Wow this was Random

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An angel named Peril.

A demon called Heart.

Zane said that sometimes Heaven's hotter than Hell. I don't doubt him on that.

What does that saying even mean? I guess that it means that there's always two sides to every story. That sometimes, even what's portrayed as good can be evil. But then again, opposites are parallel. That's why they attract. They complete one another.

Maybe I'm thinking too deep into this.

Aphmau turned over and looked at Zane, who had fallen asleep. Even though Aph herself had pretended to fall asleep, her brain was abuzz with the story Zane told her.

Who was the hero in that story? Was there a hero?

It's like how wars are fought. Both sides believe in their cause, both sides see themselves as "good" and the other side as "bad."

It's why "evil" never wins. Because history is written by the victor. Because no matter what side wins, it'll be written in history that the "evil" side lost.

Aphmau sat up. Zane was still asleep.
She needed a drink. And maybe a snack.

Getting up, Aphmau looked down at the lilac nightgown she was wearing. Standing, Aphmau took a deep breath and exited the room.

Creeping down the hall, Aphmau made it to the kitchen. She quickly found a glass and filled it with water.

If history is written by the victors, then why isn't there more about the Divine Warriors?

Simple. Somehow, in some final battle of sorts, maybe not a true battle but something else, they had to have lost.

Aphmau tilted the glass to her lips and drank the delicious water. Her thoughts wandered.


The most powerful element. It towers over air, earth, and fire. Ice is just a sidebar to it.

Water sustains us. We need it to stay alive. That's a pretty basic rule for all lifeforms.

But it can destroy us. A single tsunami is all it takes to remind us of its destructive force.

All the elements-water, air, earth, fire-are like that. They can both sustain us and destroy us.

Aphmau put the glass in a sink. She wandered the halls until she returned to Zane's room. She walked over to the bathroom.

Desire is kinda the same, yet different. It's more like a kind of supervenom.

It's intoxicating.



It fills us up, until we are consumed by the need to fulfill it. We do things that we shouldn't. We act dumber than normal.

It's a drug, essentially.

Desire is a drug that lies dormant in all of us. When it's activated by greed, a crush, or a whim, it begins to grow. Fueled by the object of our fancies.

Until it becomes to much. Either we learn to handle it-not suppress it-or it destroys us.

Aphmau finished washing her hands and returned to the bed. Sitting on top of the covers, Aphmau looked over at Zane and smiled.

Love is like desire. It can consume you, make you do dumb things. But it's a little more like a rose.

An intricate maze of red, a tangled web of emotions forming a beautiful blossom. But it can cut you if you don't handle it right.

A rose...
Zane woke up to find that Aphmau had fallen asleep on top of the covers, dangerously close to falling off the edge. Even though such a fall wouldn't hurt her, Zane still reached over to her, half hugging her. He pulled her close.

These emotions I feel when I'm around her...

It's desire. Intoxicating, invigorating, addictive desire.

The question-why do I have this desire for Aphmau's heart? Why do I feel this desire for her happiness and well-being?

Aphmau's eyelids started to flutter, and Zane panicked a little. He let go of her and rolled over quickly.

Aphmau smiled to herself.

"So, what happens today?" She asked, giggling under her breath at how Zane, in his surprise and embarrassment fell right off the bed with an audible thump.

"Why are you asking me?" Zane asked as he hurriedly stood up.

"Cause you know O'Khasis better than I do." Aphmau said, getting up and staring at Zane the same way a cat stares at a cornered mouse.

After taking a shower and getting dressed in a cute little orange and red dress, Aphmau waltzed right over to Zane. Her smug look was gone.

Aphmau, apparently possessed by venomous desire, grabbed Zane and pulled his mask down.

Zane blushed a very deep red before pulling Aphmau in close. Aphmau blushed a little bit too, then pulled closer.

They kissed.

This desire, he feels it too. It's clear that I'm not the only one who's felt the spider's bite. It may be a deadly poison, but...

It just feels so...

Ooohh, I am definitely feeling the heat.

Hope y'all enjoyed!


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