Another Late Night Update that's a Little Confusing

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Two Weeks Later
(Cause I'm EVIL (9'<>'9))

A lot has happened. Katelyn came, Malachi came back to life after a freak accident, Lucinda showed up and moved in, Alexis woke up...

Shiz happened.

And to think, in one week I'll be back in O'Khasis to marry Zane.

Better make the most of this week.

Aphmau looked out over the sea. It seemed so calm and peaceful. But Aphmau knew that it could become dangerous and nasty on a whim.

The sea is like a person with hormonal imbalance. One moment it can be sweet and calm and cheerful, the next it could be bitter, wild and angry. Changing on a whim, caught in never-ending mood swings.

But there's a beauty to be found in both forms. A calm beauty, and a powerful one.

Aphmau stood up. She decided to take a walk. Down the steps, past the Babe House. Over to the plaza, where Logan's stall still stood. Where Logan and Donna were chatting with Kiki, who was holding Leona. Where Yip was attempting to play with some flowers. Where the Irene statue stood.

The plaza has so many memories. It's where I met Logan and Zoey, where Dale would lie when he got drunk, where I purchased the ice cream creeper eggs, where the crazy cat lady was when she threw all her cats (still don't know how she did that), where that party was held...

Where Zane stole Alexis's youth...

Where a hole in the realm barrier was turned to diamonds...

Aphmau backed away from the plaza, then found herself facing the guard tower she had made for Garroth and Laurance and all her other guards.

Making that tower was exhausting, but worth it in the end.

Aphmau walked over towards the houses where Kawaii-Chan, Emmalyn, and Corey's family lived.

I remember when I first arrived in Phoenix Drop. I lived in the library with Emmalyn, and we did NOT get along. Now we're great friends.

Sighing, Aphmau wandered over to Kiki's barn.

To think that Kiki and Zane had been on good terms back then.

To think that a simple pendant would birth a child.

I wonder if Leona is Zane's daughter.

Aphmau was so lost in thought that it took her a moment to realize she had wandered over to the treehouse.

I remember when I was building that. I made a mistake and fell, only for Garroth to catch me. Then he played with me and the boys for the afternoon.


Thank you. For all you've done. I just hope you can understand why I chose to make this sacrifice.

Aphmau climbed up into the treehouse and looked out over the sea.

Looking out over the sea, Aphmau decided to sing.

The song wasn't really totally related to anything, just a song she felt like singing.

Start Song

Your light is inside of me
Like a raging roar
Like an ocean born
You're in my veins

Your voice is serenity
When the goes down
And the strength I found
Is in my veins

Our story binds us
Like right and wrong
Your hand in mine
Marching to the beat of the storm

And we walk together into the night
And my love will be your armor tonight
We are lionhearts

And we stand together facing a war
And our love is going to conquer it all
We are lionhearts

You're here like a silhouette
When the darkness rules
You're the brightest moon
And I am safe

The story binds us
Like right and wrong
Your hand in mine
Marching to the beat of the storm

And we walk together into the night
And my love will be your armor tonight
We are lionhearts

And we stand together facing a war
And our love is going to conquer it all
We are lionhearts

You're never far from where I am
Like a lighthouse bring me home
You're never far from me
Let your spirit glow

And we walk together into the night
And my love will be your armor tonight
We are lionhearts

And we stand together facing a war
And our love is going to conquer it all
We are lionhearts

And we walk together into the light
And my love will be your armor tonight
We are lionhearts

Aphmau only sang the song because she felt like singing, and it fit the mood of her situation perfectly.

Looking out over the sea, Aphmau contemplated her life, and the sacrifice she was going to make.

She hoped Garroth understood.

Hope y'all enjoyed. Also, there may or may not be another time skip up ahead.


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