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My jaw dropped as well as Finns.

"wha- what why no" i stammered.

Um no. I do NOT want to do this.

I looked over at Wyatts face. He looked angry.. was he jealous?
Finn on the other hand just looked shocked.

"You have no choice. You chose dare. Buh bye!" Ella said, waving at me. I sighed and stood up.

"Fine. Start the timer"

"Not until you leave the room" she sings back. Sometimes i really hated this bish.

I gave Finn a look and he stood up too.
We started towards the door, and just before we left I turned around to get one last look.

Wyatt looked crushed. I gave him a small smile which he weakly returned weakly.

"Your time starts...now!"

Finn plopped down onto Ellas bed and me onto mine.
"Sooo.." he began.

"Oh save it. I dont want to hear it." I snapped back without even looking at him, just staring out the window at the beautiful lit up city of LA.
Finn turned to me.

"May I ask why you hate me so much?" He asked, anger apparent in his voice.

"Oh please. You think everyone you come in contact with loves you, because thats how famous people like you are. They assume that everyone likes them, that everyone wants to be them and thinks theyre better than everyone else.
Well not me buddy. You may be famous, but that means nothing. a lot of people know who you are, so what? Youre no better than any of the rest of us. In fact, were literally the same age and everything, so tell me, why the hell should put you above myself?"

I ended my rant. I realized i hadnt taken a breath the whole time i had been talking.  Finn stood up and walked toward me.

"Is that seriously what you think?
That i think im better than everyone else? That im some kind of stuck up asshole who thinks the world revolves around me? Because thats not true. Thats not who i am at all. You cant just assume you know me like that."
He yelled back at me, his face contorted in anger.

We were now only a few feet apart, glaring at eachother. I didnt know what to say because everything he said was true.

I didnt know him at all and I shouldnt have assumed I did. I just assumed he would be like someone else I knew, and I wasnt about to let myself get hurt like that again.
I wasnt about to admit I was wrong and ask for forgivness for being a bitch.
So, i just stared up at him, not saying a word.

Finally, he sighed and threw his hands up in defeat.

"Fine. You wanna hate me? Go ahead. Its not like anything i can do will change your opinion of me." He said, turning around.
"But just know, that i am not like that. And i dont appreciate you assuming i am, when you dont even know anything about me."
He had a point.

I sighed and flopped back onto the bed. He sat down on Ellas and didnt look at me, just stared at the TV. I finally gave up.

"Look im sorry. You didn't deserve that at all. Its just things from my past- things i cant really explain to you. It was wrong of me to assume i knew you when i didnt. I was wrong about you, and im sorry." I said, not even turning to look at him.

I suck at apologies, ive never been good at putting my pride aside.

We sat in awkward silence for what felt like hours, but was really only seconds.
Finally he turned to me, his expression soft.

"Can we start over?" He asked softly, raising his eyebrows a little. I sat up and turned to face him, nodding my head.

"Hi, my names Finn" he said sticking out his hand to me. I laughed a little and shook his hand

"im kelsie. its nice to meet you" i say, playing along

"and you as well. how old are you?"he asked, tilting his head a little.

"im 16, you?"

"i happen to be 16 too" he said grinning at me
" whens your birthday?"

"December 29th" i said proudly, assuming i was older.
"What about you?"

"December 23" he said flashing me an obnoxious smile.
I just rolled my eyes.
"So tell me a little bit about yourself" he said.

"Uhh well theres not much to tell. Im a sophmore in highschool, an only child, and im from Ohio. Not very interesting, i know"

"those are just facts" he says
" tell me some things about yourself that arent obvious."

This was something im not good at. I cant open up to people, not after what happened the last time. I tried to control my anxiety, i knew he didnt mean to scare me, he didnt mean it that way. It was just a simple question.

"Well, i love lucky charms and white cheddar cheezits. Also dogs. I LOVE dogs.
My friends tell me im very spontaneous, so i guess thats something too? Aaand ive never lost a round of mario kart in my life."

He raised one eyebrow at me
"in your life?"


"Hm we'll see about that, because Jaeden just so happens to have a wii. If you come by and visit then im sure your record will change." He says with a proud smile.

"Oh please" i rolled my eyes "you wish."

"No honey, i KNOW."

The next ten minutes were full of funny life stories, and random facts about ourselves. Turns out we got along a lot better than i ever thought we would, and he was really easy to be with.

I laughed, like genuinely laughed, so hard my stomach hurt.

We were sitting on the same bed playing Rock Paper Scissors when there was a knock on the door.
I went to see who it was.

"Wyatt! Well this is ironic" i laughed, but he didnt join.

"Its been 20 mins" he said looking past me at Finn.
I turned to look at Finn and gave him a small smile, which he returned.

"Well then lets go back" i said, walking out the door, with the boys behind me.

The rest of the night was full of laughter.
Finally, pretty much everyone was passed out on the floor except for me finn and wyatt.

Jack had come back a few hours ago, and him and ella had been pretty much inseparable.

I glanced over at the clock which read 3:48 am.
I had been awake for wayy to long, so i figured it was time to go back.
I shook Ella to wake her up, but she wouldnt budge.

"Ugh. Come on Ella, lets go, we gotta wake up early" i said shaking her.
It was no use. Once she was out, she was out cold.

"Having trouble?" I heard Finn's voice from behind me.

"Sadly yes" i said turning to face him
"im exhausted and she wont budge. we have to wake up really early to go to her aunts" i whined, not even having enough strength to keep my eyes open.
Finn chuckled a little.

"You're obviously exhausted. You can go back to your room, i got her"
Normally i would never agree to this, but the look in Finn's eyes told me i could trust him.

So, i trudged back to my room, fell on the bed, too tired to even get under the covers.
I was drifting off to sleep when I heard Finn come in. I opened my eyes just enough to see him carrying Ella and setting her on her bed.
She crawled under the covers and fell right back asleep.

I couldnt keep my eyes open any longer, so i closed them , allowing sleep to take over me.
but through my groggy, sleepy haze, i felt finn gently lift my body and put me under the covers, pulling them over me.

and then the world went black.

What I never knew I always wanted (finn wolfhard x reader)Where stories live. Discover now