Chapter 19

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Castiels POV

Bobby, Sam, and I stand quietly by Deans coffin. Anna and Gabriel a few feet away, watching quietly from a distance. Bobby sheds silent tears, Sam sobbing into his side, as we all watch Deans casket begin to lower into the ground. I cry along with them, sobbing without a care in the world, sobbing for Sams loss of losing his brother, sobbing for Bobby's loss of a son, sobbing for the world of losing such a brave soul as Dean Winchester. Sobbing because I've lost the only good in my life, sobbing because his last words were a declaration of love, sobbing because he never got to live a full life. I stand there hours after everyone else has left, a single white rose clasped in my hands, I drop to my knees beside the open grave, sniffing quietly.
"I love you Dean Winchester," I say, dropping the rose into the ground, it lands with a soft thud on his coffin. The still body inside, moving no more, breathing no more, talking and laughing no more.

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