Chapter 6

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Castiel POV
When I wake up my head and left cheek throb, light seeps under the door and shines in my eyes. I groan as I sit up and twist the doorknob, it opens letting out a squeak and I grimace as my pupils dilate painfully against the light. I stand up, wobbling slightly on my legs and walk out of the closet. Rubbing my cheek I look at the clock. It's 12:45. I'm late. It seems no one is home so I make my way quietly to my room, slinging my bag over my shoulder I exit my house and begin walking to Deans.

Deans POV
I check my watch for the 100th time. It's now 12:45 and I wonder if Cas is going to come at all. I sigh and kick my feet up, resting them on the coffee table. I don't know why I'm so eager to see him but I am. I brush it off for impatience at wanting to finish the project. But I can't help of thinking about what he said to me at the diner.
"But when a guy even looked at me I would get this tingling down my spine, my palms would start to sweat, and I just had the general symptoms of a crush. It's just for the same gender as me."
I can't help but feel the 'crush symptoms' whenever Cas crosses my mind. I don't know what to think. I've always been told that it's wrong to like another guy the way I would a girl. But I can't find anything wrong with it. So what if they like the same gender? Who cares? People are allowed to love who they want, aren't they?
Should I experiment to find out which gender I prefer better? I think to myself, No it would be wrong or am I only thinking that because of what my father has told me?
My thoughts are put to a hold as a knock sounds at my door.
"Finally," I mutter under my breath, opening the door to let Cas in.
"Sorry I'm late...I got caught up," Castiel says coming inside, setting his bag on the floor besides the chair.
"It's alright," I say looking at Cas and blurt out, "what the hell happened to your face?"
He seems to go pale and touches his bruised left cheek.
"What's wrong with it?" He asks jumping up and rushing to a mirror we have hanging up.
"Oh god," he exclaims when he sees the bright purple bruise.
"Cas what happened?" I ask him concerned. He didn't even know he has a bruise.
"Nothing," he says whipping around quickly to face me.
"Remember what I said about you being a terrible liar. What happened?" I demand him to tell me.
"A misunderstanding," he mumbles.
"Who did it? Was it Crowley? I swear I'll beat him into yesterday," I say anger boiling up inside me. I don't understand it but I'm mad to see Cas hurt. He looks a little taken back by my words but I ignore it.
"No, it wasn't him," he says.
"Well who was it?" I ask again, walking up to him.
"It's not important, I'm fine Dean," Cas says and I know I won't get a name from him.
"Come here, let me see how bad it is," I say taking a hold of his chin tilting it to the side. He winces slightly and I soften my touch, examining it with my eyes.
"Well, they only hit you once, but hard enough to leave that there for a few days," I say taking my hand away.
"It's not as bad as it looks," Cas says sheepishly.
"Let me get you some ice, sit down," I say and head to the kitchen. Grabbing a plastic bag I get some ice from the freezer and return to the living room, pressing it gently against Cas' cheek.
"Thank you," he says reaching up to take ahold of it, his hand brushing against mine and my spine tingles. I sit beside him on the couch and give him a worried look.
"You sure your ok Cas? I can take care of them for you," I offer.
"No, it's ok but thanks," he says shifting his gaze to the coffee table where I've been drawing a rough draft.
His eyes roam over the paper and a smile softens his lips, I wonder if his lips are soft? I don't stop myself from thinking this. Wondering if I should follow up on the experiment of what gender I prefer better. I don't realize I've stared too long until Cas' blue eyes are on mine and he clears his throat.
"Dean?" He asks.
"Yea? Sorry, just thinking," I say.
"This is really good," he says gesturing to my drawing, a man with wings behind his back holding a gun, a knife strapped to his belt.
"It's alright," I say shrugging his compliment off.
"What were you thinking about?" Cas asks me, shifting the bag of ice on his cheek. I answer him honestly,
"About what you said in the diner. About how you felt towards guys instead of girls, it's just gotten me thinking."
"What's there to think about? I like guys, you like girls," he says confused, tilting his head to the side. It makes my stomach do flips when he looks at me like that and I struggle to concentrate.
"Yea, I'm just a little confused about myself at the moment," I say.
"What do you mean Dean?" He asks, his eyebrows scrunching together in further confusion.
"It means that I'm feeling things I haven't felt before towards someone I never thought I would," I say shifting a bit closer to Cas. I lean in closer towards him and he does the same, the ice pack lowering from his cheek.
Inches apart from each other he asks,
"Your sure you want to do this?"
His warm breath hits my cheek and smells of mint, I can't think.
"I don't know," I say chuckling lightly.
I softly press my lips against his, my hand cupping his cheek. I playfully nip at his lips and he opens up for me to deepen the kiss. Taking my hand I grip his thigh, moving so that he ends up straddling my lap, my hand moving up and down his leg. I feel him thread his fingers through my hair and I slide my tongue along his, emitting a moan to escape his mouth. I smile against his mouth and bring him closer, reaching behind his neck and bring his head closer to mine. When we break apart we are both panting, trying to catch our breath.
"Oh god," Castiel says, his eyes closed, "I'm sorry Dean, I shouldn't have-"
"Sh," I say pressing my finger to his lips, "you don't have to say sorry. It's my fault, I shouldn't have done that."
He climbs off my lap readjusting his clothes and smoothing down his hair, muttering another sorry.
"Should I leave?" He asks shyly.
"You don't have to, only if you want to," I say. I don't know what to think about what I just did. I kissed a guy for Christ sake but at the moment I don't care. It felt good, something about it just felt right. I don't know what Cas is thinking though, he seemed to enjoy it as much as I did but I can tell he may be regretting it.
"I-I don't want I leave," Cas says looking up at me.
"So don't," I say. He stands awkwardly in front of me, his hands threaded together, biting his lip.
"Ok," he says taking his seat again.
Sammy comes bounding down the stairs, stopping at the bottom seeming to notice the awkwardness in the air.
"Did I miss anything?" He asks eyeing me and Cas .
"No," I say, picking up my pencil and notebook from the coffee table.
"Ook," he says entering the kitchen.

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