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"Im boooored" Jaeden says, flopping on the floor in front of the TV.
"How about we... play hide n seek!" I suggest, getting looks from everyone.
"What?" I ask defensively.
"What are we six?" Chosen asks, causing everyone to laugh.
"Im serious guys!! Itll be fun!"
"Besides, its not like weve got anything better to do" Jaeden chimes in.
So everyone agrees.
"But lets spice it up a little. Lets do full neighborhood hide n seek" ella suggests, and everyone agrees again. Like the toddlers we are, we do blue shoe to determine who will be it.
"Fuck" Finn says when he loses and becomes it. "Okay, we'll need more time to hide for this one. Count to 5 minutes" Jack says.
"No thats too long!" Finn protests, but we dont listen, we all just run outside and go our opposite ways.
I ran and ran until i found a good hiding place, behind a huge car wayyy far away from the house. It was gonna take him a while to find me. I sat down on the pavement behind the car, for the first time thinking this wasn't such a good idea.
It was pitch black outside, almost midnight. If anything were to happen there would be no one around to help me. Listening to my conscience, i stood up to head back, somewhere a little closer to the house.
As i was standing up, i felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand up, a feeling i was all too familiar with. I knew what that feeling meant. Someone was watching me. I looked all around and didn't see anyone, but suddenly, i heard a voice.
A voice I recognized.
A voice i never thought i would hear again.
"Kelsie! Long time no see."
I turned around and there he was.
I felt my heart fall out of my ass.
"J-jacob" i choked out. His face lit up in a terrifying smile.
"Oh kelsie. Did you really think i wouldnt find you, baby?" He said, taking a step closer to me.
"D-dont c-call me that" i stuttered, backing away from him.
I could feel my heart pounding in my chest, and my anxiety coming back. For every step he took towards me i took 2 back.
"Dont call you what? Baby? I can call you whatever the fuck i want, because youre mine. And you know that. You cant run and hide from me, Kelsie. Ill find you everytime. So you might as well just give up before it gets ugly." He threatens me, his crazy smile spreading even farther on his face, making him look horrifying.
"s-stay away from me. ill c-call my friends" i warned him, sounding pathetic.
Jacob laughed, a laugh that made every hair on my body stand up.
"Dont you remember what happened the last time you tried to run from me? Thats the thing with you. You never learn. You just keep trying to run" he laughed hysetrically.
At this point i was so terrified i couldnt even speak, my throat closed up. The world started to spin around me, and Jacob got closer and closer. This couldnt be happening. Not again.
"Finn" i called out weakly, not being able to raise my voice out of panic.
"F-finn help" i said, a little louder this time.
Jacob grabbed me and pulled me against him, then he pushed me against the car, so tightly i couldnt move. He started planting kisses on my neck and running his hands up and down my body.
"s-stop p-please stop" i could barely talk.
"I've missed you" he whispered into my ear.
That did it. My body started to completely shut down. I couldnt move or talk or think. Hot tears rolled down my cheeks as i accepted what was going to happen. My body went limp under Jacob, causing him to snicker.
"See baby? Theres nothing you can do. You belong to me and me only. Understand?" He asked.
I was paralyzed by fear, unable to do anything.
Then suddenly, I remembered the ferris wheel.
The way i felt then was no where near as scared as i was now, but i remembered one thing.
Finn's eyes.
His big, beautiful brown eyes. I replayed that moment in my head, the moment I looked into his eyes and knew i was safe. Using all the strength i had left in me, i screamed
"FINN!" It came out weak, but it was loud. Loud enough that he could hear it.
"KELSIE!" i heard finns voice from somewhere off in the distance. I heard the sounds of footsteps coming toward me, fast.
Jacob looked up quickly, sensing danger, and got off me. Just before he left he kissed me on the neck and whispered "see you soon."
And with that he was gone, and so was all my strength.
Everything i had built up before washed away, and my body completely shut down again.
I fell down onto the sidewalk, and curled into a ball, tears still flooding my eyes.
All I remember is seeing Finn's eyes, full of worry looking down at me.
Then the world went black.

What I never knew I always wanted (finn wolfhard x reader)Where stories live. Discover now