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The sun starts to set, ending an amazing day.
The sky is filled with beautiful pinks and purples and blues. We all sit crowded around a fire, telling jokes and stories and laughing hysterically.
I felt a nudge on my shoulder and looked over to see Finn.
"Wanna go for a walk?" He whispered in my ear. I nodded my head and we snuck away before anyone noticed. We walked down the beach, side by side, not saying a word just staring out at the ocean.
Suddenly he grabbed my hand and pulled me over to a little log, and sat down in front of it, pulling me down with him.
"Wow" i breathed, leaning back to see the beautiful star filled sky. The stars looked so bright out here. "I've always loved stars. Ever since I was a little kid. I used to climb out onto my roof and lay outside all night just staring at them." I told him with a little giggle. "I was a weird kid."
"No thats not weird at all. I used to do the same thing. They're just so mesmerizing. One night my dad caught me on the roof and flipped out so he put locks on my windows so I couldnt get on the roof again."
I smiled and looked over at him, fully taking him in for the first time.
He had the most beautiful, delicate pale skin, and his nose was scattered with freckles. He had long eyelashes that complemented his eyes perfectly. He was truly breathtaking.
Sadly, I had been staring too long, and he noticed. He looked over at me with a small smile.
"What?" He asked, looking down like he was embarrassed.
"Nothing" i said, shaking my head and looking back up at the stars.
"Can we talk about what happened last night on the ferris wheel? I completely get it if you don't feel comfortable and don't want to" he suddenly said. "Um yeah.. im-im sorry about that. i know that it probably put you in an awkward position-"
"are you serious? no no no not at all, its not something you can help. i would never judge you for that!" he said looking deep into my eyes.
"Really?" I asked, suprised at his reaction.
"Really." I smiled and scooted closer to him.
"I wasn't always afraid of heights. I actually used to love them. But ever since my mom died-" i couldnt do this. i could feel the tears coming to my eyes, and the last thing i wanted was to break down in front of him.
he wrapped an arm around me and pulled me into his chest.
"hey we dont have to talk about this if you dont want to. im sorry" he whispered softly into my hair.
"No i-i kind of want to. ive never told anyone about it, i think it will help if i do." he nodded his head and rubbed my back softly.
"my mom and i used to always go up on this cliff over looking the city. it was our thing, our safe place. whenever my dad would hurt her, we would go there."finn didnt say anything, just nodded his head and kept rubbing my back.
"my dad used to abuse my mom. but she never told me about it. i found out myself, which was the worst possible way to find out. i walked in on her while she was putting on her makeup, and saw all the bruses and marks he had left on her"
the words got caught in my mouth, but i kept going. "that night while my dad was out getting drunk, we packed everything up and left. we destroyed our phones and changed our license plate so he couldnt find us.
but he did. one night when we were on the cliff, he found us. my mom told me to run and hide, but she couldnt get away in time. he-he"
i couldnt continue. i felt my throat closing up, i knew i was about to have an anxiety attack. yet again.
he pulled me onto his lap and held me in his arms, rocking me back and forth while tears silently streamed down my face. he ran his fingers through my hair and whispered
"im sorry. im so so sorry" i felt a drop hit my shoulder, and looked up and he was crying too. so we sat there like that, rocking back and forth, for a few more minutes.
suddenly i realized something, and my tears stopped. i looked up at his face, awestruck.
"what?" he whispered quietly.
"You" i said, at a loss for words "you helped me. you helped me through it. no one else has been able to do that, not even ella. you made me feel safe, and even now. ive never told anyone that story, not even ella. i moved in with her, but she doesnt know what happened. i dont get it. i met you like 2 days ago and im already telling you my deepest, darkest secrets. and youre making me feel safe" i finished, searching his eyes.
a warm smile spread onto his face, and he grabbed my face lightly, kissing my forehead, and then pulling me back into his arms.
There was one more thing i wanted to get off my chest, but i didnt know if he'd be able to handle this one. itll have to wait. i pulled back and looked at his face, just staring up at his beauty.
"thank you. for everything" i gave him a little smile, looking deep into his eyes.
he gently grabbed my face, running his thumbs over my cheeks to wipe away the tears, staring deep into my eyes. slowly, he started to lean in, and before i knew it, his lips were on mine.
it was unexpected, they were so warm and soft. i gave in and melted into the kiss, kissing him back. it was short and gentle, sweet.
he pulled away and smiled at me.
"Ive been waiting for that ever since i met you" he said shyly, looking down.
This kid was absolutely adorable.
I grabbed his face and connected our lips again, genuinely smiling for the first time in a long time.

What I never knew I always wanted (finn wolfhard x reader)Where stories live. Discover now