Chapter 16

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“So this is the student center where student things happen.” I lazily pointed at the large building in front of us. I was showing my brother around campus since he had only been there briefly when he and my parents dropped me off last year.

“Oh, I see.” Mitch mumbled. “Not that this isn’t cool and all, sis, but can we go get some food? I’m starving.” As we walked back to my car, Mitch purposely stepped on the back of my shoes, making me stumble and trip. “Applebee’s?”  He asked.

I sighed. Applebee’s sounded fantastic, but who was there did not. “Uh, let’s go somewhere else.” I suggested.

“Somewhere else?” Mitch raised an eyebrow at me. “You always want to go to Applebee’s. What’s up with that?”

“Just some one who works there.” I shrugged. I really didn’t want to see Perrie if I didn’t have to. “I don’t know, maybe she isn’t working.” I grabbed my keys from my purse and unlocked my car. Mitch had said he wanted to drive, but my car got such great gas mileage that I wouldn’t let him. Plus I wanted to see a big guy such as himself in my little Prius. It was a sight to see.

He complained about Applebee’s the entire way around town to find some place to eat. He loved the place as much as I did. Finally, I gave in and groaned when I saw Perrie’s car in the parking lot. I breathed in deeply and told myself to suck it up as we walked into the restaurant and were greeted by a head of purple hair this time. Though, the face still was there and oh, that bitch face was present.

“Two?” She asked, raising a thin eyebrow. I nodded quickly. She rolled her eyes and showed us to our table. She slapped the menus down onto the table. “Your waiter will be right over.” She sneered and walked away. I groaned and slumped in my seat.

“That her?” Mitch asked, picking up his menu. He read it and waited for my answer.


“You should just fight her.” He stated bluntly. I chuckled and picked up my own menu.

“I don’t think I could do that.”

“Why not? Have a catfight.” Mitch leaned back in his chair and smirked. “Scratch her eyes out.” He chuckled to himself and then started singing Cat Scratch Fever. I hit him lightly with the menu and told him to shut up. Our waiter came by and we ordered our drinks and food. I knew exactly what I wanted and Mitch ordered the same. We had the same tastes in food. It was very convenient for our parents. They didn’t have picky children. We were content with eating the same thing.

Perrie walked by our table a few times and glared each time. I don’t know why she had a problem with me. I did nothing to her. She was the one that I had a problem with. She spread lies and was just a nuisance. She showed a few groups of people to their tables, but the last one made me extremely uncomfortable. Mitch saw my face and looked up at the group, eyes widening.

“You weren’t kidding when you said he went here.”  Mitch whispered over the table as Jake and a few of his friend walked by. I didn’t think he saw me, which was good. We were able to continue our lunch in peace, except for the few times I glanced at Jake’s table and saw Perrie leaning on the back of the booth, practically falling out of her top. Jake was smiling and his friends were too. I wondered if Perrie was still with Zayn, and if he knew that she was such a floozy.

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