Chapter 15

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Deans POV
Telling Castiel about my past has lifted a weight off my chest. I feel closer to him in a way now that I know about his past and he knows about mine. Gathering food onto my plate I remember the drawing for school. I still have to show Cas and I hope that when I do he'll like it. It had taken a while for me to finish it, Sam giving suggestions and I think it turned out great.
"Cas I gotta show you something after breakfast," I say.
"Okay Dean," Cas says slipping into a chair by Anna. I take my own seat beside Sam and Gabriel. Bobby looks my way and I nod at him, giving him a soft smile. He returns the action.
"So Dean, are you and Castiel like a thing now?" Sam asks. I feel my cheeks heat up and look at Cas. He looks back at me.
"Yea, yea we are," I say nodding my head and ruffle Sams hair. I catch Cas' smile before he brings food to his mouth. His sister Anna smiles and gives him a small hug.

"Thank you for letting us spend the night here," Anna says when she is finished with her breakfast. I set Cas and mines dishes in the sink and nod at her.
"No problem," I say.
"We should be leaving soon so we won't be in your hair any longer," Anna says shyly.
"Stay as long as you need to," Bobby speaks up from behind his desk.
"Thank you but I really think we should go, you've already given enough for us," Anna politely declines Bobby's offer.
"Are you leaving too?" I whisper to Cas, wrapping my arms around his waist and resting my forehead against his. He nods his head.
"They need me, they left for me I have to be there for them now," Castiel says quietly.
"You'll be at school Monday?" I ask him, realizing todays Friday.
"Of course," he says then his eyes fill with panic, "Dean our project! We haven't done it at all!"
I smile widely and lead him to the open sketch book on the table.
"That's what I wanted to show you," I say and set him down in front of it. He gasps in surprise, hesitantly picking up the paper. Studying it closely his eyes drinking in all the detail.
"Dean....this is amazing," Cas breathes.
"So you like it? Think we'll get an A?" I ask him nervously.
"Yes Dean, this is going to stun the teacher. He'd be stupid not to give us an A!" Cas says smiling proudly.
"Guess we'll find out Monday," I say.
"Castiel it's time to go," Gabriel speaks from the hallway.
He stands up facing me and gives me a small kiss,
"Till Monday," he says.
"Till Monday," I repeat.

It's Saturday and I'm radiating with impatience. I want it to be Monday already. That's the craziest thing I've ever thought. I shake my head and try to focus on the show playing across the television. A show about two twin boys who live in a hotel and their favorite pass time is to make the hotel manager angry. I laugh when the bellhop is put on hold with a ghost during a seance.
"Dean why don't you go to the house and pick up a few things? You know clothes and such for you and Sam?" Bobby suggests.
"Yea alright," I say snatching my keys. My father should be gone like he is every weekend but my knee throbs just thinking of returning to the house.
I drive down the road, singing along to the the tapes playing and finally pull in front of the house. I don't see his car in the driveway so I find it safe to go in. Climbing out of my car and up the steps my knee aches worse. Opening the door I find it unlocked, everything is how we left it. Glass smashed along the floor, stains from who knows what, the frying pan lying on the carpet. I shudder and make my way upstairs, finding suitcases hidden in Sams closet. I pack his things first, shoving clothes and a couple of his books into the bag. Grabbing my empty one I set his in the hallway and begin to shove my things into my bag. I pause when I come across a picture, moms smile captivating me. I hold the small picture in my hand, my eyes watering, she was so happy. In this moment she is full of pure joy, the sun shining down just for her, I can almost hear her laugh. Smiling I set the picture carefully in the suitcase and zip it closed. A creak sounds behind me. I look up from the suitcase and turn around, catching my father behind me. Before I can think he has me shoved against the wall.
"Why'd you come back you dick lover?" My father spits.
I glare at him, trying to shove his body off of mine.
"I know about your little boyfriend. A birdie sent me word about him. A religious little fag, unwanted by his own family," my father says.
"Shut up," I growl angrily.
"Getting upset are we? That's how I feel knowing my own flesh and blood is a fag. Knowing he'll sink to his knees to take some boy into his mouth," my father says hatefully.
"Shut up!" I scream.
"I won't allow it. I won't have MY son be a gay! You aren't to see that boy any more, you aren't to even think about him! Do you understand me? And if I hear that you are seeing him, I'll take it upon myself to get rid of him. Understand?" He says, pushing me harder into the wall.
"You wouldn't dare," I whisper. I'm afraid he just might, enough alcohol in his system who knows what he'll do.
"You willing to take the chance boy?" He smiles smugly. Releasing me and walking down the stairs. I'm paralyzed for a minute, just listening to the sound of glass clinking the counter as he pours himself a drink. I snap out of my trance and gather the suitcases, practically running to the Impala, and speeding down the road to Bobby's. Arriving there I remove the suitcases from the car, hauling them to our rooms. I'm shaken by my fathers words, I can't stay away from Cas, but I can't have him get hurt either. He wouldn't really do it, but maybe he would? I don't know what to think, I need to have my mind cleared. I decide to steal a beer from Bobby's fridge and take a nap to drown out today's events. After almost six beers I lay on my bed, staring blankly at the ceiling, tracing patterns with my eyes until I fall into a dark sleep. I wake up only to eat and go to the bathroom then I return to bed. Bobby doesn't comment about the missing beers or my quiet attitude, probably guessing it has to do with my father. Sam doesn't say anything either and when I fall asleep for the night my mind is haunted with nightmares of my father hurting Cas, over and over again, and I'm not able to do a thing about it.

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