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I opened my eyes and squinted through the darkness, trying to figure out where i was, but failing since my eyes weren't adjusted to the dark yet.
i tried to move my body, but couldnt. i looked down and saw white ropes tied tightly around my torso, binding me to a tree.
then I realized where i was.
I was in the middle of the woods tied to a tree.
only one person would be psychotic enough to do something like this.
i tried to scream, but no sound came out through the thick tape over my mouth.
"Hello love" i heard from behind me, making my heart literally fall out of my ass and every hair on my body stand straight up.
Jacob came out from behind me, smiling like the psychopath he is.
I squirmed and tried to untie myself, but it was useless. I couldnt move.
"Oh baby, did you really think you could just run away from me? Did you really think i wouldnt find you?"
This isnt happening. Theres no way this is happening again. No way. A hot tear drips down my cheek and he wipes it off, his rough fingers scratching my face.
"Dont cry babygirl" he says, running his fingers through my hair and causing even more tears to escape my eyes.
"You've been a bad girl, trying to run away from me and hiding out with that boy. But dont worry, ill take care of you. And the best part is? You wont get away this time. Youll be mine forever, and youll never see that pathetic little excuse of a boyfriend ever again. Are we clear?" He says, dangerously quietly, getting right up in my face. I dont say anything, just stare him dead in the eye.
"I said ARE WE CLEAR" he yells at me this time, causing me to cringe away from him.
He laughs a little, shaking his head.
"You never fucking learn do you. Its such a shame" he slowly takes the tape off my mouth and presses his lips onto mine, biting me when i dont kiss him back.
He starts planting kisses on my jaw and neck, and as soon as he takes his mouth off mine i scream. Scream so hard my throat hurts and my head feels dizzy. Scream like my life depends on it, because it does.
"FINN! FINN HELP! FINN HELP ME!" I scream, causing Jacob to chuckle.
"He cant hear you baby. Its just you and me out here, no one can" he says, leaving trails of kisses on my neck and collarbone.
The anxiety starts to take over my body as i realize whats about to happen.
No one can hear me out here, no one can save me. Jacobs never gonna let me get away again, theres no escaping this. It was about to happen. Everything ive been fearing was about to happen.
Everything that has kept me awake every night for the last couple months.
I was never going to see Finn again. I was never going to look into those beautiful brown eyes.
Never going to be able to kiss him again, to tell him i love him again.
Never going to hear his sarcastic comments, or see his adorable little smile ever again.
And then, I completely shut down.
I stopped screaming, stopped fighting.
I slumped against the tree as the blackness clouded my vision and my heart dropped to the pit of my stomach. Tears continuously fell down my cheeks like a river.
Jacob ripped my shirt open, leaving hickeys on my chest and down my stomach.
He started to pull down my pants and i whimpered, closing my eyes and preparing for what was about to happen.
Suddenly, a fist comes out of nowhere and collides with Jacobs face, hard, causing him to fall to the ground with a groan of pain.
"GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM MY GIRL YOU SICK BASTARD" Finn yells, pulling Jacob up by the collar and slamming him back on the ground, kicking him in the sides.
I feel the ropes around my body go slack and turn around to see Jack cutting me loose.
"Jack" i say weakly, more tears falling out of my eyes.
The ropes fall off and Jack catches me before i fall to the ground.
"Hey Kels, sorry it took us so long to get here. These woods are huge" he says into my shoulder, hugging me tightly.
Jacob stands up and brushes himself off, his face beaten and bruised and his lip bleeding.
"Shes MINE" he shouts, swinging a punch at Finn, which he dodges.
"HOW FUCKING DARE YOU TOUCH HER LIKE THAT" finn screams with so much venom in his voice, more pissed off than i have ever seen anyone, and certainly him.
He takes another swing at Jacob, hitting him right in the nose, causing him to stagger back.
"HOW DARE YOU. HOW MOTHERFUCKING DARE YOU" he says grabbing him by the shirt and repeatedly punching him in the face.
"IM GONNA KILL YOU YOU LITTLE PIECE OF SHIT IM GONNA FUCKING KILL YOU" jacob is pretty close to being unconscious right now, his face covered in black and blue lumps.
Jaeden, Caleb, and Gaten come out of nowhere and grab Finn, struggling holding him back.
Jacob drops to the ground, barely moving.
"IM GONNA FUCKING KILL YOU" finn yells, trying to break loose from them.
