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I felt my heart drop. sophia followed my eyes and saw Wyatt too.
"Oh kelsie, im so sorry" she said, coming forward to give me a hug.
I stepped back before she could. "Sorry for what?" I asked, acting like i didnt care.
A part of me could pretend that i didnt care because i had just met wyatt, but another part of me was breaking. i really thought we had something.. that there was something there.
i guess i was wrong.
see, this is why you dont get attached to people, i thought to myself, they always leave. I had to hold it together, i could break down later, but not here, not now.
So instead i just put on a fake smile
"im fine" i said to sophia. "lets go get some food, im starving"
Sadly, the night was coming to an end. We had ridden pretty much every ride and spent all of our money. Wyatt never joined us again, he spent the whole night with the random hoe.
"Its getting late, we should probably head back soon" ella said.
"Nooo" i groaned "i dont wanna go home."
"hey i have an idea! lets hang out tomorrow!" jack said happily.
"You guys can come to Jaedens house!" Ella and i shared a look like we were considering it, but obviously the answer was yes.
"Eh, we could probably clear time in our busy schedule" i said sarcastically, earning a laugh from everyone.
just then wyatt came back, looking satisfied with himself.
"hey guys" he said with a big smile on his face, which none of us returned. we all just kind of stared at him. thankfully, ella got a text saying the driver was here before it got even more awkward. i hugged everyone goodbye, except Wyatt ,and ended with Finn.
Ours lasted longer than the others as i took time to breathe in his smell. I closed my eyes, just enjoying this moment feeling warm and safe, then pulled away. I stepped back and he gave me a little smile, which i returned.
"bye everyone, see you tomorrow!"

I stepped out onto my porch, feeling the spray of the ocean on my legs. I close my eyes, breathing it all in. I hear a creak and turn around, face to face with Wyatt. He smiles evilly at me, and suddenly Wyatt is not there anymore. Instead, i am face to face with Jacob. He chuckles, sending a shiver down my spine.
"You can run, but you cant hide, you know that?" He says, stepping closer to me.
Suddenly I am standing on the edge of a cliff, jagged rocks poking out of the ocean below me.
And suddenly Jacob pushes me, sending me falling over the edge.
I wake up in a sweat, jolting forward. I sit for a moment, trying to slow my racing heart. I take a deep breath, in and out, and roll over to see my clock. 2:56am.
I lay down and try to fall back asleep but cant, the image of Jacobs eyes haunting my mind.

Finally, morning comes.
Im awoken to the smell of bacon and pancakes coming from the kitchen. I want to lay in this warm bed forever, but I want food more. I pull on a sweatshirt and head downstairs.
When I get downstairs, i am greeted by the maid, Nora. She gives me a warm smile and slides a stack of pancakes in front of me.
A few minutes later, Ella comes down. I look up and literally choke on my water when i see her hair piled up in a birds nest on the top of her head.
She just rolls her eyes at me, used to my harassment after being friends with me for 14 years.
After eating, Ella and I go for a drive around the town, seeing whats around.
We stop at the beach and flash eachother stupid grins before running to the waters edge. Ever since we were little girls we have talked about going on vacation together, now here we are.
We sit down on the sand and stare at the ocean, not talking, until Ella says,
" so.. are you okay?" I already know what she's referring to, but i pretend i dont.
"Yeah, why?" I ask tilting my head.
"Oh come on dont pull that act on me. I see right through it. So dont try lie to me, are you okay?"
I sigh and shake my head
" I honestly have no idea.. im just confused. i thought there was something between us, yanno? but then he goes and makes out with some random bimbo and comes back like nothings wrong. so maybe i was wrong? maybe there was never anything there and it was all in my head? I honestly dont know."
Ella nodded her head, i knew she understood.
"And what about Finn?" She says nudging me. I cant help the smile that comes onto my face as i tell her about everything, about how i hated him at first, then became friends with him, and the events of last night.
by the end i could tell she was in shock, because she really understood me better than anyone else. she knew how bad my anxiety was, how uncontrollable it was.
"i dont even know what to say. finn sounds amazing, you should really keep him. he seems like a great person" i just smile and nod
" he is. on the other hand, tell me about jack" i say, and she launches into her story.

"Time to go!" Ella yells up at me as i do the finishing touches on my makeup.
"Coming!" I shout back, taking one last look in the mirror before heading out the door. We drive for about 10 minutes, and pull up to a huge house, on the beach.
We make our way up the steps of the house and knock on the door.
It swings open, revealing Chosen. "hey guys! nice to see you again! everybodys out back!" he says, leading us through the house.
we stepped out onto the back porch, where everyone is sitting, except for wyatt who is nowhere to be seen .
i sit down next to Jaeden on a hammock.
"Your house is beautiful!" I gush to him. He smiles and thanks me.
"anyone up for cliff jumping?" chosen asks.
"cliff jumping? what the hell is that?" Ella asks, taking the words out of my mouth.
"See that ledge up there?" Sophia points at the cliff next to the house, and sure enough, about 15 feet above the water is a ledge. "well what you do is get a running start and jump off into the water!"
my jaw drops.
"People do that for fun?" I ask, unable to comprehend. Everyone acts like it was a dumb question, but i was seriously having trouble processing why anyone would chose to jump off a cliff for fun.
Finn sees my expression and shoots me a little smile, because he understands whats going through my head.
"come onn, itll be fun!" sophia insists.
now here i am, looking down at the ocean almost 20 feet below, thinking about everything that could go wrong.
"watch how its done" chosen says, sprints towards the edge and does a front flip off. I run to the edge to see if hes okay and he pops his head up and gives a thumbs up while everyone cheers.
Next is Jaeden. He gets a running start and does a pencil dive, making almost no splash when he hits the water.
"oo id give that a 10/10!" ella shouts down to him. sophia stands on the edge and does a back flip off, landing perfectly.
now its only me, ella, jack, and finn. Without warning, Jack grabbs Ellas hand and the two of them get a running start and jump, Ella screaming the whole way down.
"Looks like its just us" finn says. I give him a terrified look.
"Please dont jump without me. I dont want to do it alone." He steps forward and gently takes my hand. "On the count of 3 okay? 3..2..1.. go!" His sudden movement jolts me forward and before i know it im falling through the air, Finn laughing next to me, our hands still connected.
We fall into the deep blue water, and for a split second i let myself sink. I did it, i really did that. Finn pulls me up with him and we break the surface, i hear everyone cheering.
I turn and look at finn, his wet hair hanging in his eyes, making him look adorable.
"Race you back!" I yell, getting a head start.
"Oh its ON"

What I never knew I always wanted (finn wolfhard x reader)Where stories live. Discover now