Chapter 9

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Castiels POV
I fall asleep on the drive to Lucifers house. My new house, my subconscious adds disgustedly. So when I wake up to Lucifer shaking me I almost hit him. I would give anything not to be here, to be as far away from this place as possible. It's dark out and I can barely make out his house in the blackness.
"Hurry up," Lucifer says, grabbing me by the collar of my shirt and hauling me out of the car.
"Let go of me," I say angrily.
"Don't give me attitude Castiel," Lucifer says his eyes shining. He'd obviously taken something while I was passed out. I listen to him and become quiet, allowing him to drag me inside his house. Once inside my senses are hit with a foul odor. I gag before I can stop myself.
"It smells like something died in here," I say my hands covering my nose.
Lucifer merely shrugs and leads me to a room. I trip over my feet and land on the floor, he shuts the door behind me and I hear a lock click in place. Luckily there's a window but I find that, though I can open it, bars surround the outside of it. I'm trapped. I sigh and look around the room, trying to find a clean spot on the hardwood floor. Clothes and garbage surround me and I almost gag again before I finally decide to sit under the window. Sitting on my bag I rest my head against the wall and soon fall into an uncomfortable sleep.

Light streams in through the window, the warmth heating me up. I open my eyes and see the mess before me, remembering where I am. I want to cry, but I don't, instead I get up off the floor and survey the room. It's dirty and in need of a deep cleaning, I dare to wonder if he has any living creatures hiding in the piles of filth around me. I step around each pile, careful of where I place my foot and make it to the door. Trying the handle I find I'm still locked inside. It's a Monday, I have school, and here I am trapped in a shit hole of a room. I bang on the door, wondering if Lucifer is even home, but there is no answer. I sigh loudly, sliding down the door before thinking better of it. I kick my foot out, disturbing a pile of clothes and something skitters from under them before hiding again. I jump to my feet and yelp.
"Lucifer!!!" I yell banging on the door again. Soon I hear loud footsteps making their way towards my locked door. It's unlocked and thrown open.
"Quit. Banging. On. The. Door," Lucifer angrily whispers, his eyes red and I cower back.
"C-can I come out?" I ask him my voice shaking.
"Fine," he says then smirks down at me, "but start cleaning."