"Let me go!!" He yells in Calebs face.
"No. Youve done enough damage already. The kid is barely conscious. We'll let the police handle the rest, lets go" caleb replies, and with the help of Jaeden and Gaten they start walking away with Jack and me leading them.
I hunch into Jacks side, shaking all over, having an anxiety attack. I cant say or do anything, all i can think about is what just happened, what he did to me those other times, what my dad did to me and my mom.
Jack started to guide me out of the woods, but i heard a running noise and turned around. Jacobs fist collided with the back of Finns head, hard, causing him to fall over.
"Finn? Finn buddy wake up!" Gaten says, shaking him.
"He mustve hit something important, hes out cold!" I stopped in my tracks and turned around, my body going numb.
Finn lay face down on the ground, blood starting to pour from an open wound in the back of his head. Behind him stood Jacob, holding a large rock with a crazy grin on his face.
"Hand her over, and no one gets hurt" he says like the maniac he is.
Jack starts to lunge toward him, but i touch his shoulder, holding him back.
All the fear i was feeling a few moments ago was completely gone, replaced by anger.
Complete and utter anger, more anger than ive ever felt in my entire life.
I remembered all the shit he'd put me through, all the nights i spent wide awake in fear because of this bastard.
and then i looked and saw finns unconscious body laying on the ground, and it just fueled the fire even more.
I was seeing red, so pissed off i could barely even control myself. I took a step toward him, causing his grin to stretch even farther on his face.
"No!" All the boys yelled, trying to hold me back, but i just brushed them off and took another step forward.
"Smart girl" Jacob said, but before he could say anything else, i punched him in the face so hard my hand stung.
He stumbled backwards, holding his face in pain.
My self defense classes started kicking in, and i walked toward him, kicking him in the knee, hard and causing him to fall down.
Once he was down i kicked him in the sides, over and over. He grabbed my leg, trying to get me to stop, but i stomped on his hand so hard i felt something crack and he yelled in pain, but that didnt stop me.
I was seeing flames.
He got up and started towards me, but i picked up a heavy branch and swung it at his head, causing him to fall back again. I slammed it into the ground next to his head.
"Youve been terrorizing me for too fucking long. Im not afraid of you anymore. Its one thing for you to mess with me, but as soon as you start messing with my friends thats where i draw the line. if you ever show your face again, i will kill you. i will literally fucking kill you, mark my words" i say quietly, looking him dead in the eyes and for the first time, seeing a hint of fear.
He nods his head and gulps, looking at the ground. I slap him in the face one last time, turn on my heel, and walk away.
Finn is up now, staring at me in complete awe. I wrap my arm around his waist and together we walk back to the house.
Caleb, Gaten, and Jaeden bring Jacob, who is limping,  back to the house where all the girls are standing in the driveway, next to two police cars. They all run up to me and hug me tightly, not saying a word.
I feel a tear drip down my cheek, and soon i am full on crying, coming off my adrenaline rush.
We all sink down to the ground, still wrapped in eachothers arms, all of us crying.
A few minutes later the cop cars pull away, taking Jacob with them.
Finn and I make eye contact, and before i know it im wrapped tightly in his arms. I feel his tears hitting the top of my head and cry into his shirt, holding him tighter than i ever have before.
i lean my head on his chest and listen to the sound of his heart beat.
"Im so sorry I couldn't get to you sooner" he whispers into my hair, resting his chin on my head.
I just shake my head and bury my face deeper into his chest.
We stand there like that until everyone else had gone inside and we were the last people out.
Eventually we break apart, he takes my hand, and we walk inside together, leaving all the pain behind.

Authors note:
Honestly this chapter probably scared the only person that reads my books away. They probably aren't even reading this right now. I know this chapter is super graphic and weird and scary, but if you hadnt read my other note, im writing this from experience. Thats why it is so detailed. I write about it because it really really helps me to just let it all out. Talking about it makes it so much better. And honestly, i know this stuff freaks people out, so if you hated this chapter im sorry, but its really been helping me to write about it. Obviously not everythings the same, like ive never met Finn Wolfhard in my life. And there was no boy helping me through this. I changed the story a little for entertainment purposes. Okay sorry. No one read this. BUT IF YOU DID I FUCKING LOVE YOU SO FUCKING MUCH!!!!!!!💘💘💘💘💘💘

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