AN - Let the Name Wars Commence!

568 12 17

These are the five names you must vote on:

-Ashton (or Ash) by BeccaSlays
-Astral by SirTurtleLord
-Cameron by mayihaveacupcake
-Cosmo (had to include that)
-Autumn by SirTurtleLord

So in the comments for this chapter and the next, vote on which name is your favorite. Whichever name is most popular will be the winner. If there's a tie, or if nobody votes, I'll just pick myself.

In all fairness, I'm a little dissapointed.

Dissapointed in the LACK of names (there were only TEN that were suggested).

Dissapointed in myself for thinking I'd get more than the average amount of comments I usually get.

Dissapointed at the world for no reason, really.

So yeah. Just vote. Or something. But remember only ONE VOTE PER PERSON! Just comment the name you think you like most.


See ya.


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