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I woke up to a small ding from my phone. I groaned and rolled over to see what it was, but started cracking up when I saw Ella.
Half of her body was hanging off the bed, and her blankets were all completely on the floor. Her head was weirdly tilted back and her mouth was wide open, making her look ridiculous.
I opened my phone and saw a text from an unknown number.
Unknown: hey i know you have a busy schedule today, but is there any way you'd be able to go to the carnival on the boardwalk with us tonight? its gonna be fun!!- sophia
Did I mention i love this girl?
I texted her back telling her we'd be there, then started my mission of waking Ella up.
First I turned on all the lights and opened the curtains. That would wake any normal human up, right? Well not Ella. Then I started jumping on her bed, shaking her. Even that didn't work.
"Sorry El i really didnt wanna have to do this.." i told her even though she couldnt hear me.
I went to the sink and filled up the ice bucket with freezing cold water, and dumped it on Ella's face. Woke her right up.
"C'mon sleepy head let's go!"

We pulled up to her aunts house and i felt my jaw hit the floor. House is an understatement. This is a straight up fucking mansion. Elegant gates wrapped around the whole property. The exterior was gorgeous with green grass and colorful flowers, but the inside took my breath away. Two beautiful marble stair cases lead upstairs and a glamorous chandelier hung from the ceiling. The place was huge, my whole house could probably fit in the bedroom im staying in. I walk out onto my balcony over looking the ocean and sigh
"i could get used to this"

We agreed to meet Sophia, Jack, Wyatt, and Finn at the boardwalk at 7. Ella's aunt insisted on having her driver drive us, so, at 7 we pulled up to the boardwalk, in a limo. No big deal.
"Kelsie!" I heard my name being called, but I had no idea where it was coming from. Then I spotted Sophia, standing on a bench waving at us. So subtle. "It's so nice to see you again!" I said giving her a hug. "Yeah im so happy you guys could come" she said smiling warmly at us.
"Where's Jack?" Ella asked, looking around.
"He went with Finn and Wyatt to the bathroom or something but they should be back soon" Sophia replied.
Just then I felt a pair of arms snake around my waist. I turned to be face to face with Wyatt.
"Oh hey there" I giggled.
"Why hello" he said back, with a wink. I looked around, but I didn't see Finn anywhere.
"Where's Finn?" I asked, and i could literally feel Wyatt's muscles tense up. He let go of me and stepped back.
"Did I hear someone say my name?" I turned around and there he was.
"Hey finnie boy" i said, punching his arm lightly. He pulled me into his arms and ruffled my hair.
"Glad you could make it" he said smiling down at me. I realized how much taller than me he was. I guess yesterday i was too exhausted to process everything but this kid had almost a foot on me. "Yeah me too" i replied. I felt a tap on my shoulder, and turned to see Jack.
"Hey we haven't really met yet but my names Jack" he said holding out his hand for me to shake.
"Yeah I know, Ella's told me aaall about you" i giggled.
"Kelsie!!" Ella yelled, causing me to crack up.
This was gonna be a fun night.

"No, no way. There is no way im riding that"
When I agreed to come to the carnival, i had conveniently forgot my fear of heights, but here i am, looking up at a ferris wheel at least a million feet high.
"Oh come onnn you gotta come with me! Pleaaaase? It would be so lame to go by myself!" Finn pretty much begged me.
"No. Your begging wont do shit. There is absolutely nothing you can do to get me to go on that."
"Hmm nothing huh?" He replied, stepping closer to me.
"What do you m-" before i could finish my sentence Finn had already swept me off my feet and thrown me over his shoulder, laughing like a maniac.
"Finn no! No no no stop!" I yelled, punching his back trying to get him to put me down. But he just kept running and dodging people to get to the ticket booth.
"I'll take 2 tickets" he said, a smile spreading when he saw the look on the ticket mans face.
We, well more like he, got our tickets and got onto the ride. He finally put me down once it was too late for me to get off.
"I hate you" i said, without looking at him. He laughed but he really didnt understand.
I have a major fear of heights, and i could already feel myself getting anxious. I knew it was only a matter of time before I completely shut down and had an anxiety attack, and i was not at all prepared for that. It would be so embarrassing, and not to mention Finn would feel horrible. What if he judged me? What if he thought I was too weird? It was inevitable. Ever since Jacob...
"kelsie" finns voice broke me out of my thoughts. I gave him a weak smile but he saw right through it. "Hey, you okay?"
He looked genuinely worried, his eyes searching mine. I really didnt want to let him down, i knew how badly we wanted to ride this. There was no backing down now, i just had to bite the bullet. "Yeah i-" i jolted forward as the ride started.
My breath hitched in my throat as i saw the ground shrinking below us. I couldnt do this i couldnt.
I grabbed finns arm, the world was spinning around me. I couldnt focus on anything. I distantly heard my name being called.
I looked at Finn and there was nothing but pure worry in his face. His eyes, such a beautiful, deep brown. They were so warm and welcoming, yet mysterious at the same time. They felt familiar and safe, and suddenly i was okay.
The anxiety melted away. I was so shocked i just sat there like an idiot staring at finn. I felt a tear roll down my cheek.
"hey hey whats wrong?"
"Heights" i choked out. His eyes softened in realization.
"Oh god kelsie im so sorry i didnt know-" i cut him off by laying my head on his chest. he wrapped his arms around me and, i was amazed.
here i was, facing one of my biggest fears, completely unfazed, because of someone i hated yesterday.
i closed my eyes and smiled as i felt the wind in my hair. Finn and i didnt say anything, just sat there, wrapped in eachothers arms, looking out at the amazing view of the lit up boardwalk and city. it was beautiful. breathtakingly beautiful.
"im sorry" I whispered, so quietly i thought he didnt hear.
"no dont be" he whispered quietly, running his fingers through my hair. "this is completely my fault. i shouldnt have dragged you up here. im so so sorry i-"
"Finn" i cut him off, turning so i could look into his eyes "you helped me get over my fear. one of my biggest fears that ive never been able to get over. you helped me. thank you. so so much" i felt a tear start to drip down my cheek, by finn wiped it off with his thumb, and kissed my forehead. and then the ride was over.
we made our way back to Ella Jack and Sophia. Ella was holding a giant bear. I wonder where she got that from. She saw me looking and winked at me, making me laugh.
"how was the ride?" sophia asked
turning to us.
"it was great" i said, and finn smiled down at me. looking around i noticed that we were missing something.
"wheres wyatt?" i asked. just then i found him. pushed against one of the game booths, making out with some blonde bitch.

What I never knew I always wanted (finn wolfhard x reader)Where stories live. Discover now