Dancing like a BOSS

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Aphmau wasn't sure whether to be nervous, terrified, happy, or melancholy.

The party was tonight. Right here, right now. A long table, draped with white and purple cloth, covered in all kinds of food and one giant punch bowl sat unguarded. The dance floor, lit by fairy lights, seemed to be filled with castle staff and O'Khasis citizens-all of which were laughing and dancing.

Stay calm. Just stay calm and enjoy yourself.

Aphmau inhaled and exhaled deeply, then stood up in a new dress, this one just pale lavender with a violet cape.

As the party went on, Aphmau fantasized that she was in Phoenix Drop and that all of this was just a dream. Not a nightmare, but not an awesome dream either.

While Aphmau sat there, contemplating why this fanfiction had such awkward dialogue, someone approached her.

It wasn't Zane, but an incredibly handsome dark-eyed, brown-haired, burly man who looked to be in his late twenties.*

"Care to dance, M'lady?" The stranger asked as he offered his hand.

Might as well. Not like I have anything else to do.

Aphmau nodded curtly and stood up. As the night progressed, Aphmau found herself by the buffet, downing a glass of punch and chewing on a slice of heavenly, richly delicious chocolate cake. She moaned with content, the cake was that delicious. But why was she so dizzy?

Over near the other end of the buffet table, Zane glowered. Why was Aphmau enjoying herself? Did she not understand the severity of her situation? Or was she just dense?

No, Zane was not jealous. Not at all. Well, maybe a little. No! He was not jealous, and he would prove it. He would dance with her. Not realizing this just further proved he was jealous, Zane begrudgingly approached Aphmau, and paused halfway.

She was actually stunning in that dress of hers. Like, she practically glowed. As Zane watched, Aphmau downed another glass of punch. Another man approached her. Zane growled.

Over where Aphmau was, things were progressing as normal. Men would come up and ask her to dance in the cheesiest way possible, Aphmau would sigh and take their hand, then break away after one song, taking refuge at the buffet.

Just then, Zane walked up, wearing a gray turtleneck sweater, dark gray jeans, a silver mask, and a black fur cape with a silver underside. "May I have this dance?" He purred, grabbing Aphmau's arm roughly.

For one second, Aphmau tensed, but, remembering what Zianna said in that one overly awkward scene, she relaxed, grabbed Zane's arm, and said, "Why, of course."

Zane seemed taken aback for a moment before he started to dance with Aphmau. Aphmau, in her mind, pictured herself dancing with Garroth or Laurance. It kept her from crying-- until she realized how much she was enjoying this. Boy, Zane sure knew how to dance!

Somehow, they made their way to the center of the dance floor, where they became the center of attention.

As each song ended, people would clap in awe at the pair which danced in perfect sync.

Dipping back, twirling, Aphmau laughed as she danced with Zane. That's when the next song started to play, and both Aphmau and Zane began to sing along. The whole time, Aphmau enjoyed herself to the best of her ability, and eventually she forgot the reality of her situation. It was exhilarating.

"One day when my light is glowing, I'll be in my castle golden..." Aphmau sang along with the music. After a few lines, Zane joined in, and Aphmau found herself enjoying this shindig.

The whole time this was happening, Aphmau could see Zianna fangirling out of the corner of her eyes. The whole thing-- it was exhilarating!

Zane didn't know what to think. One moment, he was planning on drinking in all of Aphmau's pain, the next he was singing and dancing with Aphmau, exhilarated and fueled by adrenaline.

Looking at Aphmau, he smiled, even though nobody could see it. Without reason or purpose, he dipped Aphmau down and brought his lips up to hers.

 With the force only a punch-drunk hormone-fueled girl could muster, Aphmau grabbed Zane, removed his mask, and pulled him in, kissing him. Any observer would've noted the way Zane's eye expanded, his pupil dilating in surprise, before his eye closed in pure pleasure as he kissed back.

 Zianna nearly collapsed she was fangirling so hard. Her Zuuzuu was IN LOVE!!! IN LOVE!!!

As long as they're still sober, that is.

Said a small, critical voice from the back of Zianna's conscience. Zianna ignored it, dancing in the light in a world of her own.


Cliches Everywhere.

Hope y'all enjoyed!


*When I can't think of a character from MCD, I just use one of my own OCs. Meet Devon, everyone.

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