IMPORTANT A/N - Drabbles

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I'm putting this here because this is my most popular book, so hopefully I'll get some FEEDBACK this way. The drabbles themselves will be published in the oneshots book (It Was Funnier in My Head, I Swear), if any of you are interested. I've also decided to postpone every new chapter (in any of my books) until I've written all fifty drabbles. Sorry not sorry. *shrugs*
Hello again! It's 2018! I know I haven't published anything in a while, but that's going to change! My New Year's resolution is to write & publish at least fifty chapters (>800 words per chapter, so over 40k words). So to start, I've planned out fifty drabbles and I want you guys to decide which one I write first.

So here are the drabbles, with semi-poetic prompts/summaries/hooks:

1. Striking the Match - A warm flame spread throughout his body, filling him with a burning desire to protect.
2. Glimmer of Hope - He never noticed how much hope and light was in the world.
3. First Snow - He'd always wanted to be strong enough to be brave and brave enough to be strong.
4. Taking Flight - The sky was an entirely different world from the one below.
5. Shock and Awe - He refused to sit on the sidelines any longer.
6. Pulling the Strings - He knew he didn't yet have what it took to be a leader, but he tried anyway.
7. Everything Stays (*W*) - At the end of the day, he was just doing his job.
8. Blinding Glare - The intensity of the light took him by surprise.
9. Overgrowth - Overwhelming hunger filled him. He needed to eat.
10. Trial by Fire - He probably would've let his fear consume him, eating at him like a forest fire until he was nothing but ash.
11. Thunderstorm (*W*) - There was so much energy surging throughout his body, he felt as if he'd explode.
12. Rising Tides - She couldn't drown, down here in the dark, but she could feel the pressure, the loneliness that suffocated her.
13. Howling Winds - The others depended on her speed, but she couldn't move.
14. Heart of Ice - The cold was absolute, yet he couldn't have felt happier.
15. New Moon - Darkness was everything he knew.
16. A Fatal Mistake - Everything was going according to plan, and then it wasn't.
17. An Iron Will - He wondered if he should've gotten involved sooner.
18. Dark Reflection - His "shadow" was a lot whinier than he originally thought.
19. The Abyss Stares Back - For a moment, she couldn't breathe, and she felt nothing but calm.
20. Smoke and Mirrors - He had to be brave; he couldn't be a burden any longer.
21. Rise from Ashes - The power that blazed throughout his body burned the fear away.
22. From Darker Day - The light seemed to shine even brighter in the dark.
23. A Rose's Thorns - In a semi-comedic moment of surrealism, rose petals fell around him in a flurry of white, pink, and red.
24. To Brightest Night - He remembered, and it hurt.
25. Calm Before the Storm - They knew the worst was yet to come. What they didn't know was whether or not they were ready for it.
26. It Could've Been Great - One finds themselves with a lot of time for reflecting when they're imprisoned in a cage made of light.
27. Betrayal - It hits you hard and unexpectedly, like a knife in your back. Sometimes you see it coming, but fail to stop it. Either way, it hurts.
28. Storm Breaker (*W*) - The power was electrifying (in more ways than one).
29. Touching the Sky - She felt lighter than she ever had before, as though her heart could just soar away into the sky.
30. In the Shadows - "Darkness has no natural alignment. It's up to you to decide if it's good or bad." Welp, time to try it out.
31. Whiteout Blizzard - There was a certain silliness to bashing the enemy with a giant popsicle, but that didn't make it any less effective.
32. Damage Done - Everything hurt. But he was trapped within his own mind, unable to stop.
33. Confrontation - They had a daring plan, and both the power and numbers to put it to use.
34. That Will Be All - They defeated the final boss. But it's not over yet; there's a final final boss looming on the horizon.
35. Crusading Dynasty - The other world just looked so promising; and if getting there required destroying this world, then so be it.
36. But It Still Changes (*W*) - His hide was hard as diamond, his resolve rough and unchanging. But underneath it all, his heart cracked and melted and changed just like anyone else's.
37. When it Rains - Misery loves company, but this wasn't supposed to be misery.
38. Steel Resolve - Last time, he acted too little and too late. This time, he wouldn't flinch in the face of danger.
39. Fallen Angel - Even in order, there is chaos. And what goes up almost always falls back down.
40. Ascension - After all the battles, something had to give. The question now was who.
41. Paradise Lost - All that remained was dust, the rest was a cold, dark void that offered no solutions.
42. Sacrifice - For all he knew, he was already dead. With nothing to lose, he could give everything he had.
43. Void of Hope - When you've reached rock bottom, there's nowhere to go but up.
44. Blaze of Glory - Fire surged through his entire being, but it was the knowledge that his friends were near that warmed his heart.
45. Ultimate Radiance - The darkness in his hands only made the light in his heart shine brighter.
46. Power Surge - He wasn't alone anymore, and the thought was electrifying.
47. Crashing Skies - Everyone's strong in their own way.
48. Bloom (*W*) - He'd changed so much, as had everyone else, for better and worse.
49. Snowstorm (*W*) - Someday he'd look back on this and laugh.
50. There's a World for Us All - Somehow, beneath the conscious thoughts of everyone involved, there was a presence reminiscent of everyone they'd met.

So those are the fifty drabbles for the If We're All For One World series. Just comment the number of the one you want me to write first (I could write them in order but it's more fun this way), and the drabble with the most votes goes first! The reason I want you to comment the number is because some of those titles are a work in progress (that's what the *W* is for).

Also, please note that all of these drabbles are for an AU of a show that got me into writing, so if you're familiar with that show, things will be different than canon.

Now cast your votes, and may the most interesting drabble win!


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