Chapter 8

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Deans POV
When Castiel shoves me off of him I want to protest but I notice how shocked he looks when he sees a car through the window. I'm about to say something to him when he quickly fixes his clothing, patting down his hair, and grabs the handle.
"Cas wait," I say, still trying to catch my own breath.
"Dean, I have to go but thank you, for everything," Cas says giving me a small smile before he shuts the door behind him. I look at the man standing in the driveway and give him a nod before I pull away and drive back home. I silently curse myself for kissing Cas again as I think about my actions.
He probably thinks I'm gay, I'm just leading him on, giving him false hope that maybe there could be more to us. I think to myself, immense guilt consuming me. I'm a bad person. As I drive I try to clear my head. Maybe it's not as bad as I was always taught to believe. Castiels church is apparently against him, my father would be against me, but I have a feeling Sammy would stand by my side. So maybe it wouldn't be so bad to just stop over thinking what I have with Cas. What exactly do I have with Cas? I guess I'll have to find out, make a decision when I need to about what I'm going to do. A small part of me wants to be with Castiel, but a bigger part of me isn't sure. That I wouldn't be good enough for him, that I would end up getting both of us hurt. I care for Cas more than I've cared for anyone before besides Sammy. I'm unsure what to do, I need some advice. I don't exactly want to drive there but I do. I need to talk to someone and I hope Bobby will be willing to listen.

Castiels POV
I leave Deans car quickly, walking past Michael and into the house. Clambering up the stairs I hope Michael won't pay me a visit, but in the back of my mind I know he will. I wonder if he'll use Lucifers advice and begin to punish me, lock me in a closet and never let me out. I shudder at the thought of it. I sit down on the end of my bed, feet solidly glued to the floor, my hands clasped together, I bow my head and wait patiently to hear footsteps on the stairs.
Several minutes pass after I hear the car door slam, soon followed by the front door. I know Gabriel is in the kitchen, always searching for something to eat after church, Anna will be heading to her room to change and then leave, saying she's going to 'bible study' but I know she goes some place with her friends. Michael will go to his office, if he doesn't come up to my room first. I'm surprised when I hear the front door open again, closing loudly behind whoever has entered. I listen intently, not daring to breathe. Lucifers voice drifts under my door, Michaels trailing behind it.
They're going to gang up on me! I fearfully think as I hear their footsteps ascend the stairs. When they stop outside my doorway I can't breathe, my eyes trained on my closed door. The handle slowly turns and Michael steps in, Lucifer smirking behind him.
"Feeling better?" Michael calmly asks flustering me. I give him a puzzled look before I remember my lie.
"Um yes, much better," I say, forcing myself to smile.
"Good," he says leaning back on my desk, a pencil spins out of place.
I nervously lick my lips, waiting for him to speak again.
"You know Castiel, I've been patient with you. I was hoping you could get over your...affliction with men, but it has occurred to me you can't do it on your own. Now I have others to take care of in the family, I can't help you overcome this...phase you're going through in your life," Michael says, his eyes never leaving mine, "so I've taken it upon myself to make a rough decision. I've decided that it would be best if you stayed with Lucifer for a while, until your better of course."
I can see my world come crashing down around me, I'm unable to speak, I can't even utter a word of protest I'm stunned into silence. I stare at Michael unbelievingly. He wouldn't do this to me, he can't.
But he can, my subconscious tells me, and he did.
Lucifer is now standing smugly in front of me, tugging me to my feet.
"Come on Cassie, it'll be fun," Lucifer says, grabbing a bag from under my bed to put my things in.
The shock that had me frozen releases me and I rip out of Lucifers hold on my arm.
"You can't do this to me!" I shout at Michael, fear evident in my voice, "I can't go with him! Why are you doing this? You know how he is, you know what he does! Why are you sending me away with him?"
"Do not raise your voice at me Castiel," Michael replies.
"Please Michael, I'll do anything! I'll change I swear! Just please, please don't make me go with him!" I plead, grasping his jacket in my hands.
"You've left me with no other choice Castiel," Michael says, removing my hands from him and leaving the room.
"Lets go," Lucifer says, gripping my arm back in his and dragging me out of the house, my bag swinging on his shoulder.
"Lucifer no! Please let me stay here, I'll change, I'll be better!" I say hopelessly trying to get out of his grasp.
"You had your chance Castiel, now you're just like me. A family disappointment, an outcast," Lucifer cackles shoving me into his car, throwing my bag after me. I dive for the door handle once he walks toward the drivers side door but the door doesn't budge. He climbs in, starting the car while I tug helplessly on the handle, still trying to escape.
"It's no use Castiel, I came prepared. Child lock on all the doors, except mine of course," Lucifer smiles evilly at me.
"I hate you," I whisper.
"You can hate me all you want Castiel, were family either way. You can't get away from me no matter how hard you try," he says, my home becoming smaller and smaller.

