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I woke up in Finns car, still in his clothes that i slept in last night.
Outside the sky is dark, the sun not even up yet. I look in the back seat and see a bunch of suitcases, but no one else.
"Whats going on" i mumble sleepily, still too disoriented to understand whats happening. "Morning babe. I know youre really tired, so you can go back to sleep if you want. We'll be at my friends house in a few hours" he says softly, stroking his thumb on the back of my hand.
Then it all comes back to me.
Everything that happened last night.
My dad showing up in the middle of the night, everything he said, and that were leaving.
I look at the clock and its 5am.
"Where is everyone? Are they not coming too?"
"No they're coming, but not until later. Wyatt and Chosen are staying to be with their girlfriends" it makes me kind of sad, but i understand it.
Im just happy everyone else is coming too, id miss them too much. Finn sees me thinking and says
"im sorry we left so early, i was just laying awake all night. all i could think about was keeping you safe, and i didnt want to take any chances. i thought that if we left later in the day someone might follow us or something. im so-"
"hey, its okay. theres nothing for you to be sorry for. all youre trying to do is protect me, and i really appreciate that. no one has ever treated me like this before" i cut him off.
He just gives me a small smile and squeezes my hand. I try to stay awake to keep him company, but sleep wins.

I feel a shaking on my arm and open my eyes. Sunlight streams in through the car windows, and Finn stands by me.
"Were here" he says, opening the back door and unloading some of the suitcases. I unbuckle myself and step out of the car, feeling the warm breeze on my skin.
In front of me is a cute little house with a wrap around porch. We are right on the beach, with only a few other houses surrounding us. Woods are on the other side of the house.
"Wow" i say under my breath.
Its really beautiful here. The front door opens and a boy steps out. From his looks i would guess that hes about 18 ish.
"Finn" he says smiling widely and walking over to him.
"Drew" Finn says, dropping the suitcases and hugging his friend.
"Its so nice to see you man, its been forever! And this must be Kelsie" he says turning to me and sticking out his hand for me to shake.
"Yup thats me. Nice to meet you."
"Finn's told me so much about you" he says, nudging Finns shoulder and making his cheeks turn pink. "Oh has he?" I say, wrapping my arm around Finn's waist and smiling up at him.
"Dont worry, hes spoken very highly of you. When is everyone else getting here?" He asks, turning to Finn.
They start talking about everything and just catching up, so i walk down to the beach and sit down in the sand. The water here is different from LA, its a deeper blue and the sand is a little darker. Its also a little colder here, so id guess that we were somewhere north of LA.
I hear footsteps behind me and Finn sits down next to me.
"So, you like it out here?"
"Yeah, its pretty beautiful. But where are we exactly?"
"Were about an hour north of Malibu, close to San Francisco. By the way Jack just called me and said they'll be here in a couple hours" Finn says, playing with the sand.
I nod my head and start trying to build a sand castle, and Finn helps me. We are literally second graders. "Look Finn... im really sorry about all this. Im so sorry for having so many issues and burdening you with my problems and causing you to have to leave and making your summer more difficult than it has to be. Im really really sorry. You deserve someone so much less problematic than me, someone so much better" i say sadly, looking out at the ocean to avoid his eyes.
"Are you kidding? Dont even think like that. Youre not a burden, not at all. You've actually made my life like 100000x better, and you dont even know it. Your issues arent your fault, its because of all the shitty people that have done you wrong in your life. If anyone deserves better its you. I dont care that we left, i really dont. What matters most is that i have you. I dont care where we are. As long as i have you im happy" he says, gently taking my chin in his hand and turning me to look at him.
"I dont know what i would do without you. I dont even know where id be right now" i say, putting my hand over his.
"Honestly, neither do i. Id be so lost without you" he says, looking deep into my eyes.
I lean my head onto his shoulder and we sit in comfortable silence for a couple minutes, just enjoying the view.
"I love you Finn" i say, closing my eyes.
"I love you more"
"highly doubt thats possible"
"oh trust me it is" i just laugh.
laugh because were so stupid together, laugh because a few months ago i never wouldve ever imagined that id be here, and laugh because im completely fucking crazy about him, and he feels the same way about me. I hear a honking noise and whip my head around.
"Hey Kelsie!" Sophia yells with her head out the window.
"Sophia!!" I yell, standing up and running to the car. Then i notice who else is in the car with her. "SADIE!! MILLIE!!" I scream, running to them and giving them a big bear hug.
"Kelsie!!" They both yell back, laughing at my enthusiasm.
"What are you guys doing here?"
"Weve been staying in Malibu and heard you guys were coming up here and wanted to visit. Were gonna be staying with you guys for a while!" Sadie says happily.
Just when i thought things couldnt get any better. Ella gets out of the car and hugs me tightly.
Another car pulls up, and out jumps Jaeden, Jack, Caleb, Gaten, and Noah.
"The party has officially started!" Gaten says as he hops out of the car.
"Aww hey guys!" I say, giving each of them a hug. We head inside to unpack everything.
Sadly, this house is a little smaller than Jaedens so theres not as much room.
Millie, Sadie, Sophia, Ella, and I are all sharing one room while the boys all share another.
"Im so excited, this is gonna be so fun!" Millie squeals as we unpack everything.
Our room is pretty big. Its got a huge window that takes up pretty much a whole wall, its own bathroom, and a large flat screen tv. Theres only one bed, but no one wants to sleep on it so we made a little fort out of pillows and blankets on the floor instead.
After we finish getting everything ready, we head downstairs to see everyone else.
Everyone is sitting on the patio. Its pretty cute, its got lights strung up everywhere and a hot tub. I take a seat next to Finn and Jaeden. A few minutes later Drew walks out.
"Hey guys i just found out i have to fly out tonight to New York to see my sister, im leaving in about an hour. I wont be back for a couple days, but feel free to enjoy the house!"
"Alright man thanks so much for letting us use the house, we really appreciate it" Finn says, giving him a fist bump.
Across the table i notice Millie making googly eyes at Drew, looking completely enthralled by him. She snaps out of it when he walks back inside, and blushes once she notices me looking at her.
"Looks like somebodies got a little crush!" I tease her.
"Oh shut up" she laughs, rolling her eyes.

