Drama, Drama Everywhere 3.0/Why Must You be so Cryptic, Zane?

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He kissed me!

Now I feel like crud!

Garroth, you pistachio!

Aphmau pulled away from Garroth, tears streaming from her eyes.

"I... I..." Garroth started to say before he noticed Aphmau was crying.

"Aphmau..." He said, trying to hold her. But Aphmau just pushed him away and continued crying.

"Garroth... now I feel like dirt for... ... ... and thinking it would all be okay... I made a sacrifice for you in O'Khasis and then you tell me you had feelings for me this whole time?! I... just no... I can't... why Garroth why?!" Aphmau said, having a small mental breakdown. Sobbing, she looked at Garroth with empty eyes, unable to return his feelings.

"Aphmau!" Uhm said, coming around the corner of the barn. He rushed over to Aphmau and held his black sword up in defense. Aphmau couldn't even look at him.

Garroth was reeling. Aphmau couldn't love him back, and something about Uhm didn't feel right with Garroth. Uhm's sword... and his voice were very familiar.

Garroth tried one more time. He kneeled down to get close to Aphmau, and tried to put his hand on her shoulder, but Aphmau was having none of this shit.

She slapped Garroth.


Garroth stumbled back and Aphmau ran off somewhere, with Uhm following.

I kissed her and she broke down.

What happened in O'Khasis? Why did Aphmau respond as such? And who the nether is Uhm?!


In a small clearing, Aphmau and Zane stopped.

"Aphmau... what did my brother do?" Zane asked, holding her close.

"He... he kissed me! I get married for him and find out he had feelings for me! Why? Why is this my life?" Aphmau said, clinging tighter to Zane.

Zane kinda sorta growled. "Aphmau, if anyone or anything makes you cry, tell me. I want you to be happy."

"Aw, that's sweet of you, Zane." Aphmau said, pulling his mask down.

Zane blushed. Aphmau kissed him, and that's when Zane saw Garroth at the edge of the clearing, pure shock written out on his face.

While Zane and Aphmau face-battled, Garroth just stood there, watching. Rage began to fill him.

When Aphmau pulled away from Zane and saw Garroth, she screamed and jumped.

She ran off, crying.

"Zane... whatever you've done to her, whatever hold you have on her, release it. Now." Garroth growled.

Zane sighed. "You really are an idiot. And to think I was hoping you'd grown up enough to understand... Oh well."

"Understand what?!" Garroth was now drunk on anger, but something stopped him from raising his sword.

It was Aphmau. She placed her hand on Garroth's shoulder. Garroth calmed down.

"Aphmau made a sacrifice... for you. At least try to be grateful she chose you over her own self. Be grateful that the woman you love isn't selfish." Zane said before melting into the darkness of the forest.

Aphmau looked at Garroth, her eyes full of sorrow, apologies, regret and sympathy before she, too, melted into the blackness of the forest.


Up on the hill by the recently moved Irene statue, Zane and Aphmau sat, watching the waves.

"Zane..." Aphmau said.


"Do you ever feel like you've just made the biggest, worst mistake ever?" Aphmau asked.

"Really?" Zane asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Oh... yeah... oops." Aphmau said, smiling. "But you should know that even if you can't fix all of your mistakes, you can still learn from them and improve."

"That might be the smartest thing you've said all day." Zane joked, earning him a playful slap from Aphmau.

"What I'm saying is, there's no such thing as destiny. The future is never certain. It can go in one direction one moment, then another one the next. Things may not always work out perfectly, but at least... we can make our own futures." Aphmau said.

"Aphmau... I... I don't know what to say... you just topped yourself... I didn't think you could get much smarter..." Zane joked, earning him another slap, slightly less playful.

"Zane... even if I find it hard to think of you as my husband... I still love you..."

Zane blushed.

"Like a boyfriend." Aphmau finished.

"Wow... you really had me going there..." Zane said.

Aphmau leaned in closer to Zane. She slowly removed his mask.

Zane grabbed his mask and put it back on, blushing.

Aphmau pulled his mask off again. Zane put it back on again and looked away.

Aphmau was now leaning against Zane, her head resting in the crook of his neck. Zane reached over and put his hand through her hair. He hugged her hard.


You're a beacon of hope when you're happy. So I'll make sure you are happy.

I'll never let anyone hurt you and get away with it.

I'll never let anyone make you cry and get away with it.

As long as I'm around, you'll be safe. You'll be happy.

I'll make sure of it.

Zane held Aphmau closer.

And they fell asleep, just like that.
Garroth is so confused.

Hope y'all enjoyed!

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