Chapter 16

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Songs for this chapter

Long way home - 5 Seconds of Summer

Heartbreak girl - 5 Seconds of Summer

English Love Affair - 5 Seconds of Summer

(So basically I was listening to the album, which is AMAZING by the way)


"Morning." "Morning", I yawn.

It's Monday morning and I just came to school. The weekend seemed like a totally different world, mine and Ariana's world.

"I've heard you've been hanging out with the punk on Saturday?", Calum says and grins. "He's not a punk!", I try to defend Michael, I now know that he's really okay. Calum laughs. "Calm down, I was just joking. He's cool, always getting the best out of a party. You should come to one soon!"

A party? I haven't been to any party since I'm in America to be honest.

"Sure", I say and he smiles. "There's one this Friday at Carly's. Are you coming?" I open my locker and grab my maths book. "Uhm, okay. Will there be a lot of people?", I ask and he laughs. "Dude, that's Carly's party!" I know what he's talking about, Carly's probably the most popular girl at school.

"Oh, hey, Michael! We just talked about you!", Calum says as Michael walks by. He stops and looks at us curiously. "Why?", he asks. "I told him you're like the party king", Calum winks and Michael laughs. "Not really", he tells me and walks away laughing while shaking his head.

Calum grins and asks, "Are you ready for Maths?" I nod before closing my locker and follow him down the hallway.

"You haven't just been hanging out with Michael, right?", Calum says and turns around. "Ariana was there too." I nod. "How do you do that? Seriousy, I don't get it", he says and shakes his head before entering the classroom. "I don't know.."

I'm really getting tired of people always talking about her. First of all, I hate being seen as the guy who actually got close to her, I'm also a human so why can't they treat me like everyone else? And second, why can't they leave the poor girl alone?

I roll my eyes and sit down next to Calum. "So you're coming on Friday?", he changes the topic. "I guess so."


Wow. That's nothing like the parties in Australia.

I get out of Josh's car and slam the door. Josh is one of Calum's friends, he's already twenty.

"Just wait till you're inside", Calum winks and walks past me. Josh locks his car and follows him, leaving me behind. I slowly make my way to the front door, where a lot of people are standing.

"It's ridiculous.. she's way too jealous", a girl with annoying voice tells a smoking boy. She rolls her eyes and gives me a dirty look as she notices I've been listening.

I quickly walk inside and find myself in a big room full of people. There's loud music coming from I don't know where and everyone seems to enjoy themselves. Even though it's not late yet I spot a few drunk girls.

"Luke! Hey!", Carly calls and walks over to me. "Are you enjoying the party?", she asks and grins. "I just came here actually", I tell her and she nods. "Okay. Well, c'mon and follow me, our group's somewhere back there", she smiles.

I do what I've been told and find myself in a huge living room. It's quite full and I probably wouldn't have found the others if Carly wouldn't have shown me.

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