A few hours later, the girls and i sat chilling in the hot tub, watching the sunset. The boys had just left, they were going to take Drew to the airport and hang out with some of Finns other friends that live around the area, so tonight we were having another girls night.
"So girls. What should we do tonight?"
"I say we have a movie marathon and watch a bunch of chick flicks" millie suggests, and we all agree.
We head inside and change into comfy clothes and settle down on the couch.
"What should we watch?" Ella asks, looking through Drew's movies.
"All he has here is fucking action movies."
"Well, good news for us, i brought all 4 of the twilight movies with me" sadie says proudly.
"Dont ask" she laughs when she sees our expressions.
Sadie pops in the first one. Halfway through the second one my eyes start to get heavy so i let myself drift to sleep, dreaming of vampires and hot ass werewolves.
I awake when i hear a crashing sound outside. Everyones eyes pop open, looks like they all fell asleep too. We are pretty much sleeping in a pile on the floor together, which causes me to laugh. Then i hear another sound.
"What was that?" Sophia asks sleepily pulling out her phone to check the time. Its almost 1am.
"Its probably nothing. Probably just the boys getting home" Ella says, closing her eyes and cuddling into Sadie. Then we hear it again.
"Okay seriously thats getting annoying as fuck" Millie says, sitting up
"what even is that?"
"It sounds like glass breaking" i say, wide awake now.
"Who wants to go check it out?" No one says anything, they all just close their eyes and pretend to go back to sleep.
"Oh come on guys i know youre not asleep" no response.
Guess that leaves me.
I slowly get up and turn all the lights back on. I stumble down the hallway and swing the door open, revealing nothing.
But then i notice that the windshield to Jacks car is completely shattered.
"What the fuck?" I whisper to myself, stepping out onto the porch and closing the door behind me. I walk over to his car to go check out the damage.
It looks like someone threw a rock through his windshield, like they were trying to rob him.
I look around and dont see anyone, the dim light from the porch being my only source of light. i go around and open the door, checking to see if anything was stolen. just as i was about to turn around and go back inside, i felt a tingling sensation on the back of my neck.
knowing what that meant, i started sprinting toward the house. just as i reached the stairs, i felt something hard collide with my body.
a hand went over my mouth and something black was pulled over my head, so i couldnt make any noise. i tried to kick whoever was attacking me, but it wasnt hard enough.
i started to feel dizzy, and suddenly my knees gave out and everything went black.

What I never knew I always wanted (finn wolfhard x reader)Where stories live. Discover now