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We walk downstairs, hand in hand.
Everyone is passed out on the couch together.
"So much for an all nighter" i laugh.
Then we get an idea. We go over to the kitchen and grab a few pans.
On the count of three, we bang them together, waking everyone up with a shock.
"Time to get up!" I yell, banging the pans together over and over. When everyone is fully awake, we put the pans away.
"Okay, thanks for DESTROYING my ear drums" jack says, yawning.
"Everyone needs to go get packed, the car from the airport will be here to pick us all up at 10" Sophia says, stretching.
We all look around at eachother sadly, then everyone starts to head upstairs to get packed. About an hour later, the car arrives and we all head out to load our stuff.
The drive to the aiport is about 15 minutes, and we all sit in silence, staring out the window sadly. The driver drops us off and we head inside to check our bags in.
"Well, i guess this is where we leave you" Millie says, giving each of us a hug, tears forming in her eyes. Her and Sadie are going to be here for a few more weeks, so theyre not leaving yet.
I hug Sadie too, feeling tears forming in my eyes. Im not about to break down though, not here in the middle of the airport.
"Hey, its okay. We'll FaceTime all the time, and well come visit too! My aunt lives in ohio and im going there for Christmas, so maybe we can visit then?" Millie says, giving me another hug.
"Yeah definitely!"
"And im coming too, so ill see you guys then too!" Sadie says happily, hugging me again.
Everyone gives them a hug, and then they walk back to the entrance, waving at us and blowing us kisses. Gaten, Noah, and Caleb leave with them too.
Now were back to where we started.
Sophia turns to me, her eyes full of tears.
"I still remember the first time we ever hung out, when we were at that hotel" she says, tears escaping her eyes.
"Ill never forget that night" ella says sadly, wrapping her arm around Jack. I hug Wyatt Chosen and Jaeden, then i hug sophia.
She cries into my shoulder, and i start to cry too.
"I love you so much sophia, im so lucky to have you as one of my best friends" i sob, our tears staining eachothers shirts.
"I love you too Kels" she says, hugging me even tighter. We pull away and laugh
"were such a mess" i say, fanning my face.
"Im gonna face time you as soon as i get home. Okay? Okay." I turn and hug Jack.
"Im gonna miss your shenanigans, kid" i say, poking his nose.
"And im gonna miss taking the front seat from you, mom" he says back, causing me to laugh. Ella comes up and hugs him.
Then, the moment ive been dreading comes.
I turn to Finn, and i break down.
Tears flow down my face like a river. He takes a few steps toward me and presses his lips on mine, softly and sweetly, like always. Im gonna miss those kisses so much.
We pull alway and i bury my head into his chest, listening to his heart beat for the last time. We stand there, wrapped in eachothers arms for about 5 minutes longer. I breathe in his scent one last time and pull away, looking up into his eyes, his big, beautiful brown eyes, one last time.
I cant even control the amount of tears coming out of my eyes, and neither can he. I stand there taking in all of his features, everything about him, for the last time.
I slowly pull away from him, but cant resist the urge to kiss him one last time. I kiss him like my life depends on it, because right now it does. I step back and ruffle his hair.
"Hey, this isnt goodbye, remember? Im gonna see you again before you even know it, i promise. This isnt goodbye" he says sadly, tucking my hair behind my ear.
"Yeah" i choke out, trying to control my sobbing
"ill be back to kicking your ass at mario kart in no time. You better practice while youre in Canada!" I say, ruffling his hair.
"Oh trust me, i will" he jokes back, wiping my tears away from my eyes.
"Im gonna facetime you every night. We can text and maybe even write letters, if you want. And ill see you as soon as possible, i promise. Ill see if i can come down and see you for Christmas and for our birthdays" he says, and i wipe the tears from his eyes.
"Hell yeah. Were gonna talk all the time, you may even get sick of me and block me" i joke halfheartedly.
"Not if you get sick of me and block me first" he replies.
Then i hear the final call for my flight. I pull him in for one last hug, staying there for as long as i can. "Try not to have too much fun without me okay?" He says, backing away from me.
"Ill try" i try to smile, but cant.
"This is not goodbye. This is... just a see ya later" he says, and i nod
"Yeah definitely" i say punching his shoulder and standing on my tiptoes to kiss his cheek, one last time.
"I love you" i whisper, leaning my forehead on his.
"i love you more. And its because i love you that i have to tell you to go. Youre gonna miss your flight" he says sadly, faking a smile. I turn and walk away before i change my mind.
"See ya, finnie boy!" I call over my shoulder
"see ya, kels!"
"i love you, wolfhard!"
"And i love you, Wiseman!"

The end

What I never knew I always wanted (finn wolfhard x reader)Where stories live. Discover now