Deans POV
As soon as I hear the scream sound from inside I run for the door.
Please be okay, I think as I yank the front door open. My father stands in the living room, hand raised above his head, Sammy cowering on the floor beneath him. I see a small trail of blood down the side of Sams cheek and anger rushes through me. I charge at my father and have him on the ground before he realizes I'm there.
"Sammy go!" I shout and see him scramble to his feet. He runs out the front door and I return my attention to my father. I'm hit on the head, glass shattering around me, and my vision blurs. Blood trickles down my face and I block another blow from my father.
He seems to be out of his mind, the alcohol controlling him tonight. I stand to my feet, wobbling slightly on my legs only to be knocked back down to the floor. My father now stands above me, as he had been standing above Sam minutes ago, he brings his leg up slamming it down onto the back of my knee. I yell out in pain and he seems to smile, relishing the moment. I attempt to crawl away from him, only to have him grasp my ankle and drag me back. He brings my arm behind my back, twisting it painfully until I'm squirming beneath him, begging him to stop.
"Dad, please stop," I choke out and his grip loosens the slightest bit. I take it as a chance to free my arm and move away from him as fast as I can. He catches on and flips me over, onto my back, and presses down with his boot onto my neck. My hands fly up, grasping the heel and toes of the boot before he can crush my windpipe under it. I try to push him off, but he's using all his weight to try and crush me. My breathing is shallow and it's becoming harder to suck air in.
This is it, I think, this is how it'll end. I'm close to closing my eyes, to letting go and ending it all. Then the pressure around my throat is released and my father falls to the floor beside me, his eyes closed. I stare at him, confused, oxygen trying to return to my brain when Sam appears by my side. Tugging on my arm he helps me to my feet and only then do I notice the pan dropped beside my father on the floor.
I look to Sam connecting the pieces in my head and realize he had come back. He'd come back and saved me.
"Come on Dean, we have to go," Sam says throwing my arm over his shoulder when I almost crumple back to the ground. I still can't think, I think I've gone in shock as to what has just happened. My father tried to kill me, he tried to kill me and hadn't once stopped to think about what he was doing.
"Sammy," I whisper.
"It's okay Dean, I've got you," Sam says calmly, setting me down in the passenger side of the Impala. My keys are still in the ignition and Sam starts the car, driving off. I watch the houses pass by, then soon they turn to trees and I realize where he has taken us. We arrive to Bobby's house and Sam helps me out of the car, knocking on Bobby's door when we are on the porch.
"Boys? What are you doing back here Dean? I know you said soon but I didn't think you meant this soon," Bobby says, not noticing my abused shocked state.
"Deans hurt Bobby," Sam says, shifting my arm further onto his shoulders and I wince.
"Jesus, hurry and bring him in," Bobby says immediately shouldering my other arm to help Sam. Once we are inside they set me down gently on the couch and I slump into it. All the energy in my body has deserted me and all I feel is the pain. The throbbing pain all over my body. Bobby and Sam are whispering quietly in the kitchen.
"What in Samhell happened?" Bobby asks Sam.
"Our dad, I don't know he was drunk as usual. Except this time something was different, Dean wasn't home yet and when dad walked through the door he left me alone for a while. But when I went to go to my room he came at me. I was terrified, he threw me to the floor, hit me, and then Dean came in and tackled him to the floor. I ran outside but I heard Dean screaming so I came back in and then I saw him," Sam seems to choke on his words, "he was standing over Dean, trying to kill him! He was stepping on his neck and Dean was so close to dying, I could see him letting go!"
"Shh Sam it's alright, you're both here now. He can't hurt you," Bobby says comfortingly.
"I hit him over the head with a pan and drove us here. Bobby, Deans hurt really bad, can you help him?" Sam says.
"Well lets go see what's wrong with him," Bobby says and I hear their footsteps return to the living room. I hadn't realized I closed my eyes until Bobby speaks.
"Dean? You awake son?"
My eyes flutter open and I nod, regretting doing that when I wince.
"Can you tell me what hurts?" Bobby asks me.
"My..leg...arm...and my..throat," I choke out between breathes. My throat is throbbing and it hurts to speak but I had to tell him.
"Let me know where it hurts," Bobby says kneeling down beside my leg. He starts to feel gently around my thigh, moving lower, pressing all around. When he gets to my right knee I yell out and jump slightly on the couch.
"Shit," I breath out squeezing my eyes against the searing pain that shoots up my leg.
"Looks like he might've knocked your knee out of place. I'm gonna feel your arm now," Bobby says grimacing.
Again he prods at my arm, he goes along my right arm first, then prods my left shoulder and I again wince at the pain that shoots through it.
"Dislocated your shoulder and it looks like you have a small amount of swelling around your neck, you're going to have some bruises tomorrow," Bobby says confirming all my injuries.
"Dean, this is gonna be really painful for you, but we have to put both your knee and your shoulder back in place," Bobby says giving me a warning. I shake my head at him and let out a small moan.
"We have to Dean, if we don't its going to mess up your leg and arm," Bobby says, "Sam get me a belt and three ice packs from the freezer."
I close my eyes and take deep breaths when Sam returns placing the belt in my mouth. I bite down and nod at Bobby letting him know I'm ready.
"Alright, we're gonna start with your shoulder first," Bobby says and takes ahold of my arm.
"One," he says and pops it back in place. I groan loudly and bite down harder on the belt, sure I'm going to bite it in two.
"See that wasn't so bad. Now your knee, you ready?" Bobby asks taking his place beside my leg. Again I nod my head.
"Alright Sam, I need you to hold him down," Bobby instructs. Sam nods placing an arm across my chest, the other holding down my right arm.
"One, two," Bobby counts before he twists my knee back into place. I buck against Sams arms and my back arches back against the pain, a strangled moan climbing up my throat. When I settle back down, my breathing is heavy and I immediately pass out. Only feeling the cold ice packs pressed against my skin.

Castiels POV
"Lucifer it's a school day," I say picking up my fourth pile of clothes.
"Get used to it, you're gonna be missing school for a few days," Lucifer says, watching me from his spot on the couch.
"I can't miss school Lucifer, Michael will be upset," I say. School would be my only escape to get away from this hell hole, I can't lose that, I'll go crazy. "Michael excused you for this week, you're sick," Lucifer smiles. I frown at him and continue cleaning up the mess on the floor.

After four long hours I've managed to make the floor visible. The counters are washed, clothes are spinning in the washing machine, and all living creatures are either killed or now outside where I hope they will stay. Groaning I put the cleaning supplies away and sit on the now clean couch. Closing my eyes I relax for a minute, the house quiet.
The house is quiet, I think and my eyes shoot open. I look in the kitchen, no Lucifer, peering down the hallway, I again see no sign of him.
Maybe he left, I think, nows my chance to leave.
Slowly getting to my feet I retrieve my bag from 'my' room, glancing in the doors on my way back down the hallway. I approach the door, twisting the knob in my hand, only to come face to face with Lucifer.
"Going somewhere are we Castiel?" Lucifer says, pushing me back and closing the door behind him.
"I just wanted some fresh air," I say.
"Open a window," Lucifer shoots back.
"I wanted to take a walk," I clarify, knowing he's not going to believe me.
He nods his head, turning to me with murder in his eyes. Gripping the back of my neck in his hand he leads me down the hallway, stopping in front of 'my' room.
"Castiel my patience is thinning," Lucifer says only releasing me once we are in the middle of the room.
"Are you sure? Or is it your drug supply that's thinning? Putting you on edge because you don't have any money to get a new fix," I say, part of me afraid of what I've just said, the other part wanting to anger him.
"You'll get what's coming to you Castiel. In good time," Lucifer says smiling, exiting the room, anger still shining in his eyes. I again hear the lock click in place and drop my bag to the floor. There is a stained mattress in the corner of the room, an old ratted sheet clinging onto the corners. I plop onto it, hearing the springs inside of them creak with age. After a few minutes of silence I manage to fall asleep, the light from the window acting as a blanket.

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