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I woke up to an angry pounding on my door. "Coming" i said sleepily, still half dead. But the pounding didn't stop.
"I said im coming!" I yelled. I swung the door open to see who it was.
Ella stood in front of me, tears streaming down her face.
"Ella whats wro-"
"my aunt kicked us out" she said sadly, tears forming in her eyes.
"we got in a fight this morning and she told me to pack our things and go."
I couldnt process this. I felt my heart break into a million pieces. What were we gonna do?
"Oh ella, im so sorry" i said hugging her. "What are we gonna do?"
"I guess we'll have to buy plane tickets and leave today, because we dont have enough money to stay in a hotel again" she said, looking absolutely crushed.
I felt my heart fall out of my ass. This can't be happening. Everything was going so perfectly. We were living in a beautiful house in a beautiful state, with some of the best people ive ever known.
And Finn. What would happen to us? He was the most important person in my entire life, and i was not about to give him up.
"No" i said firmly.
"What do you mean? Theres nothing else we can do" she said, looking confused.
"No there is" i said, walking back into my room and grabbing my phone. I dialed Finn's number and it rang a couple times before he picked up.
"Hello?" He said in a sleepy voice, sending CHILLS down my spine. I quickly recovered and said
"oh hey im sorry if i woke you up"
"nah you didn't i was up before"
"uh okay yeah right your voice says otherwise"
i could hear the smile in his voice
"got me there"
"hey so ive got some bad news"
I explained how we were getting kicked out and if we didnt have a place to stay then we'd have to go back today.
"no no no you cant leave. i wont let you"
"so what should we do" i said sadly
"uh come stay here, duh! like we would let some little thing like that take you away from us. weve got a few extra bedrooms, and everyone would love it if you guys came"
"but finn we wouldnt want to be a bur-"
"oh shut up you know we love you. come over as soon as you can, everyones awake now"
"finn, youre a lifesaver, i owe you big time" i said with a huge smile on my face
"yeah you do. now go get packed, i cant wait to see you"

About an hour later, we pulled up to Jaedon's driveway, where Finn and Jack were standing.
I shut off the car engine and got out.
"Hey Kels" Finn said with a huge smile, pressing his lips against mine.
"Hey finnie boy" i said, pulling away and standing on my tip toes to ruffle his hair. The boys walked back to the trunk and started unloading our stuff and bringing it inside.
"come on, you dont have to do that" i called after Finn.
"i know, but i want to!" he called back. i laughed and shook my head. how did i get so lucky?
We walk inside and see everyone in the kitchen. They look suprised to see us, which makes me nervous.
"Finn, did you tell them we were coming?" I whisper to Finn, giving him a look.
"Uhh... it kinda slipped my mind. I was just so excited for you to come I forgot to mention it..." he said, giving me an apologetic look.
I mentally face palmed. What if they didnt want us here? Sophia smiled and walked over to me.
"Hey kels whats up? I didnt think we were hanging out until tonight?"
Oh god here we go.
"Hey Soph im really sorry i shouldve asked you fi-"
"i told them they could stay here. ellas aunt kicked them out, so they had no where to go. if they didnt have anywhere to stay they would be on a plane home right now" finn cuts me off.
I give him a look, thanking him.
"Oh wow im so sorry girls! Im happy we can help!" Sophia says, hugging us.
"Oh my GOD this is gonna be SO fun. Ive been living with these boys too long, itll be so fun to have some girls in the house!" Sophia says excitedly. I smile warmly at her
"okay first things first, lets get you guys set up in the guest room. We only have one, im sorry, so youll have to share it."
Ella and I give eachother a highfive, and i wrap my arm around her shoulder.
"Oh god. How will i ever survive sharing a room with this idiot?" She laughs, giving me a look like she hates me.
"Speak for yourself, Patrick. You sleep like a star fish in the middle of the bed!" I laughed back at her, poking her nose. Everyone laughs with me and Ella just rolls her eyes.
"Wow you should be a comedian" she says sarcastically, throwing me a fake smile.
"Just call me Gaffigan" i say flipping my hair behind my shoulder (if you dont know who jim gaffigan is then you're probably confused and this is awkward. hes a comedian)
"you know you love me"
we head upstairs to our room, and my jaw DROPS when i see the "room".
its huge, bigger than my entire house. it has a high ceiling, huge flat screen tv on one wall a gigantic bed, bigger than any ive ever seen before. the room has its own bathroom with a jacuzzi and a marble shower. a mirror takes up a whole wall. but my favorite part of the room is the balcony. its pretty big, and has a ledge to sit on, over looking the beautiful ocean. "wow. this is amazing" ella breaths.
"youre telling me" i say, spinning in a circle.
"but lets be honest. were not gonna be sharing this room for long" she says, winking at me.
"Um okay what does that mean"
i knew what that meant.
"oh come on stupid. you know your gonna end up sleeping in Finn's room" she says winking again.
"Oh yeah? What about you and Jack?" I retort back, narrowing my eyes at her.
Just then Sophia walks in.
"All settled in?" She asks.
"Yes, this room is breathtaking!" Ella says.
"Right? So are you guys ready to go downtown?" We nod our heads.
This should be interesting

We take two cars. In one car its Chosen, Jaeden, Wyatt, and blondie.
In the next its Sophia, Ella, Jack, Finn, and me. "SHOTGUN!" everyone shouts at the same time.
"I said it first!" Insists Jack.
"Nuh uh, I did!" Finn yells back.
"Fuck you two, it was ME!" Ella yells.
"Fine. We'll settle this like adults. Rock Paper Scissors." Finn says.
In the end, Jack wins.
"HA take thAT motherfuckers" he says hopping into the front seat.
"Okay okay but who wants to drive?" Sophia asks. No one raises their hand.
"Really? No one?" Sophia insists.
"Maybe you should drive" i say to her after a few moments of silence.
"Um no i dont want to!"
"Neither do i!"
"Me either!" Everyone yells, except Jack who says "sucks to suck" from the front seat.
"okay.. Rock Paper Scissors it is!" sadly, i lost. to everyone. not my best day. so i hop into the drivers seat next to jack.
"I CALL THE AUX CORD!" Jack yells, causing everyone else to start shouting yet again.
After about 15 minutes and 3 HORRIBLE songs of jacks choice, we pulled in infront of a big black building that read LAZOR TOWN.
We all jump out of the car and walk into the building. There were splashes of neon everywhere, and everything was glow in the dark, including my white shirt, and everyones teeth.
We all pretty much fell on our asses laughing the first time Jack smiled.
We went to the front desk and paid for a round of lazor tag, and a worker showed us back to a dark room where we get our gear on and find out our teams.
Team 1: sophia, Jaeden, ella, finn
Team 2: chosen, jack, wyatt, and me

What I never knew I always wanted (finn wolfhard x reader)Where stories live. Discover now