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I woke to a large banging sound coming from the kitchen downstairs, followed by a loud
"FUCK!" Sounded like Finn.
Sure enough, when i rolled over he wasn't next to me anymore. I slowly trudged down the stairs to see what was up.
Finn was standing in the kitchen, flour all over himself, looking pissed. A bunch of scattered ingredients sat on the table in front of him, and a large bowl with a yellow substance.
I tried to suppress my laughter when i saw his face, flour caked everywhere, literally everywhere except for his mouth. He looked like a snow man.
"W-what happened?" I asked, trying to keep a straight face but failing. Finn wiped his eyes and glared at me.
"Ha ha. Laugh it up. All i wanted to do was make you a nice breakfast, but the fucking bag of flour had other ideas"
At this point im pretty much hunched over laughing so hard i cant breathe. Finn just stands there, wiping all the flour off his face. I finally control myself and start to help him clean everything up.
"what-" before i can even finish my sentence, he smudges a handful of flour onto my face.
I accidentally swallow some and start choking on it. Finn just laughs like a maniac, clapping his hands and saying
"i wish you could see the look on your face!" I get an idea. I pretend to keep choking, but now i become more serious like I actually cant breathe.
I cough and hack and put on a whole show. His face becomes serious and he rushes over to help me. "Kels, you okay?" He asked, looking worried.
I use this as an opportunity to get close enough to smack him in the face with a hand full of flour, causing his freshly cleaned face to be splattered in white flour.
"You little faker. You are DEAD!" He lungs at me with more flour but i dodge the blow and try to run past him.
He grabs the whole bag of flour, and no joke, dumps the whole fucking bag on my head. He bursts into a fit of laughter, so hard he can barely stand up and falls over on the floor.
I take a clump of it from my hair and throw it at his face, shaking my body so all the flour will fall on him.
"Youre evil! I fucking hate you!" I yell, turning to walk away, but he grabs my hand and pulls me down to the floor with him.
He puts his hand behind my head and presses his lips against mine. I can feel him smiling into the kiss, probably because it feels weird as fuck to kiss with flour all over your face.
I wrap my arms around his neck and lean back, pulling him on top of me. He puts his hand next to my head, propping himself up. I run my fingers through his hair and pull him closer to me.
The kiss, which started off short and sweet, has now become rougher and more passionate. But im not complaining. I bit his lip a little, and his tongue slips into my mouth, exploring everything.
I feel my cheeks heat up. This is the farthest we've ever gone. Normally its just short little kisses but this is different.
My hands leave his hair and run down his back, feeling his chiseled muscles. They end up at the hem of his shirt, and i slide my hands under, roaming them all over his torso.
Suddenly i hear footsteps upstairs, reminding me that we arent alone, and anyone could walk down any minute. How embarrassing would that be.
I pull away from him, gasping for air. He gets off me and sits next to me, readjusting his shirt and breathing heavily.
We give eachother a look and then burst into laughter.
"Imagine if someone walked down and saw us" i said.
"Wouldnt that have been awkward" he says, pulling pieces of flour out of my hair. He stands up and helps me to my feet.
We quickly clean ourselves and all the flour off everything. I blush a little, thinking about what just happened, and what mightve happened if we hadnt been in this position. Finn notices and winks at me slyly.
Jack walks into the kitchen, followed by Ella. "Morning" ella says, yawning and flopping down on the couch, jack flopping next to her and turning the tv on.
I see Finn slaving over the stove, making pancakes, and go over to help him. I look up at Finn, taking in how perfect this moment is.
Standing next to the love of my life on a Saturday morning making pancakes, while wearing his shirt, may i mention.
He notices me looking and grins at me.
"Ew. If you start making out im gonna puke" ella says, coming over to sit at the table. Finn just laughs and gives me a look like you have no idea.
We finish making all the batter and walk over to the table with a steaming stack of pancakes, which ella and jack literally attack as soon as we set it down.
"I smell food" Wyatt says, coming in followed by Chosen and sitting at the end of the table.
Not too much later, Sophia and Jaeden walk in together.
Ive noticed theyve been together a lot recently. I grin at her and raise my eyebrows suggestively, and she just rolls her eyes and sits down next to me.
"So whats everyone doing today" i say, digging into my pancakes.
"Im going to see my girl" Wyatt says, a little smile on his face. Im happy for him. A few weeks ago i might not have been, but now im just happy that hes happy.
"So am i" chosen says shyly, looking down at his plate, knowing whats coming next.
"WHAT?!!" El, Sophia, and i yell at the same time. He never mentioned a girl!!
"Who is she? Whats she like? Is she nice? Does she live near here? When can we meet her?" We all question him.
"Her names Anna, shes one of the most amazing girls ive ever met. I met her while we were out with Caleb gaten and noah. Shes great, you guys will love her" he says, smiling widely and blushing a little, causing us girls to absolutely die.
"Actually theres something we gotta tell you guys" jaeden says, taking Sophias hand. I knew what was coming, but i still lost my shit when he says
"sophia and i are dating."
I pretty much died right there, and so did Ella. Sophias cheeks turned pink and she smiled shyly. "Suprise!" Ella and i grabbed her hands and danced around the room with her.
Could today get any better?
"So were not doing anything today, but we have plans tonight. And besides, theres not even much of today left" i then noticed what time it was. It wasnt morning at all.
It was fucking 3 in the afternoon.
Everyones face looked shocked when they realized what time it was. Then they remembered why we had all slept so late, since we didnt go to bed til like 5am.
"Im meeting Marissa soon, so i gotta go get ready" wyatt says, standing up and leaving.
" me too" chosen says, standing up too. "I mean to meet Anna, not marissa. Duh."
"So. Where ya guys going on your date?"i ask, turning to Sophia.
"We were gonna go down to the boardwalk and get dinner, then go see a movie or something" sophia says, putting her hand over jaedens.
I turn to Finn.
"What are we doing then?"
"Mm i didnt really have anything in mind, if thats okay with you" he says, looking downt at his plate like he's embarrassed.
"Maybe we could just chill and do a game night or something?" His face lights up and he nods his head. "Jack, Ella, if you guys dont have plans do you wanna join?" They nod their heads
"yeah for sure" ella says.
We all clean the kitchen together, and Sophia and Jaeden head out for their date a few hours later.
Jack and Finn are inside playing some video game, so i use this as a time to get some one on one with my best friend.
Ella and i walk down to the beach and lay our towles down by the shore. We sit under the sun and talk about everything.
Apparently her and Jack have gotten to a whole new level... if you know what i mean. Its kinda adorable actually. Theyve gotten so close in these few months, and if shes happy, so am i.
"Pizzas ready!" Jack yells out the back door.
"Huh. Weve been out here so long i didnt even know they were making pizza" ella says, shrugging and helping me up.
"Its a gift from god that they didnt burn the house down" i laugh, slinging my arm around her shoulder and walking inside with her.
This was gonna be a fun night.

What I never knew I always wanted (finn wolfhard x reader)Where stories live. Discover now