The Injustice of a Massive AN and a Tiny Chapter

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Okay, I'm going to continue this. Kind of. I'm still working on Bloody Dawn, so this little chapter—more like a oneshot of sensitive information which I have chosen to reveal—is a kind of thank you to all of you wonderful readers.

However, first off, let me say a few things.

Thank you all for supporting me! I know my writing is actually pretty good for someone my age, but I'm not saying I'm awesome. Now, some of you (SirTurtleLord, for example) know that while I started writing this story before the move, the majority of it was done in Montana while I was visiting my dad.

And it was then that my dad pointed out something important.

He pointed out the fact that I tended to focus on two or three characters, forcing all the rest to the background.

Now, while I must admit I am guilty of this, it makes me happy to know I did that because it means I can learn from it (like what I've been trying to do in Bloody Dawn).

When I started writing stuff on Wattpad, I think I started to change for the better. I was improving my writing, sharing my work, and I think I began to have an overall better attitude about life. Which is why I feel so proud of Star in the Shadows, because it was the first fanfiction that I shared with others. It was that first step into the pretty awesome lifestyle I'm living. So, even though the writing in SitS is a little cliche, and with a bunch of other... things, I feel proud that I worked up the courage to keep going.

Sure, there have been those instances where I definitely wasn't really trying to write something awesome (Seeing Stars, Destiny Awakened, etc.), but now, I really do try to give you guys the best writing I can give.

And the fact that all of you guys are supporting and encouraging me...

The fact that I haven't seen a single hater...

The fact that I've become a little more outgoing because of all of this...

It just...

*starts bawling tears of joy*


Seriously. It's freaking amazing. Wondrous. Splendiforous.

But haters do exist. I mean, out of the books I've read, I don't believe I've seen a single one (of course it doesn't help that I'm not good at recognizing certain social situations). But they're still out there, and then there's the fact that there are other writers on here that aren't really getting the support they deserve...

The fact that amazing writers, amazing stories, even, can go unnoticed...

The fact that there are people in this world who have nothing better to do than antagonize others and bring them down...


Unfortunately, I can't change the way other people act.

I can change how I act.

And you can change how YOU act.

Now, on with the oneshot.

Zane stared at the vial, glaring as if it had offended him. Was this really the right thing to do?

It's the only thing I can do.

He shuddered, thinking of the consequences. Was it really worth it?

It has to be.

Slowly, with unsure tentativeness, Zane reached forwards, bringing the vial to his mask, which he quickly pulled down. He had to make it look real.

Standing, Zane stepped away from the table and knocked over a chair. Couldn't let anything be too suspicious.

Now that he had stalled long enough, he tipped the vial and swallowed the contents, gagging a little at how bitter it was.

Zane stumbled, coughing up blood. The vial, dropped, fell to the floor with a clink as it shattered.

Just before he lost consciousness, Zane said one final thing.

"The best dawns are full of blood."

Feeding My Good Side - Zanemau (ON HOLD)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora