Chapter 11

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Castiels POV
When Dean offers to let me stay with him I'm grateful. I didn't want to go back to that park and I most definitely don't want to return to Lucifers. He gives me quiet directions to his uncles house, once we arrive I see that it's a scrapyard, cars of all kinds surround the whole place. I look over to see Dean asleep, slumped against the window and I smile softly to myself.
"Dean," I say gently shaking him, "Dean we're here."
He opens his eyes groggily and swipes a hand down his face.
"Alright, come on inside Cas," he says his voice heavy with sleep. I walk around and help him out, supporting him when his leg buckles underneath him. I want to know what happened to him but I don't push for an answer.
"The doors unlocked," Deans says reaching for the handle, twisting it open it lets out a quiet creak.
"Where are you sleeping Dean?" I ask him, leading us inside.
"Lets find a spare room upstairs," Dean says, grabbing the stair rail for support while he walks up. I follow after him, making sure he doesn't fall backwards and he leads us to a room at the end of the hall.
"I don't think Bobby has any other rooms Cas, we can just share this one. You don't mind do you?" Dean says yawning.
"I don't mind," I whisper, hoping we aren't disturbing anyone else in the house.
Dean enters the room and drops sleepily onto the bed, I close the door quietly behind me and sit on the edge. Taking off my shoes then Deans, I set my coat beside my shoes on the floor. Dean tugs on my arm and I look at him curiously.
"Lay by me Cas," Dean whines. I shake my head at him confused, a smile shaping the corners of my mouth.
"Please?" He asks scooting over and patting the spot next to him. I don't know if he is acting this way because of the painkillers he took but I oblige and sink into the mattress beside him. He drapes his arm over my waist, pulling me closer to him and snuggles into my back. He yawns again and I soon hear his deep even breathing, indicating he's asleep. Soon after I fall asleep to the sound of Dean breathing, him hugging me tight in his sleep.

Deans POV
I don't know what caused me to ask Cas to lay beside me but I'm happy when he curls up next me. I pull him closer to me, nuzzling his back and soon I drift into sleep.

It's dark tonight, darker than it has been in a while. I become scared, glancing at my cracked door, the light from my nightlight allowing the corner to be visible. I silently will myself not to cry, knowing dad will be upset if he wakes up to hear me crying. Him and mom have been up almost all night, calming Sammy down. Just as I almost let a sob escape me Sammy's whimpering blares through the baby monitor in my parents room. I can hear mom getting out of bed, walking towards Sammy's room. A few seconds later she is walking back to her room, the hall light flickers and I hear her tapping on the glass. Everything is quiet and I'm able to hear the tv from downstairs, dad snoring lightly from where he fell asleep. The steps creak as mom makes her way downstairs and I get a sinking feeling in my stomach. I sit up in bed when mom screams for Sammy, dashing back up the stairs and past my room. I hear my dad yell after mom and put my feet to the floor. Quietly getting out and walking towards the door. Fear fills me from head to toe and all I want is my mom to hold me in her arms. Soon I hear my dad yelling and run from my room. He bursts into the hallway, holding Sammy in his arms.
"Take your brother outside as fast as you can! Now Dean go!" Dad shouts at me, pushing Sam into my tiny arms, flames bursting from his room. I rush down the stairs, hearing dad call moms name again, my heart is pounding as I step into the cold night air, the dewy grass wetting my feet.
"It's okay Sammy," I say when he starts fussing in my arms. A burst of fire explodes through the window and dad scoops Sammy and I into his arms, shielding us from the falling glass.

