Now this is a Chapter! Get Ready, World! We're Back in Business!

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For the following chapter, you don't have to read Bloody Dawn, but it would be appreciated, and would give you more background knowledge about the donuts that are about to be glazed.

Also, plot convenience.



Zane was floating, sinking and bobbing through what seemed like an endless void, no longer trying to fight whatever current was pulling him, putting his trust into the ritual and hoping it would take him where he needed to go, especially since he didn't really know where he had to go, just that he had to get there.

Suddenly, he stopped. The current stopped pulling him, and as he relaxed, an image appeared before him. In the image, Zane saw a parallel version of himself training with a parallel version of what looked like Aaron.

"Focus on your opponent, not on your weapon, Zane!" Other Aaron said, sidestepping Other Zane's lunge before swinging his sword, only for Other Zane to turn, block the attack, and disarm Other Aaron in the process.

The current started up again, and Zane felt himself drifting away from that reality, contemplating what he had just seen.

It wasn't long before the current slowed once again, and Zane once again could see a parallel version of himself. This version, this Other Zane was accompanied by a mysterious female stranger whose face was hidden in shadow save for two glowing, blood-red dots that Zane guessed were eyes.

Zane shuddered involuntarily as he looked at how evil Other Zane and the Mysterious Woman looked. Fortunately, this was not his stop. Zane sighed in relief as the current once again began to pull him along.


Lucinda was really nervous. Ever since Zane had been found "dead" Aphmau had gone into a panic. Once it was determined that Zane was not actually dead, Aphmau had practically begged Lucinda to figure out what was happening.

Lucinda was nervous because she had no idea why Zane was in the state he was in, and Aphmau was hoping for answers—and soon. But Lucinda didn't have the slightest idea!

Once again she flipped through another book, hoping against hope for some kind of clue—anything!

She stopped. Right there, on that page was a potion that looked very familiar.

Reading the description, Lucinda did a double take. First, she had heard legends about this potion, true, but she never thought it was possible, or even attainable. Second, HOW IN THE NAME OF IRENE DID ZANE HAVE THIS IN HIS POSSESSION?! Third, Lucinda had no idea whether the potion's effect was even the desired one! For all she knew, something could've gone wrong!

Lucinda frantically began to calculate the possibility of the potion even working when she heard a sharp, subtle knock on her door.

"Lucinda? Are you awake yet?" Aphmau asked, once again knocking on Lucinda's door. Lucinda paused and looked at her clock. 4:53 AM. Morning? But... Lucinda didn't remember falling asleep... ohhhh. OH DONUTS AND PISTACHIOS—OH HOLY FREAKING SNICKERDOODLES SHE WAS UP ALL NIGHT?!

Lucinda glanced towards a mirror and saw herself. Her hair was noticeably messy and her eyes were underlined with dark streaks. She was a raccoon, she decided, and should probably get some sleep.

Feigning sleep, or just staying silent, was somehow successful, as indicated by Aphmau's retreating footsteps. Letting out a sigh of relief, Lucinda marked the page she was on with a bookmark before closing the book and trudging over to her bed, where, as plot convenience would have it, she immediately fell asleep.

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