Chapter 30

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I quickly pulled my heel from the mud and stumble back, away from the patio. “H-Harry!” I yelled again, hoping he could hear me from inside the packed house. The group by the fire pit looked up at me and watched as I freaked out. Marcus dropped the cigarette from his lips and threw it into the fire. I saw his lips move and his eyes widen when he saw me. He stood back and then slightly shook his head. He must have recognized me because he was grabbing his things quickly and starting to walk off.

They weren’t going to let him get away were they? Had no one known what he had done? His face, or rather a sketch of his face, was attached to the email sent out by the University. And he was just casually at a frat party.

As I watched his disappear from the patio, I saw Perrie stomp her way over to me. “What the hell are you yelling about?” She asked, clear annoyance in her voice. I glanced past her to Zayn who was watching as Marcus walked away from the party.
“Hey, I’m talking to you.” I felt a shove on my shoulder.

“Watch it.” I snapped. She raised a thin eyebrow at me and placed her hands on her hips.

“Excuse me? Why the hell are you here anyways? No one wants you here, or Harry for that matter. What are you two, together or something?” I couldn’t stand her annoying tone. I didn’t know why she had such a vendetta against me. Against Harry I could understand. He slept with her, a thought that made me cringe, and then he threw her aside. Hopefully that wouldn’t happen to me…

“Are you friends with them?” I asked to change the topic of Harry. I wanted to get away from the thought of him, especially after he forced himself on me to show up Will. I don’t think I will ever understand Harry. It would be a waste of time trying. And it was funny how his name was always the one I would call. I guess I just need him and no one else.

“They’re all my friends.” Perrie hissed, grabbing my arm. “And no one wants some crazy chick screaming for her boyfriend for no reason. Now get out of here.” She shoved me back and I stumbled before hearing the heel of my shoe crack. I took another step to steady myself and it cracked off my shoe. Damn, I really liked those heels.

“Funny how someone like you could have friends. What with being a super b.itch and all.” I shrugged, kicking my broken shoes off. People watched us standing in the yard. Perrie was smaller than me, so I bet I could easily take her in a ‘cat fight’ as my brother would put it. But I wasn’t going to fight her. I just wanted to get the last word in before walking off, leaving my shoes in the yard, and heading towards the house.

I pushed past the smokers standing outside the back door. I entered the house and made my way through the crowd of people in the living room. I could have easily found Liam, or even Nicks and Niall, but I found myself searching for Harry. It was his name that I called for after all. I had to tell him that Marcus was there and that he was friends with Zayn and Perrie and a few other people I had seen around before. His being friends with them scared me the most because he could have heard about my apartment from them. Perrie could have told him. I wouldn’t put it past her.

I found Harry leaning against the far wall next to the fireplace. He had an unlit cigarette between his teeth and a red cup in his hand. I approached his quickly, my heart pounding in my chest. What if Marcus had already gotten far away? “Harry-“ I spoke. His green eyes glanced down at me and he pulled the cigarette from his lips.  He set his cup down on the mantel above the fireplace and sighed.

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