. I don't think he knew what he was doing but either way I feel the painful sting of his knuckles on my cheek. So, here I am, sitting in a corner, waiting for my chance to escape up the stairs. He seems to sense what I plan to do and stalks towards me, his shadow blanketing over me as I look at him in fear.

I jerk awake, sweat dripping from my hair. My second nightmare now and I'm starting to worry they are returning. They haven't happened since I was 14, I thought they had finally gone away.
Maybe it's the medicine, I think hoping that once I stop taking it they will go away. Looking around I find that I'm still on the couch, I don't see Cas anywhere, and it's only about 1:00 in the afternoon.
"Cas?" I call out, no answer. I go to stand but my leg has gone numb, as I crash to the floor Sam enters the room.
"You okay Dean?" Sam asks helping me to my feet.
"Yea I'm good, where's Cas?" I ask.
"He left, said he had to 'go willingly before he got dragged back', then he left," Sam says.
"And you let him leave? You didn't find that a bit suspicious that he would be 'dragged back if he didn't leave'?" I ask Sam.
"Well a bit but he was dead set on leaving," Sam says.
"Go after him," Bobby speaks up from the doorway.
"I don't know where he's staying. He's at his other brothers house," I say already frustrated, "dammit Cas."
"Does he have a phone?" Sam asks.
"I don't know, I don't think so," I say shaking my head.
"What are you gonna do?" Sam asks.
"I don't know, I'll have to wait for him to turn up," I say dropping back down onto the couch.

It's been almost 3 days since I've seen Cas. I haven't gone to school, my leg still paining me, I think something may be broken but I don't want to mention it. It will only put more worry on Bobby's shoulders and I hate hospitals. I think about mine and Cas' project, it's what brought us together in the first place and I realize I really want to finish it. Finding my backpack in my car I take out the notebook with our sketch. Cas had said it needed a little work on it and I see what he means. Bobby finds me a small poster paper and I begin to sketch the drawing again, fixing every mistake I make. When my shoulder starts to throb from my position I set down the pencil. It's only half way done, my whole day spent working on it, wanting to perfect it to show Cas. I hope nothing bad has happened to him and thinking that something has I want to find him. Glancing at the clock I see it's too late for me to go searching, instead I promise myself that I will look for him tomorrow, take my pills, and go to bed. The cold space beside me has me longing to feel Cas in my arms again. I'm in and out of sleep all night, the nightmares haunting me and becoming worse every passing day.

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