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I felt someone softly shake my shoulder.
"Its time to get up, we gotta go so we dont miss our flight"

being the stubborn girl i am, i pretended to still be asleep. i dont even want to go, so screw missing the flight.

"Kelsie" the shakes became harder and harder until finally, i gave in.

i opened my eyes to see Ellas face inches from mine, an obnoxious smile on her face.

"Five more minutes" i said as i rolled over, knocking ella off me in the process.

"Nooo we gotta go now!!"

I pretended to have fallen back asleep, but ella ripped the covers off. As if that wasnt bad enough, she went over to the window and ripped the curtain over, blinding me.

"Ill be in the car- see you in five minutes!"
And with that she ran out

Two car rides and a plane ride later, we reached our destination, Los Angeles, California.

We checked into our hotel room and dropped our bags off before leaving for comic con.
When we arrived, Ella could barely contain her excitement. She was practically shaking.

I paid our uber driver and before i could finish thanking him, ella grabbed my hand and literally dragged me into the building.

I gotta admit it was a pretty nice building.

We stepped into a big room, full of people of all different shapes and sizes. Lining the walls were tables with people i didnt reconize standing behind them, i assumed they were celebrities.

" im so excited to meet Jack. I wonder what he'll be like. I wonder if we'll hit it off. I really hope so," ella says for about the millionth time today.

We made our way over to where the cast of IT was, and unfortunately we had to stand in a long ass line.

I groan.

"I know youre not happy to be here, but thank you so much for coming with me. Im so excited!!"

As much as i dreaded being here, i couldnt help but smile at ella. She seemed so happy, and that made me happy too.

"Oh please, you know id do anything for you babygirl" i said flashing her a devilish smile. She absolutely HATED when people said babygirl.

She scrunched her nose at me and dramatically pretended to puke, and I laughed at her immaturity.

After what felt like 100 years, we finally made it to the front of the line.
There were only a few people in front of us, and ella looked like she was about to shit her pants. She was legitimately shaking, and she couldnt stop smiling to save her life.

"You ready?" i asked, laughing at how pathetic she looked.

"As ill ever be" she laughed back.

It was our turn.

We walked up to a group of boys and a girl. Ella went first, hugging everyone. I walked up to the first boy, who had blondish hair and a shy smile.

"Hi, im Jaeden" he said giving me a small smile. I smiled back at him.

"im kelsie, its nice to meet you"

"nice to meet you too, are you a fan?" He asked, and i shook my head a little.

"Not really. To be honest im only here because my friend ella wanted to come, and its her birthday" i explained. He laughed

"you seem like a good friend. It was nice meeting you" he said, hugging me. He seemed like a sweet guy so i hugged him back and moved on down the line.

What I never knew I always wanted (finn wolfhard x reader)Where stories live. Discover now