Deans POV
As I pull up to the scrap hard I see Ellen's car parked on the gravel. I silently groan to myself, thinking to come back another time but they've already seen me. I open my car door, walking up the porch and allow myself inside the house.
"Hey Dean, it's been a while," Bobby says embracing me.
"Yea, I've had a lot going on," I say returning the gesture.
"Jo said you stopped by, twice and the second time with a friend?" Ellen says, also giving me a hug.
"Uh yea, I had a problem then ran into him and he looked like he could use some cheering up," I say, "that's actually kind of why I'm here."
"What'd your daddy do?" Bobby asks, anger already surfacing.
"Nothing new, but that's not what I'm here about. I'm here about my friend," I say nervously. It's one thing to talk to Bobby about what's happening with me, I didn't expect Ellen to be involved.
"Oh? What can I do to help?" Bobby asks.
"Ellen, could you, uh give us some privacy?" I ask her.
"Sure thing, I was just leaving anyways," she says giving both Bobby and I a hug goodbye.
"So, what's up with your friend?" Bobby asks taking a seat.
"Well I'm exactly sure, but this problem I have involves both me and him," I say not knowing what I'm going to say or how to say it.
"Well what's the problem boy?" Bobby asks impatient.
"I don't know Bobby. Lately I've been having feelings that I don't know if I should be having. I'm told that it's wrong to feel the things I am, yet I don't know what's wrong with it. I don't know what to believe," I say running my hands through my hair.
"What have you been feeling?" Bobby asks his confusion obvious.
"I've been feeling something towards someone," I almost whisper.
"And who's this someone? Your friend?" Bobby asks.
"Yes, that's the problem. I think I want something more than friends but I don't know if my feelings for them are wrong or not. My father has told me time and time again that it's wrong but I don't see the wrongness in it Bobby," I say exasperated.
"Slow down boy, why would these feelings towards your friend be wrong?" Bobby asks.
I don't know how to tell him, I don't want him to react like I know my father would.
"Because....because my friend is a guy Bobby," I say and gauge his reaction.
It takes him a moment to process what I've said and when he speaks he doesn't seem to know what to say.
"Well, um Dean I wasn't expecting that. You can like whoever you want, don't listen to your daddy, he's a stupid drunk that doesn't know how to love someone," Bobby finally says.
"He used to know how," I say defending him though I don't knew why.
"You're right he used to," Bobby says, "now, tell me more about this friend of yours."
"Well his name is Castiel. He's gay and gets made fun of a lot for it. But I've spent some time with him and he's cute, funny, sweet, I don't know Bobby he's just different. I feel like I can be myself around him, he's just so easy to be around. He's also the first guy to make me really question my sexuality so there's a big thing," I honestly confess to Bobby. He nods his head in understanding, scratching his beard.
"Well it sounds like you really like this Castiel kid," Bobby says a soft smile on his lips.
"I think I really do," I say, plopping down in a chair.
"Then you should tell him," Bobby says giving me a pointed look.
"I don't know if I can Bobby," I say letting out a sigh, "My father he's just so against it, I don't know if it really is wrong to like Castiel the way I do."
"Dean, it's not wrong. Some people just can't accept what's different to them. They don't understand that you love him like they would love anyone else. People don't like different so they try and make different normal, but Dean being different, loving some boy, it's not wrong. It's you and him being happy together," Bobby tells me leaning forward to pat my knee.
"Thanks Bobby, I'm glad I could talk to you about this," I say, "I'll visit again soon and Ill bring Sam with me next time."
"You better, I haven't seen you boys in a while," Bobby says waving goodbye as I walk out the door. It's gotten late, my father could be home soon so I have to hurry and get home to Sam. Now that I've had my talk with Bobby I've never felt more sure of myself, I feel as if a weight has been lifted from my chest with Bobby's words. Liking Cas as more than a friend, thinking about him in a more than friendly manner, it's alright, it's different, but different is ok. I'm in a relatively good mood the rest of the drive until I pull up to my house. My fathers car already parked in the driveway and the living room light on, as soon as I step out of the car I hear a scream from inside.

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