Chapter 10

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Castiels POV
Loud music blares from the living room, different colored lights steaming in under my door. It's now dark outside and I groan, knowing I'm not going to be able to go back to sleep. I hear drunk laughter, yelling voices, and several thumps coming from the living room and the rooms around me. I'm disgusted to even think about what is going on. Lucifers voice flits down the hallway but the music is too loud for me to make out what he says. I see dark shadows stopped outside my door and hear the lock slide open. I sit up in 'my' bed and lean back against the wall, pulling my knees up to my chest.
"Here he is," Lucifer says, a wide smile stretching his face. A man stands behind him, hunger clear in his eyes and he wets his lips drunkenly.
Lucifer stumbles into the room, crossing over to where I'm huddled in the corner and leans across the bed to get in my face. I immediately notice his glossy red eyes and know he's taken something.
"Didn't I say you would get what was coming to you," Lucifer whispers in my ear, my spine tingles in fear and I'm put on alert. The man behind Lucifer stands at the edge of the bed, eyeing me up and down and I look into Lucifers blood shot eyes.
"Have fun," he says loudly and I know he's not talking to me. The man grins behind him, rubbing his hands together. I look at Lucifer pleadingly.
"Don't do this," I say, not daring to move.
"Too late Castiel," Lucifer says, rising and strutting out of the room, door closing behind him.
The man advances towards me and I spring from my corner, darting towards the door. He catches me from behind, his arms snaking around my waist, thrusting me back down on the bed he hovers above me. My arms shoot up and I push against his chest, squirming beneath him. He just grins playfully down at me, capturing both my wrists in one of his hands and holds them above my head.
"This is gonna be fun," he whispers in my ear, planting a wet kiss on my neck. I whimper and look towards the ceiling. Fear is consuming me, I feel helpless, and I'm desperate to get out of this situation. Wishing I was with Dean, wishing he'd never dropped me off at my house yesterday, wishing that Dean were here to save me.
But he's not Castiel, my subconscious screams at me, you have to get yourself out of this mess!
Before I can think of what to do the mans lips are on mine and he's shoving his tongue down my throat. I turn my head away, gasping for breath, bucking up beneath him at an attempt to get him off of me.
"Feisty huh? I can dig that," he says trying again to molest my mouth. He straddles my lap and I take this as a chance to slam my knee into his groin. He releases me, clutching his crotch and rolling on his side. I suck in a breath of air, jumping to my feet and rush to the door. Luckily Lucifer left it unlocked and I dash down the hallway, through a drugged mass of bodies and out the front door. I don't stop running until I've made it down the street, two blocks away from Lucifers house. I bend over, my breath coming in short gasps and take in my surroundings. I have no where to go, I can't go home because Michael will just send me back there, and Balthazar lives too far away.
Maybe I could go to Deans? I think. I nod my head at my decision and begin walking in his houses direction.
When I am standing in front of his house I notice his car is gone, I don't dare knock on the door if he's not home and it's late anyway. I sigh and walk to the park I was at yesterday.
It's going to be a long night, with no sleep and no shelter, I think and almost burst into tears.

Deans POV
When I wake up its the middle of the night. I'm still on Bobby's couch and the ice packs have long since melted. I glance around me, groaning when pain throbs in my neck. I need to take some aspirin or something to relieve the pain and I get to my feet, almost crumpling to the floor when my knee buckles. I whimper in pain and clutch the couch for support and move slowly towards the kitchen. I hope to god Bobby has something in here. I flip on the kitchen light, walking to the cupboard next to the fridge. Nothing. I check the rest of them coming up empty each time and groan. There's no way in going to be able to sleep if I don't take something. Spotting my keys on the table I grab them and make my way to the door. Time for a short shopping trip to the store.

Driving down the road my knee begins to throb, I have to pull over before I wreck the car. Parking on the curb next to a park I lean back against the leather, biting down on my lip to keep from groaning at the pain. Letting out a shuddering breath I look towards the park, when I see something move. A mop of dark hair and a tan trench coat is seated on the park bench.
"What the hell?" I mutter to myself before stepping out of the car.
"Cas?" I call out, not wanting to put weight on my leg. He turns his head, his eyes wide and scared.
"Dean?" He asks relief washing over him as he runs towards me.
He rushes around the side of the car throwing his arms around my neck, causing me to fall back onto the car.
"Wow ow Cas, easy," I say removing myself from his tight grip, "what the hell are you doing here? It's almost one in the morning!"
"It's kind of complicated," Castiel says averting his eyes.
"Well maybe you can explain on the way to the store?" I ask him and hope lights up in his eyes, "you gotta drive though. I can't right now, you know how to drive don't you?" He nods his head and I slide across the seat into the passengers side and he takes his place behind the wheel.
"Be careful with her," I say nervously. I barely trust Sam to drive my baby, I don't feel very confident in letting Cas drive her, but I don't have a choice, my leg is continuing to throb.
"Why are you going to the store at one in the morning?" Cas asks me, shifting into drive.
"It's complicated," I say using his excuse, "first you have to tell me why you're at the park."
"My older brother Michael sent me to my other older brother Lucifer, to stay at his house for a while. He thought it would be good for me but," he stops, seeming to gather his thoughts.
"But what?" I ask encouraging him to go on.
"But Lucifer had a party tonight, one of his friends forced himself on me and I got away. I didn't have anywhere to go, so I went to the park," Cas continues.
"What?" I shout, "what did they do Cas? I swear to god if they hurt you-" I say getting riled up.
"He didn't hurt me Dean, just violated my mouth," Cas spits out disgust evident in his voice.
"Damn Cas. You okay?" I ask him giving him a worried look.
"I'm fine now," he says smiling over at me, "now, what's your story?"
I'm not ready to tell Cas why I have to go to the store, the reason behind why I have to get painkillers at this time of night, so I lie.
"Not very exciting, just got into a minor accident, busted up my knee and shoulder, screwed up my neck a bit. Ill be fine just have to get some painkillers to sleep."
"What caused your accident?" Cas asks and I can tell he doesn't believe my story, I don't either.
"Um," I say taking to long of a pause, not being able to come up with a believable excuse.
Parking the car in the stores parking lot Cas turns to face me.
"Dean, what really happened?"
I sigh and look away from him, running my hand along my thigh.
"I can't tell you Cas," I say shaking my head. He nods.
"I understand," he says and climbs out of the car. Gripping the roof of the car I stand on my feet. I groan when my weight is on my knee and limp around the side of the car.
"Why don't you stay in the car Dean and I can get what you need," Cas says looking over at me worriedly.
"I'm fine," I say through my teeth and lean against the hood.
"No you're not fine, get back in the car and I'll get your painkillers," Cas says opening the car door.
I sigh in defeat, too tired and pained to put up a fight and settle back onto the leather seats and watch as Cas walks away into the store. When he returns he gives me the painkillers and a bottle of water, I take them and I begin to feel the pain numb.
"Thanks Cas," I say as he pulls out of the parking lot.
"Your welcome," he smiles at me.
"You said you didn't have any place to stay didn't you?" I ask him softly.
He sighs before nodding.
"Would you-would you wanna stay the night at my uncles with me?" I ask him, hoping he'll agree.
"Would your uncle be okay with it?" He asks me. I smile to myself remembering the discussion Bobby and I had.
"Yea, he'll be ok with it," I say.
"Thank you Dean, this really helps me out," Cas says.
"No problem," I say reaching over and clapping him on the shoulder. I have the urge to kiss him but instead I give him directions to Bobby's.

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