Chapter 13

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Castiels POV
When I left the sanctity of Deans uncles three days ago a feeling of doubt had washed over me. I didn't want to go back to Lucifers, it was the last thing I wanted but I knew if I didn't I would get in serious trouble with Michael. Arriving at Lucifers I was immediately locked in the room, I could hear him fuming through the door. I still sit on the dirty mattress, counting down the days until I'm let out. He has only opened the door to give me food and let me use the bathroom, other than that I've been in here for three whole days, now going on four. I miss Dean terribly, all I want is to feel his strong arms wrap around me again. I want to take things slow with Dean, not rush into a relationship. I've never been in one before as where Dean has been in plenty, but this is new to him as well, I can tell he's still conflicted about his feelings for me. I know he's had a past with girls, I'd never consider him to be gay but he has confessed that he has feelings for me. Yawning at the ceiling I'm about to fall asleep when the door clicks open. I lift myself up onto my elbows and see Michael and Lucifer walk in, my heart leaps in my chest.
Michaels going to let me come home!, I think excitedly to myself.
He looks around the room in disgust before taking a seat in a desk chair resting against the wall. Lucifer stands almost awkwardly beside him.
"How have you been Castiel?" Michael asks me.
"I'd be better at home," I reply.
"I heard you ran away," Michael says disdain in his voice.
"Only because I was violated by Lucifers friend," I say my eyes flicking to Lucifer where he glares at me.
"Has that experience helped to clear your sickness? You have seen and been exposed to how disgusting people like them are, are you still like them Castiel?" Michael asks. I think of Dean, knowing he's nothing like Lucifers friend, knowing he would never try and force me, would never hurt me. In my eyes he's beautiful, flawless, he is better than I am yet I'm worthy enough to have him. I don't reply to Michael, I would be lying if I said I didn't like men but if I say I still do he won't let me return home.
"Castiel?" Michael says.
"Not all people are like that Michael. Some are different," I say.
"Are you still like them Castiel? Do you still harbor feelings towards men?"
"I'm not like them," I say and notice a small smile tug at his lips, "but I still like men." His smile falls.
"Castiel-" Michael yells. Anna bursts into the room and relief floods through me.
"Castiel are you alright?" Anna says rushing over and grasping my face in her hands, tilting me around to get a better look at me.
"Anna I'm fine," I say worming out of her grasp.
"You arrogant pigs!" Anna turns shouting at Michael and Lucifer, her red hair flying, "how could you do this to your own brother? Lock him in some room like an animal and have someone try to hurt him! Just because your his guardians it doesn't give you the right to treat him this way!"
"He is no brother of mine, not the way he is," Michael says and Lucifer stays quiet.
"Well he's my brother and I'm not letting you hurt him any longer, Castiel come on," Anna says grabbing my hand and leading me out the door.
"Where are you going Anna? Anna!" Michael shouts running after us.
"What I should've done years ago, I'm taking them away from you," Anna says opening the car door. I slide in beside Gabriel and the door slams shut, Anna still shouting at Michael, her arms flailing in the air. I can see Michaels bewildered face, Lucifer looks on disappointingly from the doorsteps. Anna's out of breath when she gets in the car, leaving Michael speechless on the sidewalk. About 5 blocks away from Lucifers house Anna bursts into tears. Pulling over she sobs into her hands. I get out and open her door, taking her into my arms and hugging her.
"Anna what's wrong?" Gabriel asks.
"I never wanted to do that. Our family is falling apart and there's nothing I can do, I've tried so hard," Anna says her body racking with sobs. I lead her to the passengers side and get behind the steering wheel.
"Are we going to go pack our things?" I ask Anna.
"It's already taken care of," she whispers.
"Where to then?" I ask.
"I don't know, I don't have a place right now," Anna says wiping at her cheeks, the tears still spilling from her eyes.
"I think I know someplace we can stay for a while," I say, pulling from the curb I hope it's not too late at night to show up at Bobby's house.

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