Chapter 36

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I knew that Liam and Harry had to come to some resolution about their friendship after fighting for a while and probably not talking as long as I hadn’t talked to Harry. “We’re almost there.” I pointed out. I turned the corner and pulled into the parking lot. There were several cars parked in the front along with a whole line of police cars. The last time I had been at the station I was called in to look at a line up of suspects, none of which were Marcus. I hoped that this time would be different. Maybe Harry’s confession about the information on Marcus, or even Zayn, that he knew would finally bring this whole thing to an end.

I breathed deeply, working up all of my energy to exit my car and quickly walk up to the front entrance to the building. Liam followed my footsteps, keeping pace just behind me.

“Can I help you- Oh! You’re the girl from the break in.” The lady at the front desk looked up from her computer and widened her eyes at Liam and me. I walked up to the desk and placed my hands down on its surface. “Are you here because of that boy coming in?” She asked. I nodded. “I can call Deputy Marks for you.”

“Yes, please.” She moved around her desk and picked up the phone to call the deputy who was assignment to my case. I turned to Liam who was leaning against the wall. “You’re still not sure about this, aren’t you?” I asked, a slight tone of displeasure in my voice.

“Sometimes I think Harry needs to be put in his place after all the things he has done. That way, maybe he will learn something.” Liam was right, after all. People, like Harry according to Liam’s beliefs, needed to be taken down a notch, but I wasn’t so sure that getting arrested would be the type of notch that Harry needed taken down to. Liam had said it wasn’t the first time, but still. Harry was the one who came bursting into my apartment with Liam. He didn’t deserve it.

“Miss White?” I turned when I heard my name being called by an older man. Deputy Marks stood in the doorway that led to the back of the station. Harry was standing behind him, his face drawn out and bags under his eyes.

“Please don’t arrest Harry.” I said quickly, as to get to the point. I snapped my mouth shut when I realized that I had not even greeted Deputy Marks. I stood there and watched as his reaction went from serious to a smile, which made me so relieved. “Is there something I’m missing?” I looked from Harry to Deputy Marks and then back at Harry.

“I’m not being arrested.” Harry spoke. He sighed and rubbed his eyes. “I just told them everything and cut a deal.” Harry smiled and the dimples in his cheeks popped. It was strange to see his smile instead of annoyingly smirking. “I’m glad that you came out here though just to make sure. You and Liam.” He nodded over at his friend and Liam nodded back. I guess they were okay then.

“So what’s going on then? What was that voicemail? You sounded-“

“Don’t worry about it anymore.” Harry brushed off my worries and Deputy Marks cleared his throat. Everyone looked his way and he gestured for us to follow him down the hallway. I walked in first, feeling an arm snake it’s way around my waist. Harry pulled me close and Liam followed behind us.

“So Mr. Styles here told us about an ex-friend of his who was part of the break ins, but not yours.” Deputy Marks started. “We ended up getting Mr. Malik’s location in return for Harry’s knowledge and ultimately his involvement in the events to be kept out of the books. I was just about to send a few officers over to Mr. Malik’s with a warrant to search the grounds for signs of Marcus Snider being there.” Deputy Marks informed me on everything and I couldn’t be happier to hear that they were that much closer to arresting Marcus and maybe Zayn as well. I didn’t want to have to deal with another threat from Zayn. I just wanted it all to be over. “I am actually glad that you are here, Miss White. I was told that Mr. Malik had approached you recently?” I nodded. “Alright, I would like to have you make a statement on the incident and then we can get things rolling.”

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