Chapter 15

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I somehow made it through the week of hell, unscathed for the most part. I kept to myself in my classes and went home straight afterwards. I was thankful that Nicks had let me be for the most part of the week. No matter how much I loved her, her crazy was a little much to handle at times. I avoided Harry like he was the plague. I saw him a few times around campus and he just gave me the same smug look that I hated and found so frustrating. I also saw Perrie around campus, but she had since stopped spreading the lie about Harry and me. It made me rethink her as a person, but I wasn’t going to put my faith back in that girl. After all, she was one of the girls who had slept with the asshole himself. She couldn’t have been that great of a person. 

I also saw another person that I wished I hadn’t. My lungs felt so constricted when he came into my view. Yeah, it was Jake. I knew I should have been over him, but having him walking around campus and the chances of me bumping into his increasing, I was paranoid.

I was so glad that it was the weekend. My brother, Mitch was coming up to visit. I was sure that having him there would bring back some normalcy to my hectic life. I got a call from Mitch when he was ready to leave our hometown after visited our parents. That meant he was about an hour out, but with his lead foot, it was more like thirty to forty minutes. And that was about as much time that had passed.

My phone buzzed in my pocket and then sang out a tune, notifying me of a call. I pulled my phone from my pocket and saw the screen flashing with Nicks’ name. I answered it quickly. “Hey-oh!” I chimed. I was definitely in a better mood that I had been for the past week.

“We’re hanging out this weekend. No ifs, ands, or buts.” She said sternly. I laughed and agreed with her.

“Tomorrow. You, me, my brother, and whoever wants to hang out can come over to my place.”

“We’re going out. And by that I mean the bars. Saddle up girl. I’m getting you out in the world.” I groaned and Nicks laughed. “Plus, I would never get the chance to dance with your hot brother at your place.”

“He’s got a girlfriend.” I reminded her. She grumbled into the speaker of her phone and sighed. Nicks had a huge thing for my brother ever since she met him for the first time when he came with me to move in day. Then again, it wasn’t just my brother she had a thing for. It was basically every guy out there. All they needed was a pulse. “Plus, you have Niall.”

“What? No. Niall doesn’t like me.”

“You’re kidding me right?” I asked. I slapped the palm of my hand to my forehead. There was no way that Nicks didn’t know Niall liked her. I really hoped that she wasn’t playing dumb. “That guy follows you around like a little puppy. An adorable, blue eyed, blonde haired puppy.”

“Yeah? So, Will does that to you.” She shot back. “And he’s got a girlfriend.

“Well, wouldn’t be the first person to cheat on campus.” I rolled my eyes, thinking about Harry, and then I thought of the words I had just said. “Wait, I didn’t mean that Will would cheat on Gen. He’s not that type of person. I meant-“

“Have you talked to him lately?”  Nicks asked, obviously referring to my rude, upstairs neighbor.

“No. Why would I?” I grumbled in reply. My phone buzzed shortly and I pulled it away from my ear to look at the screen. My brother had texted me. He was a few minutes away.

“Maybe he saw the error of his ways and wants to apologize.”

“I doubt it.” I held my phone between my ear and my shoulder as I grabbed my keys to head outside and wait for my brother in the parking lot.

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