Chapter 18

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Songs for this chapter

This Is Gospel - Panic! At The Disco

Daydreamin' - Ariana Grande


I wake up as someone softly shakes my body. I yawn and open my eyes to see Ariana smiling at me tired.

"How late is it?", I mumble and grab my phone, which's been lying on the floor next to the bed over night. "It's only 7:30!", I moan and roll over to the side. I close my eyes and try to sleep again but Ariana pulls on my arm.

"What?", I say and blink a few times. She holds her phone in front of my face and points at the screen.

Morning, honey. Did you sleep well? Please tell Luke to call me, I love you.

Great. Is my new job to talk to Mrs. Clifford for her daughter?

I sigh and grab the phone. "Alright..", I mumble and click at the contact. After a few seconds Ariana's mum picks up.

"Good morning", I yawn, looking at Ariana who's watching me carefully. "Good morning, Luke! Thanks for calling, I wanted to ask if it's okay for you both if you come over to the hospital? We will probably stay here the whole day and we thought if you come over, Ariana could also visit someone else.." It takes a few moments until I realize who she's talking about. "I.. I don't know..", I say and glance at Ariana.

Actually I would like to meet her best friend.. Meet is a strange word in a situation like this.

"You don't need to come. But please ask Ariana", her mother tells me. "Wait a second..", I reply and Ariana looks at me curiously. "Your mum wants to know if you'd like to come over to the hospital? You could visit.. your neighbour..", I say unsure. Ariana doesn't even hesistate for a second and quickly nods. "Good. She'll come.. We'll come.", I tell Mrs. Clifford. "That's nice! We'll see you later", she replies and hangs up.

I sigh and lie back down. "Do we need to leave right now or can I sleep for one more hour?", I ask and Ariana lies down next to me. I guess I can sleep a little bit longer.


"Stop it.. it's okay, I'm awake.. Hell, I'm awake!", I snap my eyes open. Ariana appears in front of my face again, she's already dressed and everything now. "Don't you ever wake me up by tickeling me again!", I groan and she laughs.

"For how long did you let me sleep?", I ask and grab my phone. "Oh, two hours. Nice", I grin and she pulls on my arm. "Yeah, okay, I'm up", I say and stand up.

Ariana smiles and leaves the room. I sigh as I notice I neither have new clothes with me, nor a tooth brush.

I rush downstairs and find Ariana making breakfast - Pancakes with Nutella. I grin and grab a plate. "Who told you about this amazing breakfast?", I ask and wink. She smirks before she puts the pancakes on my plate.

"So when are we leaving?", I ask as I sit down at the counter. She shrugs and looks at the clock above the microwave. "Right after breakfast?", I suggest and she nods. "But I need to do my hair and brush my teeth.. mind if we stop by at my place?", I ask and she smiling shakes her head. "Great. So now let's hurry up, your parents have been waiting long enough", I say and Ariana grins before she shoves her pancake into her mouth.

A few minutes later we walk through the streets, enjoying the sunny morning. "It won't take long", I promise as we reach home. I don't have a key with me so I ring the bell.

A few seconds pass until dad opens the door. "There you are", he states and lets us in. "I thought you'd come home after the party", he yawns and walks into the kitchen, probably making some coffee. I follow him and smile at mum as I enter the room.

"Morning", I say and turn to dad. "I was going to come home but then I stayed over at Ariana's." Finally they notice Ariana, who's awkwardly standing in the doorway. "Oh, hello, love", mum greets her smiling. "You're Ariana? Nice to finally meet you! Luke talks a lot about you!", dad says.

Oh god. I can literally feel my head getting red like a tomato.

"I.. No. I.. I don't talk about you that much..", I stutter and my parents laugh. "Alright, I just came here to brush my teeth and change, then I'll leave again", I quickly say and leave the room. Ariana follows me giggling.

Ten minutes later we find ourselves in the car. Dad decided he'll take us to the hospital, which I'm thankful for.

"So, who are you visiting?", dad asks and I cough nervously. Not the best topic, dad.

"Uhm.. her friend..", I say and glance over at Ariana who's sitting on the back seat with me. I can tell she's not happy with the whole situation but she tries to cover her frown.

"Oh.. well, hope he gets better soon."

Shut up. Please.

"We all hope so.." Let this be over please. Ariana let's out a sharp breath before she looks out of the window. I reach over and rest my hand on her lap. "You alright?", I whisper and she nods without turning her head.

After what seems like ages we finally arrive at the hospital. "Bye", I say and leave the car. Ariana tries to smile at dad but fails. When I'm home I really need to talk to my parents, they still don't know what happened to Ariana and I can't let them keep saying all those dumb things.

"Let's go inside?", I question and Ariana nods. We enter the hospital in silence and Ariana texts her mum to ask where her parents want to meet her.

The situation is pretty awkward and I try to not look at her. I feel really bad about what happened in the car to be honest. No, I'm ashamed. The whole thing is a big deal for Ariana and I don't want to make the whole situation worse.

Suddenly she taps my shoulder. She stands up and shows me to follow her. We get into an elevator and get out at the fifth floor.

Her mum's already waiting for us. She gives Ariana a hug and smiles at me before she tells us that Ariana's dad is still with his friend.

We follow Mrs. Clifford and reach a door with the number 483. "Right, you'll meet her friend now..", Ariana's mum says and glances at her daughter, who's taking a deep breath. "Let's go." Mrs. Clifford opens the door carefully and we step into a bright room.

My heart's racing and I'm really excited. There are six beds in the room. I look around and gasp as I see a boy lying in the bed next to the only window.

He has blonde, curly hair and even though his eyes are closed I'm pretty sure they are hazel. It's the boy from the picture on Ariana's wall.

I feel Mrs. Clifford's eyes on me as she says, "Luke, this is Ashton."


Thanks for reading!

In the last chapter I asked if you want me to keep updating once a week or if you want me to set goals and here's my desicion:

I don't know lol

I honestly don't know, so I just decided I'll try to set goals this one time and we'll see how it works out haha

So: Next chapter is up as soon as this one reaches 8 votes and 8 comments :)

Another thing, I know some chapters suck terribly and/or are too damn cheesy but whatever, I hope you enjoy this story anyway :)

Thanks to you all for reading, you're honestly so awesome and your feedback means so much to me!

I know this story might get boring from time to time but I'm trying my best

I hope you won't get annoyed and stop reading before the story comes to an end :)

Love ya xxx 

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