I jerk awake, sweat coating my torso, my shirt clinging to my body. Light streams through the blinds and Cas mumbles in his sleep beside me. I strip off my dirty shirt and lay back down beside him, draping my arm across my forehead, trying to recover from my dream. It had been so vivid, I thought I was reliving that horrible moment all over again. I'd been so scared that night, even before the fire had started I'd had a bad feeling.
Maybe if I'd gone in with my parents that night the fire never would've killed mom, I think to myself. Sighing I close my eyes again, bending my left knee, and I wait for Cas to wake up. When he isn't awake after several minutes I become bored and hungry.
"Cas," I whisper in his ear. He moans in his sleep, his fingers twitching.
"Cas," I whisper a little louder, trailing my hand down his arm.
"Dean," Cas moans out, squirming in his sleep.
"Wake up," I say shoving him from the bed. He lands with a thud, waking up with a gasp. I laugh as he stares at me in surprise before his cheeks heat up.
"You should've seen your face," I say scooting to the edge of the bed, helping him to his feet.
"How'd you sleep?" Castiel asks me, his voice rougher than usual.
"Fine, you?" I ask him.
"Good, your leg okay?" He asks reaching out to softly touch it. A shiver runs through me when his hand touches my leg and I nod my head.
"Yea, probably just need to take some more painkillers after breakfast," I say getting to my feet. My knee and shoulder are still slightly numb from last nights dose of medicine so it's not too painful when pressure is put on my knee. Limping slightly I begin to walk downstairs. Cas trailing after me.
"Bout time you woke up," Bobby says once I walk in the kitchen. He's too busy flipping pancakes at the stove to notice when Castiel walks in behind me. I clear my throat to gain his attention again.
"Hey Castiel," Sam greets, lathering his pancakes in a slab of syrup.
"Hi Sam," Cas smiles, standing awkwardly at my side.
"So your Deans friend?" Bobby asks, hinting at something more.
Castiel looks at me first and I nod my head at him.
"Yes, I'm Castiel. Castiel Novak," Cas says reaching forward to shake Bobby's hand.
"Bobby Singer," Bobby says, taking Cas' hand in his own, "you boys hungry?"
"Starving," I say taking a seat at the small table, gesturing for Cas to sit. He does but fidgets uncomfortably in his seat, I reach under the table placing my hand on his thigh.
"Relax," I say, giving him a small squeeze before letting go. He seems flustered by my small action and I remember that I haven't told him how I felt about him yet.
Ill tell him after breakfast, I think to myself. Hoping he will accept my confession and reciprocate the feelings. I don't usually fall for someone so easy or so fast, it's only been 4 days and I barely know him, but yet I feel as if we have a connection. An unspoken connection but a connection all the same. Bobby places a stack of pancakes in front of Cas and I and immediately reach for a few, nodding for Castiel to do the same.
"Eat up," Bobby says, grabbing a beer from the fridge. I see Castiel grimace at the brown bottle and smile at him. I look over to see Sam staring at me, his fork paused in the air, syrup dripping off of it.
"What?" I ask him, shoveling a forkful of pancakes into my mouth.
"Nothing," he says, a knowing smile pulling at his lips. I look at Bobby and he gives me an innocent shrug.

"Thanks for breakfast Mr. Singer," Cas says rinsing his plate in the sink.
"Just call me Bobby," Bobby says, he's always been one to go formal. He refuses to call anyone Mister unless they are very important or he's making fun of them.
"Yes thanks Bobby, I never knew you could cook this great what with what I've eaten in the past," I tease him.
"Well that's cause in the past I'd add a bit of poison to the food, you boys somehow never kicked the dust," Bobby shoots back. I laugh sarcastically at him and set my own plate in the sink.
"Cas can I talk to you outside?" I turn and ask him.
"Sure," Cas says following me out to the porch.
I lean back against the railing and face Castiel. I don't know where to start or how to explain what I'm feeling for him. What if he doesn't feel the same things I do? I'm beginning to regret my decision.
"What did you want to talk about Dean?" Castiel asks when I don't say anything for a long amount of time.
"It's kinda about us," I say, not being able to meet his eyes. I feel the air shift and Cas takes a step back.
"What about us?" He asks cautiously.
"I don't know how to say this Cas-" I try to say but he interrupts me.
"Dean, please don't. I know where this is going and I understand. I'll get out of your hair, you can go back to not knowing who I am. I won't say anything, I'll just go," Cas says his head bowed down and he begins to walk away.
"Wait what? No Cas that's not what I mean. I'm trying to find a decent way to tell you I have feelings for you," I blurt out, spinning him around to face me. Both my hands resting on his shoulders. He looks confused for a moment, tilting his head.
"You have feelings for me?" He asks.
"Yea Cas, I do," I chuckle lightly.
"For me? Castiel Novak, a guy?" He asks, not believing me.
"Yes, you. Castiel Novak the man standing right in front of me in his black socks, bed head hair, rumpled clothes, with shining blue eyes that I can't stop staring at," I say.
He grins, a real grin that shows off all his perfectly white teeth and leaps into my arms.
"Dean, you have no idea how happy this makes me," Castiel murmurs into my neck. I hug him back just as fiercely as he is me and close my eyes.
"I'm just glad you feel the same way, would be kind of awkward if you didn't," I say.
He leans back from our embraced, his hands still around my neck and I keep him close by pulling his hips closer with my arms. We're a breath away from each others lips.
"Can I kiss you?" I whisper.
"Of course," he whispers back.
My lips connect with his and he opens his mouth, inviting my tongue to explore. I take in the sweet taste of him, the sticky sweet syrup still on his lips. His hands run through my hair and I groan, walking us backwards until Cas' back is against the rail. I push my body into his, a small moan escaping Castiels soft lips, he pants in my ear as I leave a trail of kisses down his neck, nipping him below his ear, sucking lightly, then swiping my tongue over the sensitive skin. I hear him gasp and his nails dig into my shoulders bringing me closer. I laugh lightly, realizing we are still outside, pecking him lightly on the lips one more time I take us back inside, my arm wrapped around his waist, his lips bruised from mine.

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